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Brad Speaks in Santa Monica...

...And other sorry excuses for slow blogging...

Posted By Brad Friedman On 23rd February 2005 @ 14:18 In (Uncategorized) | Comments Disabled

Once again, I beg your indulgence as I find myself at the epicenter of a number of important actions and responsibilities which all seem to be coming due, to a certain extent, this week!

To give you a brief idea of just some of those items...

  • We are about to announce a major initiative over at Velvet Revolution [1]. This has been in the works for some time, has been rather complicated to get all of the pieces in shape, and for the time being I am responsible for a fair deal of getting that effort launched. It has distracted me from more vigorous reporting here at BRAD BLOG [2] over the last several weeks, but I believe it will all be well worth it. So I continue to beg your indulgence in that regard. More on that very soon now...
  • I have also been working with a group of bloggers and other interested parties helping to organize an initiative that we hope will bring bloggers and mainstream media folks together to some extent, while helping to amplify the message and work of bloggers who are doing extraordinary work on various exposés which are not receiving the wide coverage they deserve. The core of that effort will be weekly conference calls (press conferences of a sort) with a presentation from a guest blogger, and questions/participation from other progressive bloggers and members of the media.

    Our first "pilot" call will be tomorrow with AmericaBLOG's [3] John Aravosis on the Gannon/Guckert scandal. In the next week or so, I will be the featured guest to discuss developments in the Clint Curtis matter.

    Space on these calls is limited, so if you have a progressive blog or are a member of the media who may not have received my note on the above via my Media Alert mailing list, please contact me via email [4] if you'd like to participate and I will forward your information to the credentials committee. (Representatives from Talon News will receive automatic credentialling).

  • There are several other items in play keeping me from blogging as much as I'd like. Amongst them, I am working on a number of Clint Curtis-related stories in the background, which are being held up --- surprise! --- by some folks who seem less than interested in some of this news getting out. But the work continues, and when the stories are verified and ready to roll here, they shall.
  • Lastly...I'll be making a presentation LIVE this coming Sunday in Santa Monica as a guest on a panel discussion as part of an exciting event being put together by CitizensAct.org [5] (and co-sponsored by VR [6] and PDA [7]).

    The two-day event is called "Who Got Glitched and How to Fix it?: An Election Reform Teach-In" [8].

    I'll be appearing on Sunday, along with keynote speaker Rep. Maxine Waters, and other illuminaries familiar to Election Reformers such as Bob Fitrakis (Columbus Free Press), Bev Harris (Black Box Voting), Butch Wing (Rainbow Push), Kevin Spidel (PDA), Blair Bobier (Green party Cobb/LaMarche) and many more.

    Use the link above for more info, to purchase tickets ($10, but hopefully nobody will be turned away), and download a flyer to distribute if you're in the CA area. If you are, please come on by and say hello afterwards. We're told that we'll all get out in time to catch the most important event in the world (in this town), the Oscars, which are on Sunday night.

  • That's some explanation of all the balls I'm attempting to juggle at once. So while I'm doing that, please feel free to consider this an Open Thread with, as always, much more to come as soon as time allows...

    Article printed from The BRAD BLOG: http://www.bradblog.com

    URL to article: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=1213

    URLs in this post:
    [1] Velvet Revolution: http://VelvetRevolution.us
    [2] BRAD BLOG: http://www.BradBlog.com
    [3] AmericaBLOG's: http://Americablog.org
    [4] contact me via email: http://www.bradblog.commailto:TheBradBlog@cville.com
    [5] CitizensAct.org: http://www.CitizensAct.org
    [6] VR: http://VelvetRevolution.us
    [7] PDA: http://www.pdamerica.org/
    [8] "Who Got Glitched and How to Fix it?: An Election Reform Teach-In": http://www.citizensact.org/pages/2/index.htm

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