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64 Percent Of Republicans Are Birthers, Poll Finds

For the last five years, a small pocket of professional conspiracy theorists have carved out a corner of the internet for the express purpose of advancing the theory that President Obama was not born in the United States, his birth certificate is a forgery, and that therefore he is not eligible to serve as president of the United States.

But a new study from Fairleigh Dickinson University suggests that so-called birthers are far more numerous than previously thought. Sixty four percent of Republicans polled by the university’s PublicMind project said that it was “probably true” that Obama is hiding details of his personal history, including possibly his birth place. Also polled were the conspiracy theories that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job (25 percent of all respondents said that was “probably true”), that President Bush stole the 2004 election (23 percent), and that Obama stole the 2012 election (20 percent).

The survey found that 75 percent of Republicans believe at least one of the conspiracy theories that were polled, compared to 56 percent of Democrats who believed at least one of the four. Interestingly, while the overall likelihood of a respondent believing at least one of the conspiracies was inversely proportional to that individual’s knowledge of current events, Republicans who were more informed were also more likely to believe in the conspiracies.

(H/T Salon)


Corporate Profits Have Grown By 171 Percent Under ‘Anti-Business’ Obama

Business executives like to portray the Obama administration as the “most anti-business” in history, creating an “increasingly hostile environment for investment and job creation.” However, the data tells a far different story. According to a Bloomberg News analysis, corporate profits have grown by 171 percent under Obama, the most in the post-war era:

U.S. corporations’ after-tax profits have grown by 171 percent under Obama, more than under any president since World War II, and are now at their highest level relative to the size of the economy since the government began keeping records in 1947, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Profits are more than twice as high as their peak during President Ronald Reagan’s administration and more than 50 percent greater than during the late-1990s Internet boom, measured by the size of the economy.

Average annual corporate profit growth under Obama is the highest since 1900, whereas profit growth declined during both Bush presidencies. As a share of the economy, corporate profits have never been higher.

Unfortunately, this profit deluge has not been shared by workers, whose wages as a percentage of the economy have fallen to all-time lows. Workers also got dinged by the recent increase in the payroll tax, which was large enough to wipe out a minimum wage increase in some states.


NRA President Rewrites History: ‘The NRA Has Been Very Supportive Of Doing Background Checks’

Since President Obama unveiled his anti-gun violence proposals, National Rifle Association President David Keene has denied the NRA’s well-documented efforts to weaken background checks.

In an interview Thursday on CBS This Morning, Keene claimed the gun group has been “very supportive” of background checks, even though the NRA has fought to maintain the gun show loophole, leaving most gun transactions unchecked and undocumented. Although President Obama’s proposals include strengthened background checks, Keene dismissed them as “feel good proposals” that “won’t work”:

KEENE: The NRA has been one of the biggest supporters of the so-called NICS [National Instant Criminal Background Check] system which provides background checks. In the past, when they were talking about checks at gun shows, most guns sold at gun shows do involve a background check because they are sold by licensed dealers.

CBS HOST NORAH O’DONNELL: But 40 percent of guns are from private sales.

KEENE: Most of those aren’t at gun shows. [...] At the gun shows we suggested to the Bureau of Tobacco and firearms some years ago if they want everyone who has an exchange checked all they have to do is provide a booth and do it. They said no we weren’t interested in that, we weren’t going to fund it.

The difficulty comes in when you’re talking about you and me as next-door neighbors and you buy a new shotgun and want to sell one to me. How do you enforce a background check on that? We want to see the proposal. As a general proposition, the NRA has been very supportive of doing background checks through purchasers on the instant system.

The NRA has deliberately and methodically opposed background checks, and pursues this tactic both before and after mass shootings. In April, the NRA endorsed a Colorado bill that repealed state-run background checks on firearms. When the group opposed a bill in Delaware that would require checks on sales at gun shows, it conspiratorially floated the “true intent of this legislation is to move towards an ultimate ban on all private sales.” Far from being open to background checks at gun shows, as Keene suggested, the NRA would raise alarm whenever states sought to end this loophole.

Still, the gun show loophole is not the whole story. Thanks to the NRA, at least 11 states automatically restore ex-felons’ access to guns once they served their term, and many states allow violent felons to petition for firearms.

Background checks have near-universal support. According to a new NYT/CBS poll, over 90 percent of the country — including Republicans and gun owners — agrees on this gun violence prevention measure.


Republicans Brag They Won House Majority Because Of Gerrymandering

In a classic Kinsley gaffe, the Republican State Leadership Committee released a report boasting that the only reason the GOP controls the House of Representatives is because they gerrymandered congressional districts in blue states.

The RSLC’s admission came in a shockingly candid report entitled, “How a Strategy of Targeting State Legislative Races in 2010 Led to a Republican U.S. House Majority in 2013″. It details how the group spent $30 million in the 2010 election cycle to sweep up low-cost state legislature races in blue states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Their efforts were so successful, in fact, that Republicans went from controlling both legislative chambers in 14 states before Election Day to 25 states afterward.

In turn, the new Republican majorities would be tasked with redrawing congressional districts for the 2012 election. “The rationale was straightforward,” the report reads. “Controlling the redistricting process in these states would have the greatest impact on determining how both state legislative and congressional district boundaries would be drawn.”

This effort paid off in spades. As the RSLC’s report concedes (and ThinkProgress has documented extensively), a majority of Americans voted for Democratic congressional candidates on Election Day, but only through the miracle of gerrymandering did Republicans wind up controlling the House. From the report:

Farther down-ballot, aggregated numbers show voters pulled the lever for Republicans only 49 percent of the time in congressional races, suggesting that 2012 could have been a repeat of 2008, when voters gave control of the White House and both chambers of Congress to Democrats.

But, as we see today, that was not the case. Instead, Republicans enjoy a 33-seat margin in the U.S. House seated yesterday in the 113th Congress, having endured Democratic successes atop the ticket and over one million more votes cast for Democratic House candidates than Republicans. The only analogous election in recent political history in which this aberration has taken place was immediately after reapportionment in 1972, when Democrats held a 50 seat majority in the U.S. House of Representatives while losing the presidency and the popular congressional vote by 2.6 million votes.

The report credits gerrymandered maps in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin with allowing Republicans to overcome a 1.1 million popular-vote deficit. In Ohio, for instance, Republicans won 12 out of 16 House races “despite voters casting only 52 percent of their vote for Republican congressional candidates.” The situation was even more egregious to the north. “Michiganders cast over 240,000 more votes for Democratic congressional candidates than Republicans, but still elected a 9-5 Republican delegation to Congress.”

Though party officials typically dance around the unseemly issue of gerrymandering, this report is surprisingly candid and unabashed. The RSLC, after all, is tasked with winning control of state legislatures in large part so they can redraw congressional maps to the GOP’s benefit after redistricting. Because most states allow partisan redistricting, its understandable that the RSLC would release a report boasting of its gerrymandering success that “paved the way to Republicans retaining a U.S. House majority in 2012.”


Rubio Claims Obama Doesn’t Have ‘The Guts’ To Admit He’s Against The Second Amendment

Florida Senator and likely 2016 presidential candidate Marco Rubio was first out of the gate to criticize President Obama’s violence prevention plan on Wednesday, issuing a statement claiming that “Guns are not the problem; criminals with evil in their hearts and mentally ill people prone to violence are.”

In the hours that followed, Rubio appeared on a slate of conservative TV and radio shows to articulate his opposition to any efforts to limit access to assault weapons or high-capacity magazine, arguing that the policies “don’t work” and wouldn’t have prevented massacres like the shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Rubio argued that any gun restrictions would be ignored by criminals.”The only people who follow the law are people who follow the law,” Rubio told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. “Criminals don’t care what the law is. They ignore the law. That’s why they are criminals.” He went further, suggesting that Obama was exploiting the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut to infringe on the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens:

RUBIO: I actually think the president just doesn’t have the guts to admit it, he is not a believer in the Second Amendment although he states that he is. And that’s what I’m saying. The Second Amendment is in the Constitution. I didn’t write the Constitution. Neither did you, neither did he. If he doesn’t want the Second Amendment to be in the Constitution or he wants to reform the Second Amendment, then have the guts to admit that.

“I have questions whether or not he’s truly committed to the Second Amendment,” Rubio said during an interview with Laura Ingraham, adding that the administration is testing “how they can infringe on it.

But the Constitution permits a broad range of gun safety measures. As conservative Justice Antonin Scalia concluded in Heller v. DC, the government can restrict ownership of “dangerous and unusual” weapons and that “nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”


Wealthy CEOs Want To Force Americans To Retire Later

The Business Roundtable, a group representing the CEOs of the largest corporations in the nation — including the biggest banks, retailers, and insurance companies — is calling to raise the retirement age to 70. The group argues that Social Security is no longer affordable and plans to lobby Congressional lawmakers and the administration for its plan:

An influential group of business CEOs is pushing a plan to gradually increase the full retirement age to 70 for both Social Security and Medicare and to partially privatize the health insurance program for older Americans. [...]

“America can preserve the health and retirement safety net and rein in long-term spending growth by modernizing Medicare and Social Security in a way that addresses America’s new fiscal and demographic realities,” said Gary Loveman, chairman, president and chief executive of casino giant Caesars Entertainment Corp.

Loveman, who chairs the Business Roundtable’s health and retirement committee, said the business leaders will be meeting with members of Congress and the administration to press them to enact their plan.

CEO’s representing an organization called “Fix the Debthave made the same argument. But the idea that Social Security is unaffordable for future generations is nonsense. The program can pay full benefits for decades, and nearly full benefits after that, with literally no changes. Minor tweaks — such as raising the payroll tax cap — can render the program solvent for three-quarters of a century. Social Security is also statutorily barred from adding to the federal deficit.

It’s particularly galling for wealthy CEOs to call for raising the retirement age, as they are among those who will be least affected by the change. Average CEO pay for S&P 500 companies is nearly $13 million. Recent increases in life expectancy have only benefited wealthier workers in non-physical jobs. Poorer workers doing physical labor have not seen the same gains and would be most hurt by an increase in the retirement age.


Pennsylvania House Republicans Introduce Bill To Rig The 2016 Presidential Election

If The GOP Election Rigging Plan Were In Effect, This Man Would Have Won The Electoral College Last November

Earlier this week, Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus endorsed a Republican plan to rig the next presidential election to make it nearly impossible for the Democratic candidate to win the White House, no matter who the American people vote for. The election-rigging plan, which would allocate electoral votes by congressional district rather than by states as a whole in a handful of states that consistently vote for Democratic presidential candidates, would have allowed Mitt Romney to narrowly win the Electoral College last November despite losing the popular vote by nearly four points.

On Monday, seven Pennsylvania Republican state representatives introduced a bill to make this vote-rigging scheme a reality in their state. Under their bill, the winner of Pennsylvania as a whole will receive only 2 of the state’s 20 electoral votes, while “[e]ach of the remaining presidential electors shall be elected in the presidential elector’s congressional district.”

Pennsylvania is a blue state that voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every single presidential race for the last two decades, so implementing the GOP election-rigging plan in Pennsylvania would make it much harder for a Democrat to be elected to the White House. Moreover, because of gerrymandering, it is overwhelmingly likely that the Republican candidate will win a majority of Pennsylvania’s electoral votes even if the Democrat wins the state by a very comfortable margin. Despite the fact that President Obama won Pennsylvania by more than 5 points last November, Democrats carried only 5 of the state’s 18 congressional seats. Accordingly, Obama would have likely won only 7 of the state’s 20 electoral votes if the GOP vote rigging plan had been in effect last year.

One mitigating factor is that only 7 of the Pennsylvania House’s 109 Republicans are original sponsors of the election-rigging bill, so it is unclear that this is a major priority for the GOP state house caucus. Nevertheless, both Gov. Tom Corbett (R-PA) and state Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R-PA) support the plan, so there is a real risk that Pennsylvania Republicans will try to write the voters out of the next presidential election.


Glenn Beck And The Price Of Independence

It’s kinda hard to knock Glenn Beck’s hustle. Since leaving Fox News in June of 2011, Beck has kept himself busy with projects like starting a jeans label and relaunching The Blaze as a libertarian online network. His continued presence as a right-wing personality has shaped him into an odd species of self-help guru, urging his audience to live their best lives by embracing his personal blend of faith and politics. But now Beck has his sights set on a loftier prize: Building an American oasis for free-market values.

Last week Beck’s website announced his concept for Independence, USA, a shelter from the rest of the United States, which he believes is “going away from the values of freedom, responsibility and truth.” Beck’s vision for Independence would include a residential area where families could “bring their children to be inspired,” a marketplace dedicated to fostering the spirit of entrepreneurship, and a multi-denominational mission center modeled after the Alamo. The site also mentions that Independence was inspired by Walt Disney’s initial vision for Disneyland, a place where people could find “happiness, courage and hope.”

But because capitalism is the cornerstone of Independence, Beck’s brand of freedom surely won’t come for free. After all, if Beck’s dream becomes reality, his revenue-making production company would be the heart and soul of the new settlement:

There would also be an [sic] Media Center, where Glenn’s production company would film television, movies, documentaries, and more. Glenn hoped to include scripted television that would challenge viewers without resorting to a loss of human decency. He also said it would be a place where aspiring journalists would learn how to be great reporters.

An environment built primarily on capitalism—and Beck’s brand of news and entertainment—will have to turn a profit. And from the proposed theme park to the ranch where visitors can learn to “work the land,” Independence, USA is a vehicle for Glenn Beck to cultivate, build and benefit from his audience’s attention as well as their wallets. At its core, the concept of Independence—like the fantasy playland Walt Disney created nearly 60 years ago—sells nothing more than the make-believe world Beck has spent years building on Fox News, and later with his own media company.

In the event that Independence, USA becomes reality, it might be both interesting and instructive to watch how this young society–based on, among other things, a funhouse reflection of American ideals–handles its growing pains.


GOP Congressman Compares Obama To Saddam Hussein

President Obama introduced a comprehensive plan to tackle gun violence on Wednesday, surrounded by children who wrote to him after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), who has already threatened to impeach Obama over his efforts, attacked Obama for inviting concerned children to his press conference.

Speaking with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren on Tuesday night, Stockman explained his intent to pursue impeachment if Obama tried to use executive orders to combat gun violence. Stockman ended the interview by comparing Obama’s “use” of children to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, a claim so absurd that even Van Susteren rejected it:

STOCKMAN: If he thinks his bills are good, his law is good, then he should go through Congress, not just issue it. He’s not a king.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, we’ll find out tomorrow whether or not he’s going to do executive orders or whether or not he may ultimately seek to work with Congress on something.

STOCKMAN: He’s even using children. It reminds me of Saddam Hussein when he used kids.

VAN SUSTEREN: Uh, well that’s a little bit of a stretch, but anyway, Congressman, always nice to see you.

Watch it:

Since Sandy Hook, Republicans and pro-gun advocates have compared Obama to various dictators, including Hitler, Stalin, and Castro, while painting gun owners as civil rights heroes.


Meet The Republicans Who Want To Impeach Obama Over Gun Regulations

Republicans and pro-gun advocates are outraged over President Obama’s 23 executive orders to curb gun violence in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Though executive orders have always been a standard element of the presidency, invocations of dictators like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Saddam Hussein are becoming commonplace in the right-wing blogosphere. In reality, Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any other American president in the last century. The executive orders signed today focus on strengthening background checks, making it easier for law enforcement to track guns used in crimes, and ending the freeze on gun research.

Regardless of the facts, the movement to impeach Obama over these executive actions is spreading from fringe conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and taking hold among lawmakers and Republican activists. Here are five people calling for Obama’s impeachment:

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX)

Stockman plans to introduce articles of impeachment, calling Obama’s anti-gun violence efforts “an existential threat to this nation.”

Rep. Trey Radel (R-FL)

Following Stockman’s lead is Florida Congressman Trey Radel, who said impeachment “should be on the table” and falsely claimed that Obama wants an executive order to “ban guns.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)

Gohmert, a Tea Party favorite who recently claimed an assault weapons ban would have to include hammers, charged that the president’s action is “illegal” and grounds for impeachment. “The American Revolution was all about fighting such a monarchy — and that is not what the Constitution anticipates. It’s not something a Constitutional president would do,” Gohmert lamented.

Former Attorney General Edwin Meese (R)

Edwin Meese, former Reagan Attorney General and current Heritage Foundation official, is also taking up the call for impeachment. In an interview with Newsmax, Meese claimed Obama may have “really tried to override the Constitution itself.” Congress, he said, would have to take action, “perhaps even to the point of impeachment.”

Larry Pratt

The head of Gun Owners for America urged Republican lawmakers to stop being “spectators while the country is being torn apart” and impeach Obama. Pratt also attacked all gun safety laws as “the most pagan of paganism” because they assume guns and other “inanimate objects as possessing their own will.”


Rick Perry’s Solution To Gun Violence: ‘Pray For Our Children’

This afternoon, after watching President Obama’s speech on preventing gun violence, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) dismissed the administration’s proposals and suggested that only prayer can lower gun crime rates. Perry said Obama’s remarks “disgust” him and that, instead of responding to violence with new policies, we should “pray for our children.”

Perry’s remarks came in a press release on the official Governor’s website:

Guns require a finger to pull the trigger. The sad young man who did that in Newtown was clearly haunted by demons and no gun law could have saved the children in Sandy Hook Elementary from his terror.

There is evil prowling in the world – it shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations, and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds. As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be. Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice. Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help. Above all, let us pray for our children.

In fact, the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally. The second amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be nor will it be abridged by the executive power of this or any other president.

Contrary to Perry’s suggestion, the Constitution permits a broad range of gun safety measures. In the landmark Second Amendment case, Heller v. DC, Justice Scalia argued that the state can restrict ownership of “dangerous and unusual” weapons and that “nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”

Texas’ lax gun policies, as compared to nearby California, have caused a significant number of deaths along the Mexican border.

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Reagan Only Supported Gun Control Because He Was Senile, Prominent Gun Advocate Suggests

As he unveiled his comprehensive package of gun safety regulations on Wednesday afternoon, President Obama urged Americans to stand up to irrational opponents of restrictions on military-style weapons, noting that even President Ronald Reagan supported sensible restrictions on assault weapons. “And by the way, so did Ronald Reagan, one of the staunchest defenders of the Second Amendment, who wrote to Congress in 1994 urging them — this is Ronald Reagan speaking — urging them to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of military-style assault weapons,” Obama said.

Asked about Reagan’s position during an appearance on MSNBC shortly after Obama’s remarks, Erich Pratt of Gun Owners of America, suggested that Reagan only supported greater restrictions because he was senile:

ANDREA MITCHELL (HOST): What’s the problem with registering a gun? If you have a bushmaster, first of all, why would you have one?

PRATT: President Reagan owned an AR-15.

MITCHELL: And he supported gun control. He advocated…

PRATT: In his later years. We have to keep that in account.

MITCHELL: In his later years he was almost killed by John Hinckley.

PRATT: But all through his presidency he opposed gun control, that’s my point.

Watch it:

Reagan supported gun safety measures throughout his political career. In 1986, he signed into law the Firearm Owners Protection Act, which “banned ownership of any fully automatic rifles that were not already registered on the day the law was signed.” He later backed the Brady bill, expressing support for “a seven-day waiting period before a purchaser could take possession of a handgun, an even more stringent restriction than the five day cooling-off period that was included in the final legislation, and less stringent than the 15-day cooling-off period he signed into law as governor of California.”

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