Post-Iraq-War US Intel Chief Praised
The Myth of Human Progress
Stefan Thiesen: To BE - or Not to BE: Is Mankind in Midst of a Millenia Long Evolutionary Step? (6)
Kenneth Sibbett: No Pain Meds for the Poor in NYC?
Elayne Clift: Remembering a Rape Victim and the Meaning of Her Death
John Nichols: RNC's Priebus Proposes to Rig Electoral College so Losing Republicans Can "Win"
Rich Bergen: So You Believe In Some Gun Control, Just Not In Action.
Peter Michaelson: The Double Barrels of Gun Mania
Richard (RJ) Eskow: JetBlue and Its Friends Are Trying to Ruin Your Old Age
Steven Jonas: The Koch Brothers, Superstorm Sandy, and the Teabaggers
Rick Staggenborg, MD: *Guns And The Coming Revolution (3)
Kevin Tully: A Thought About Global Warming and Painting
Thorsten Pattberg: Iran: The Intellectual Property Rights of Culture
Martin Hill: Willie Nelson, put down the bong: Guns aren't just for the military (1)
Martin Hill: We Love You Maxine! A Tribute To A Great American Dog's Life
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Sara Aziz: Eviction of Palestinian outpost exposes double standard on settlements
William Finnerty: Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Enda Kenny confident of a deal ...
Suzana Megles: Will the 2013 Congress be Better for the Animals?
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Will other states join trend in divsesting from gun companies?
Daniel Penisten: Musings About The "Khans" Of Our Species
Steven G. Erickson: Movies Pre-9/11 and Post 9/11 Excuses
Common Dreams: Dad: Aaron Swartz 'Pushed to His Death by the Government'
Daily Kos: Helpful hint: Shutting down goverment as political stunt is not competent governance
Michael Moore: Excerpt from 'Less Drama in White House After Staff Changes'
NY Passes first Gun Laws Since Sandy Hook Shootings
Senators Schumer, Boxer Clear Path For Hagel's Confirmation
Wal-Mart to Announce Extensive Plan to Hire Veterans
In Debt, and Digging Deeper to Find Relief
Suicides In Military Rise, Even As Combat Lessens
Military Suicides Reached Record High In 2012
Senator Asks CIA Nominee When Drones Can Kill Americans
George H.W. Bush released from hospital
Rob Kall: Jesse Klein; The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in America's Schools.
Rob Kall: Exclusive: Rob Kall Interviews Noam Chomsky: America in Decline, US Operating Procedures for Blocking Democracy
Rob Kall: Glen Ford on Susan Rice, Gaza, Obama, Progressives
Rob Kall: Victoria Collier-- Election Theft, Integrity, Reform-- Update
Rob Kall: Carne Ross; The Leaderless Revolution
Rob Kall: Lawrence Wilkerson Interview; "It's not a Coup. It's Worse!"
Rob Kall: Cindy Sheehan-- VP Candidate, author Revolution, a Love Story
Rob Kall: Exclusive Interview: Chris Hedges: Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt
Rob Kall: Geoffrey Nunberg on Assholes, A-holism-- Who are the Biggest, and Becoming an A-hole as A Career Move
Rob Kall: Exclusive Interview with Phil Donahue on War, Media, Obama and Romney...
Eugene Robinson: Republicans' Destructive Game Of Chicken
"How do you justify closing 12 schools in North Philadelphia?" School Closing Plan Gets An Angry Reception | Socialist O
Phil Gingrey, Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock: The GOP's rape problem is spreading
Bill Black: The Most Embarrassing Financial Column of 2013
How "Public Opinion" is shaped by Paid Shills
Jan. 19th is 'Gun Appreciation Day': Mark Your Calendar
Deafening global silence on Julian Assange
Dan Froomkin: How Many Dead and Wounded Soldiers Ago Did Obama Give Up on Afghanistan?
Rob Kall: (Concluded) Petition: Reject Susan Rice As Secretary of State. She is a Nightmare of liberals and progressives
Rob Kall: (Concluded) Petition: Bring International Election Monitoring to the 2012 Ohio Elections
Scott Baker: End the Debt Crisis with debt-free United States Notes!
Vidya: (Concluded) Get DiHydrogren Monoxide out of our lakes, rivers, and oceans (4)
An Eskimo: Yesterday is ashes; tomorrow wood....
Gregor Gysi: Capitalism thought it won, but it didn't-it's just what remained.... (1)
Bill Clinton: The number one rule of competitive politics [is t...
Marshall Ganz: Some people say, 'I don’t want to talk about myse...
Mahatma Gandhi: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you.......
John Heywood: There are none so blind as those who will not see....
George Orwell: The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be...
L.P. Hartley: The past is a foreign country.......
Salomon Bochner: Mathematics is a form of poetry.......
Henry Ford: Whether you think you can, or you think you can't,...
Darren Wolfe: Public Burnings Of Voter Registration Cards
Mystic Wizard: Guruji's North American Tour (8/18 - 9/23)
Darren Wolfe: No Checkpoints! Darren Wolfe To Be On The Angel Clark Show On Wednesday!
Burl Hall: Envision This Interview Of Cr Lawn
TNProgressive: Gun Control: A Radio Conversation (1)
R-CALF USA: Former Gipsa Chief Dudley Butler To Address Independent Cattle Producers In Dakotas
Roberta Seldon: Increasing Collaboration To Build A Sustainable Future
M. Wizard: Pen World Voices Festival Of International Literature (1)
Roberta Seldon: Maintaining Economic Vitality In A Changing Climate
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: American Spring: Exploring Untold History
Kevin Anthony Stoda: My Octogenarian Taxi Driver and finding Insights into Oman |
Tsara Shelton: Spinning in Circles and Learning from Myself (20) |
Mary Wentworth: Socialized into Subservience |
Rico D.: "Once again" on "Article: No Pain Meds for the Poor in NYC?"
J. Edward Tremlett: "then why do you?" on "The worst Sandy Hook conspiracy theory yet-- Salon"
Doc "Old Codger" McCoy: "Define "poor"" on "Article: No Pain Meds for the Poor in NYC?"
kenneth sibbett: "Bring it on themselves?" on "No Pain Meds for the Poor in NYC?"
Jim Arnold: "Sharing ~= progress" on "Article: The Myth of Human Progress"
Tsara Shelton: "Yikes!" on "Article: Spinning in Circles and Learning from Myself"
Daniel Vasey: "Progress: Myth or Gamble?" on "Article: The Myth of Human Progress"
Rico D.: "This reflects a long established pattern" on "No Pain Meds for the Poor in NYC?"
Rico D.: "A question" on "Article: No Pain Meds for the Poor in NYC?"
E. J. Nunn: "Just look at progress as evolutionary change and advancement" on "Article: The Myth of Human Progress"
Georgianne Nienaber: US Sanctions Darken Internet in #Congo: http://www.opednews. #UN #Rwanda #M23
Holly McKenzie: @JoanWalsh For your consideration>>>>Are We Showing the World "American Exceptionalism"?: http://www.opednews.
Holly McKenzie: @NYGovCuomo Thank you for taking a stand. Pls read my article>>>>Are We Showing the World "American Exceptionalism"?: http://www.opednews.
Holly McKenzie: @DavidCornDC @BobShrum pls read & comment>>>>Are We Showing the World "American Exceptionalism"?: http://www.opednews.
Holly McKenzie: @DavidCornDC @BobShrum This was before Newtown. Gun Violence: The Time to Talk about Gun Control is NOW: http://www.opednews.
Holly McKenzie: More Second Amendment Madness: http://www.opednews.
Wilbur Rodney Moore: Many U.S. My Lai-Type Massacres in Vietnam Covered Up by Pentagon, Reporter Charges: http://www.opednews.
Wilbur Rodney Moore: The Koch Brothers, Superstorm Sandy, and the Teabaggers: http://www.opednews.
Wilbur Rodney Moore: RNC's Priebus Proposes to Rig Electoral College so Losing Republicans Can "Win": http://www.opednews.
Wilbur Rodney Moore: Why Obama's Gamble on the Debt Ceiling Depends on the GOP Being More Sane Than It Is: http://www.opednews.
Lance Ciepiela: The President and Congress, Let's "Kick the Can Down the Road" - Do You Agree?
Rob Kall: Do you support the appointment of Susan Rice to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?
M. Wizard: Are You Optimistic or Pessimistic About America?
Rob Kall: How Did You Vote? and Election Day Open Thread
Gary Brumback: So many antiwar foundations & NGOs, so much war (3)
Don Smith: Should Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson withdraw from the race, to avoid a repeat of 2000?
Lance Ciepiela: Whether Obama or Romney - Wealth Remains Concentrated in the Hands of a Few
Paul Cohen: How's the Electoral System Working For You?
Anton Grambihler: One Elector, One Vote
M. Wizard: Who is Most Responsible for Our Current State of Affairs? (3)