(And it doesn't even have to make any sense!)
The Right's One-Size-Fits-All Answer to Anti-Emperorism...
By Brad Friedman on 2/22/2005, 2:58pm PT  

We believe a BRAD BLOG commenter first brought it to our attention (apologies that we can't remember who), but DailyKos now has picked this up as well...

...It's an ad, reported to be from the Swiftees (experts that they are in all things political, not just John Kerry! Who knew?!) that was running on the wingnut American Spectator site and about which Kos said, "Funny thing is, you click on the ad, and it just goes to the USA Next homepage. No effort to even argue the case that the AARP is anti-troop and pro-gay marriage."

Are you offended by that sort of ad, Mr. Joseph Farah of the hate publication, World Net Daily? We await for your next indignant op/ed.

If this so-called "conservativism" gets any more so-called "compassionate" we may have to go into so-called hiding.