BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- January 15, 2013

Tuesday, 15. January 2013 by Sibel Edmonds


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BFP Nightly Quote

“Here’s your enemy for this week, the government says. And some gullible Americans click their heels and salute – often without knowing who or even where the enemy of the week is.” – Charley Reese

International Newsworthy

How a Govt. Report Spread a Questionable Claim about Iran

Iran Ready to Register Nuclear Weapon Ban as “Int’l Document”

Romanian Ex-Defense Official Indicted for Attempted Iran Arms Dealing can be Extradited to US

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The EyeOpener- Chatham House Rules: Inside the Royal Institute of International Affairs

Tuesday, 15. January 2013 by Sibel Edmonds

BFP Video
The Council on Foreign Relations is well known amongst researchers of parapolitics as one of the organizations of interest directing Washington’s foreign policy. Once derided as “conspiracy theory” the influence of the group is now a truism that is openly joked about in Washington’s foreign policy circles. The CFR is in fact a branch of a slightly older, slightly less-known organization: the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Born from the ashes of war-ravaged Europe following the Great War, the idea for the RIIA was forged at an informal session during the 1919 Paris peace conference. The group became synonymous with Chatham House and is widely recognized among foreign policy experts as the most influential think tank in the world.

Funded by partners, patrons and corporate members that read like a Who’s Who of the Fortune 500, including Chevron, AIG, Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Lockheed Martin, Royal Dutch Shell, the European Commission, and dozens of other corporations, institutions and foreign governments, Chatham House consistently attracts some of the best known speakers on a wide range of topics, releasing reports that set the global policy agenda, not only for Britain, but for much of the rest of the developed world as well.

In this second episode of EyeOpener Video Report Series on Secret Societies James Corbett introduces us to the Royal Institute of International Affairs as a perfect example of how some of the world’s biggest secrets are hidden in plain sight.

Watch the Preview Here:

Watch the Full Video Report Here (Subscribers Only):

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*The Transcript for this video is available at Corbett Report: Click Here

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Aaron Swartz’s Suspicious Death

Tuesday, 15. January 2013 by Stephen Lendman

“Does Aaron’s manifesto sound like someone planning suicide?”

suspiciousMedia scoundrels stopped short of truth and full disclosure. The Wall Street Journal headlined “An Internet Activist Commits Suicide.”

New York’s medical examiner announced death by “hang(ing) himself in his Brooklyn apartment.”

Lingering suspicions remain. Why would someone with so much to give end it all this way? He was one of the Internet generation’s best and brightest.

He advocated online freedom. Selflessly he sought a better open world. Information should be freely available, he believed. A legion of followers supported him globally.

Alive he symbolized a vital struggle to pursue. Death may elevate him to martyr status but removes a key figure important to keep alive.

The New York Times headlined “Internet Activist, a Creator of RSS, Is Dead at 26, Apparently a Suicide.”

He was an Internet folk hero. He supported online freedom and copyright reform. He advocated free and open web files. He championed a vital cause. He worked tirelessly for what’s right.

Internet Archive founder Brewster Kahle called him “steadfast in his dedication to building a better and open world. He is among the best spirits of the Internet generation.”

Who’ll replace him now that he’s gone? He called locking up the public domain sinful. He selflessly strove to prevent it. Read more ?

Our new BFP DVD “The Police State” is now available:

Monday, 14. January 2013 by Sibel Edmonds


Our second BFP DVD includes The EyeOpener Police State Series with James Corbett, plus 2 bonus BFP Reports – Blackballed: ‘How the FBI Bends FOIA’ and TSA: ‘Tyrants Sucker America,’ plus an exclusive interview with BFP’s Andrew Gavin Marshall and a Jamiol/BFP Political Cartoon Gallery.

Please support Boiling Frogs Post by purchasing our DVDs and packages. You can order this DVD for $15.95 + $3.25 S&H. You can also order our DVD 1, and other packages – just click HERE

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BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- January 14, 2013

Monday, 14. January 2013 by Sibel Edmonds


Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Support BFP

BFP Nightly Quote

“Whenever is found what is called a paternal government, there is found state education. It has been discovered that the best way to ensure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery.” – Benjamin Disraeli

International Newsworthy

Iran Unable to Get Life-Saving Drugs Due to Sanctions

European Airlines Cut Flights to Tehran

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Geopolitics with Ryan Dawson- Episode 9: The Real Motivations for the Balkanization of Syria

Monday, 14. January 2013 by Ryan Dawson

Ryan Dawson Presents Mahdi Nazemroaya

GPMahdi Darius Nazemroaya is an analysts and award-winning author of the book The Globalization of NATO. He was on the ground in Libya reporting live for multiple media outlets as NATO conducted its merciless bombing of that country’s civilians and infrastructure. Today we discuss the real motivations for the Balkanization of Syria and why there is a US and Israeli target painted on Iran. I highly recommend checking out this piece by Mr. Nazemroaya: The Endgame in Syria: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran for further analysis.

Listen to the podcast show here (Subscribers Only):

This Podcast is available to BFP subscription members only. If you are a member, log in to listen. If you are not a member, you can subscribe by clicking on ‘Subscribe' below.

This site depends exclusively on readers’ support. Please help us continue by SUBSCRIBING, and by ordering our EXCLUSIVE BFP DVD .

Jamiol Presents

Monday, 14. January 2013 by Paul Jamiol


Permanent Afghanistan Occupation Planned

Monday, 14. January 2013 by Stephen Lendman

When it Comes to Afghanistan Misinformation & Illusion Substitute for Reality

AFGAmerica came to stay. Accelerated withdrawal claims reflect subterfuge. Washington officials and media scoundrels don’t explain. Misinformation and illusion substitute for reality.

Reuters headlined “Obama, Karzai accelerate end of US combat role in Afghanistan.”

“Obama’s determin(ed) to wind down a long, unpopular war.”

The New York Times headlined ‘Obama Accelerates Transition of Security to Afghans.”

Obama is “eager to turn a page after more than a decade of war.”

“(B)eginning this spring American forces (will) play only a supporting role in Afghanistan.” Read more ?

Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol Music, Episode 53

Saturday, 12. January 2013 by Paul Jamiol

Willie Dixon– “Can’t Quit You Baby”


We start our second year of the Soothing the Beast BFP/Jamiol music pick with some serious blues. Willie Dixon’s performance of I Can’t Quit You Baby puts us in smokey club (well not these days) listening to a blues great. Dixon was an American blues musician, vocalist, songwriter, arranger and record producer. His songwriting gave hits to the likes of Muddy Waters, Cream, Chuck Berry, Little Walter, The Yardbirds and Rolling Stones. Back to that club…grab your drink, sit back and soak some blues Willie Dixon style…enjoy…DJPJ Read more ?

Podcast Show #103: The Rise of the Police State & Ever-Expanding Perpetual Wars

Friday, 11. January 2013 by Sibel Edmonds

The Boiling Frogs Show Presents Stephen Lendman

BFP Podcast Logo

Author and analyst Stephen Lendman joins us to discuss the Obama Presidency, the rise of the Police State in the USA, the Two-Sides-of-The-Same-Coin party system, the sham election system and campaign financing, our ever-expanding perpetual wars, and the grand scheme involved in our imperial pursuits targeting Syria and Iran.

Listen to the preview Here

LendmanStephen Lendman- BFP Contributing Author & Analyst
Stephen Lendman was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. He received a Harvard BA in 1956 and a Wharton MBA in 1960. Since 2005, Mr. Lendman has been writing on vital world and national topics, including war and peace, American imperialism, corporate dominance, political persecutions, and a range of other social, economic and political issues. He hosts The Progressive Radio News Hour on The Progressive Radio Network. Visit Mr. Lendman’s blog site here. He can be reached at

Here is our guest Stephen Lendman unplugged!

This Podcast is available to BFP subscription members only. If you are a member, log in to listen. If you are not a member, you can subscribe by clicking on ‘Subscribe' below.

This site depends exclusively on readers’ support. Please help us continue by SUBSCRIBING, and by ordering our EXCLUSIVE BFP DVD .