While the Restaurant Opportunity Centers' initiatives target business, consumers have a big role to play. By choosing to dine in a place that works to improve labors relationships, we can indirectly "vote with our dollars."
Although modern medicine continues to take leaps and strides in significant areas of disease and illness, there are many simple remedies we can implement into our lifestyle that may help ward off future diseases.
The magic of nutritional lables is that they somehow level ground that can't actually be leveled. We'll never fix anything by replacing one product with another and treating the new product as mindlessly as we did the old.
Thanks to better working hours and cheaper travel, dining out in the cities where they work in or locales around the world is part of what it means to be a chef today; gone are days subsisting exclusively on family meals--or cigarettes, coffee, and amphetamines.
Her entrepreneurship, delicious food and ethical and inspiring way of life could lead to a new food movement in China.
Ultimately, high quality markets succeed because people get something from going there beyond a simple bag of produce. "Farmers' markets are the new town squares in America, where people have many conversations and feel and act like citizens, neighbors, and friends."
The use of genetically modified organisms (G.M.O.'s, or GE's) is a hot and volatile topic in the world of sustainable farming. Nordic Breads, however, is taking a stand -- and leading the revolt with rye.
When parents ask me what I think makes a fun lunch; I tell them that kids love familiar foods divided into compartments, rainbows of color and variety.
With its theme Feeding the World You Want to Live In, the 33rd annual EcoFarm conference convenes next week, bringing together 1,500 attendees, not just from California and the West Coast, but all across the country and internationally.
Enough is enough. Beyoncé's Pepsi deal was a serious lapse of judgment. And the White House tarnishes its own "brand" by selecting her to sing the national anthem at the inauguration, unwittingly boosting the beverage industry that is helping to drive the obesity epidemic.
Sometimes when I go exploring for food tales, I discover stories that are just dying to be told but find themselves without a teller. An unmarked food cart, a cookie served in meeting, a fruit cocktail handed to you at a wedding.
BurgerBusiness.com predicted that boxed meals with burgers would finally come to the U.S. in 2013 and we didn't have to wait long to see it.
The farm bill extension that passed was written behind closed doors and serves a few powerful interests -- not the interests of the average citizen, public health, and the environment. We should be outraged.
We not only need to reduce the amount of food we currently waste, but we also need to dramatically improve our high-calorie, high-processed, high-waste Western diet -- a diet which is literally killing us and destroying our planet.
What April Bloomfield has become particularly well known for, though, is her passion for what has come to be called "nose to tail" cooking -- utilizing every possible part of the animal and leaving nothing to waste.
Due to the vast amount of shrimps we like eating in Peru, its true that we need to control our desires and those of our fellow tourists who are coming to our restaurants more and more making Peru a top dining out destination in the world.
This tasty recipe is ideal for January when you want something a little lighter, but still need a bit of indulgence.
Like everything Tom Douglas touches, his most recent cookbook is fast turning to gold as bakers swoop it up to recreate a peanut butter cookie that Nora Ephron termed "the greatest cookie ever, ever, ever."
When it comes to kids and the holidays, visions of sugarplums do dance in their heads. Far be it for us to kill their dreams, but why not offer some treats that are both delicious and healthy?
Rachel Levine, 2013.15.01