The VA is getting a lot of good work done, using IT to much better serve veterans by helping address the disability claims backlog, maybe their biggest challenge. Sure, the tech is a work in progress, but the greater issue involves skepticism and low expectations.
Today in Washington, Oxfam is launching an ad campaign to remind members of Congress that "job creators" and "venture capitalists" don't always wear fancy suits or have well-heeled lobbyists.
The gay civil rights movement accelerated to such a degree that parents and family members no longer seemed as crucial an element in the political process. Yet PFLAG knew, both on a chapter and national level, that there was more they could still do, and more they still needed to do.
I recently met a guy named Jason Saunders who spent most of his childhood in the LA County foster care system. His story really brought home to me the urgency of finding permanent homes for the 500 children in Los Angeles County and the 104,000 children nationwide in the system who are eligible for adoption.
While the Restaurant Opportunity Centers' initiatives target business, consumers have a big role to play. By choosing to dine in a place that works to improve labors relationships, we can indirectly "vote with our dollars."
Jean Harris' work at the prison was hard-hitting, yet she was just about the last person I had expected to inspire me in such a powerful way. The only time I had heard of Jean Harris before this was on the front page of the Post, where she was portrayed as a cold-blooded murderess.
The text message is one of the oldest technologies in mobile. Yet 20 years after the first SMS was sent, the humble text message still has the capacity to transform the lives of farmers and contribute to rural development in Turkey.
Democrats are more united than ever on immigration. Meanwhile, movement conservatives and Republican leaders alike know that the GOP faces an existential crisis: It has to regain its competitiveness with Hispanic voters or go the way of the Whigs. So what is likely to happen?
As governments and international organizations continue to invest in Haiti's future, we must have the humility to admit that we don't have all the answers. Let's heed the advice that knowledge lives with people on the ground -- not within the bowels of bureaucracies.
India has been in an uproar for weeks over sexual violence against women.
The doctors told me it wouldn't happen again -- that it was highly unlikely. I trusted them because I wanted to believe it to be true. Yet it did happen again. A year and a half after my first son died, I lost my second son to cardiomyopathy, a rare and incurable heart disease.
Does it really matter if you recycle that plastic bottle? Does it matter where you buy your clothes or where they are made? Does taking public transit really make a difference? If you believe that our choices affect our lives and the lives of others, it does.
The stories of many HELP students provide universal lessons in determination and excellence that youth in other countries can apply to their own lives.
As the new year begins, instead of just making a resolution to lose five pounds or to call your mother more often (both fine objectives), make a commitment to think differently. Pledge to look around your community and think about what is needed.
The facet of challenges women face worldwide come with entrenched cultural nuances that must be reflected throughout individual aims that each government should commit to reach.
This is an interview with Kimberly Moon, who after a decade of human services work and practicing yoga began to merge these in the clinical work she was doing with at-risk youth in a residential treatment center in Massachusetts.
Mahatma Gandhi's granddaughter has spent her life as the custodian of his legacy in South Africa as well as the caretaker of Phoenix Settlement. I recently had the opportunity to meet with her.
Prior to the earthquake, the country already had some of the highest rates of violence against women in the world. In post-earthquake camps, girls and women are simply grabbed from their homes, taken from the streets, and raped by men either alone or in gangs.
For too long, the work of many of these groups attracted little public notice. Hopefully, however, that will now change. They will not be easily dismissed.
Matthew Bishop, 2013.15.01
Joanne Goldblum, 2013.15.01
Francine LeFrak, 2013.15.01