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  • accredit

    Poor News Network: Accreditation is the vehicle for privatization

    by Terrilyn Woodfin, Poor News Network Bay View-just posted this piece as well- Students didn’t mince words at a protest to save City College at the...

  • money

    How the privatizers work: SFCC: a teacher speaks out!

    I recounted the very recent past employment of the interim chancellor because the new things I’ve learned about her have led me to believe that...

  • What would King say today about education policy?

    ‘Remaining awake through a great revolution’: Dr. King’s last sermon for you

    Four days before the US government assassinated Dr. Martin King (US legal verdict: King Family civil trial), Martin addressed over 4,000 people in the Washington...

  • orwell

    CCSF Faculty And Students Rally Against Proposed Changes, Cuts

    The attack against SFCC is just one of the first salvos in the smash and grab policies of Wall Street, the cyber technocrats, and venture...