
Canadian Federal, Canadian Politics

Closure of Two Federal Prisons Creates Questions.

May 15th, 2012

The announcement generates questions the Canadian Correctional Service doesn’t want to answer. The online headline for the Public Safety Canada website on April 19, 2012; “Harper Government Announces the Closure of Two Federal Prisons” was made without much fan fair … Continue reading


Alberta Politics, Canadian Politics, Provincial Elections

Wildrose Smith – A Mixture of Palin and Paul?

April 15th, 2012

The Wildrose Political Movement. There is an important election being held on April 23, 2012 in Alberta.  The outcome could have a profound effect on the lives of Albertans, and some Americans as well. We dare to suggest the effects … Continue reading


House of Representatives, U.S. Senate

What About the Senate on Gun Reciprocity?

November 24th, 2011

H.R. 822 Passed the House, Now What? The H.R. 822 passed however, with that said, it does not mean the Bill will become law anytime soon.  During the last few months, the House of Representatives has passed numerous pieces of … Continue reading


House of Representatives, U.S. Debt, U.S. Senate

Super Committee – Just Another Caste?

November 20th, 2011

Trust us, there will be no pukka solution from the Super Committee! With media being garrulous on the Super Committee and the upcoming “deadline,” we began to wonder, do the American people as a whole buy it?  We hope not. … Continue reading


2012 Federal Elections, House of Representatives, U.S. Senate

20th Amendment – The Lame Duck Re-visited, Again.

November 19th, 2011

More evidence that Congress is broken… More than a year ago, we posted our first article on the issue of lame duck congressional actions, titled Shoot the Lame Duck!.  The post opines how ridiculous and damaging it is to have members … Continue reading

Main PPT Slide

2012 Federal Elections, Exectutive Branch, Executive Orders, Teaparty


November 11th, 2011

We are three years in to more (imposed) change than choice. More than a year ago, the following was written by someone close to us.  The article is posted here in its entirety with the addition of our current straight … Continue reading


Education, Exectutive Branch, Executive Orders, State Department, U.S. Debt

Occupy Sesame Street!

November 6th, 2011

Leave Wall Street, Go to Sesame Street. The U.S. is on top of its foreign policy, foreign aid game don’t you think?  We get it that most people don’t care enough to think or speak about issues; much less take … Continue reading


2012 Federal Elections

Bachman, Cain, Santorum: Remember the Alamo!

October 21st, 2011

We have three words for Bachman, Santorum and Cain; the three amigos. Bachman, Santorum and Cain have hammered Governor Rick Perry at the GOP debates for his unwillingness to strongly state that if elected president, he would build a wall … Continue reading


2012 Federal Elections, Education, Elections, Exectutive Branch

VP Joe Biden. A Most Shameful Politician

October 19th, 2011

Vice President Biden campaigns at an elementary school in York, Pa.! Say it ain’t so, Joe!  The fact that VP Biden is campaigning now (OBama has apparently given him permission to speak) is scary enough.  The fact that he recently … Continue reading

Rick Perry Steak Sauce?

2012 Federal Elections, Elections, State Politics, Teaparty

In-State Tuition Arguments Perry Missed

October 18th, 2011

Anyone who has listened to the news surrounding the Republican Presidential candidates and the debates is aware of the several attacks on Rick Perry for his support of in-state tuition prices for the children of illegal residents.  We are all … Continue reading