Today in Brian Nieves: Preparing for Invading Armies
Submitted by .Sean on January 17, 2013 - 3:18pmFrom Brian Nieves' totally real column to Senate District 26 constiuents, distributed earlier today:
As it stands right now, countries have to buy and sell on the international market using U.S. dollars — this means when countries buy oil from OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), they use U.S. currency. I could go into lengthy detail to explain all the aspects of how America, as we know it, could literally cease to exist if we lose the coveted position the U.S. dollar currently holds as the international medium of exchange. However, I will say this: the America you are accustomed to would no longer exist, and it is possible (even likely) that we could become weakened to the point of inviting an invading army. If that were to ever occur, and I pray it doesn't, I want an AR-15 in every closet of every house in America. Some Missourians do not believe this situation would happen, and I fervently pray they are correct. I fail to receive comfort in believing that the weakening of our nation could never happen, and I would feel much better if American citizens were armed.
Emphasis added.
Read More »Preseason Tigerblood Power Rankings
Submitted by The Commish on January 8, 2013 - 4:54pmTiger Blood Tourney Power Rankings™ are calculated by combining published polls, subject to considerable human error, and proprietary computer rankings that objectively measure things of general importance.
Here's what things look like, as of January 8
Capitol Press Corps
MO8 Bonus Bracket
Martin: "Democratic Party Has Taken Us Toward a Kind of Socialism That Will Destroy America"
Submitted by .Sean on January 8, 2013 - 8:06amVia The Turner Report: Ed Martin is still saying ridiculous, extreme things.
Rex Sinquefield Shill Doesn't Think You Should Get a Raise
Submitted by Avery on January 7, 2013 - 6:21pmIn case you haven't heard, 79,000 minimum wage workers in the state of Missouri got a 10 cent raise on January 1. Of course, the anti-government shills at Rex Sinquefield's Show-Me Institute doesn't think the we should ensure our workers are paid a minimum wage at all.
Michael Rathbone of the Show-Me Institute wrote a Letter to the Editor in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch citing evidence from - gasp! - the Show-Me Institute that "'there is simply no evidence' that a higher minimum wage will stimulate the economy."
These anti-government crusaders don't think we should have any minimum wage laws. He says pretty simply in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
The market should set wages, not the government.
Unsurprisng, coming from Rex and his gang who have only bad things to say about anything government including public schools and income taxes.
Chairman Ed Martin
Submitted by Shannon on January 6, 2013 - 7:58pmToday in Brian Nieves: "Will today's entry encourage our Grand-kids to do Great Things when they read it?"
Submitted by .Sean on January 4, 2013 - 12:50pmRead More »
This is the longest post I've ever written but I literally just sat down and started writing and this is what came out! No resources, no outside influence. This is pure, straight up, and from the heart, and it defines my, Senator Brian Nieves, stand on Gun Laws. Please read and pass on.
Will we pass a truly Free America on to our Posterity? No, really, I'm serious about that question! I have actual worry in my heart, and a heavy burden for this Great Republic. Why?? Let me explain...
Since the Conn. Tragedy I have had people who are typically reasonably minded folks tell me we should allow further restrictions on weapons that are specifically designed to hold lots of rounds or have a military like function. I've had people tell me we should "Give in" just a Little Bit or maybe just compromise a bit concerning gun control. Listen, I'm not saying I've heard this from liberals - No, these comments and suggestions come from folks who are usually reasonable minded citizens! One suggestion was to limit each family or household to ONE or maybe just TWO "Assault Rifles" because there would really never be any reason for any law abiding family to have more than that! After I took seven or eight deep breaths, reminded myself I was talking to someone I love and respect, this is what I said:
I want my neighbors and everyone in my subdivision, city, state, and nation to have to own as many guns as they decide they would like to own! Why? Simple - Our Founding fathers were so very very clear about why they wanted us to have weapons. If we, as a nation, would collectively take a few short minutes, maybe even an hour, to actually research what our Founding Fathers said, in their own words, about gun ownership and gun control, we would see that what we arbitrarily refer to as "Assault Rifles" would fit squarely with what they wanted us to have! Keep in mind they had just escaped tyranny and knew, first hand, what a power hungry government becomes. They knew that unarmed people become "subjects" while people who are free to protect themselves are "Citizens." They knew that government, by it's very nature, will seek more and more power and that government has an insatiable hunger, almost a lust, for more of our money and our liberty! They wanted American Citizens to be free to protect themselves from, God Forbid, a tyrannical government. Am I afraid our government will become full blown tyrants in my lifetime? No, but I do understand the very nature of government and just like our Founding Fathers, I believe it would someday be possible! We must, as a people, guard today what we want tomorrow and therefor we can NEVER allow government to take even one more tiny little baby step in the direction of gun control over our citizens.
You might say, "Brian, that is an OLD Argument that doesn't apply to modern times," and even though I strongly disagree, I'll give you a more "modern" reason to consider....
You may or may not be familiar with the absolute Financial Crisis, no, EMERGENCY, our country is in but I'm acutely aware! We are living in a time where it is possible for the American Dollar to lose it's standing as the international medium of exchange. As it stand right now, countries have to buy and sell on the international market using U.S. Dollars - this means when countries buy oil from OPEC Nations, they do it with U.S. Dollars. I will not take the time, in this writing, to explain all the details of how America, as we know it, could literally cease to exist if we lose the coveted position the U.S. Dollar currently holds as the international medium of exchange but let me summarize by saying this... The America you are accustomed to would no longer be in existence and it would be possible, even likely, that we would be weakened to the point of inviting an invading army! If that were to ever happen, and I pray it doesn't, I want an AR-15 in every closet of every house in America!
I know, I know, some of you will say, "Oh Brian, none of what you've written about will ever happen" and I fervently pray that you are right and that 35yrs from now people are literally laughing at this writing! BUT, hoping you are correct does not give me the degree of comfort that an armed citizenry does.
Increased gun control only empowers government and criminals. Gun control laws empower government by making the people weak and empower criminals because they have no regard for what the law says anyway. Gun control laws only disarm the innocent and weaken those who follow the law. I want all of you to know, Friends - Family - Constituents and fellow Citizens... I will NEVER give even one little inch on the subject of gun control and will fight any measure that further restricts our God Given Right to defend ourselves and the 2nd Amendment that ensures that right to American Citizens!
Gun control is NOT about Guns.... it's about Control.
Star: "Missouri...Should Expand Medicaid"
Submitted by .Sean on December 30, 2012 - 8:45amRead More »Right now, it is nearly impossible for low-income workers in Missouri and Kansas to obtain health insurance if their employers don’t provide it. Both states have very low Medicaid eligibility limits. People go without care, use free health clinics, or use hospital emergency rooms.
The economic and moral reasons to expand Medicaid are compelling.
The federal government would pay all of the costs of the expansion for three years, and never less than 90 percent. Expansions of health care systems would create thousands of jobs and a huge economic development boost. Some populations who use state aid, such as the mentally ill, would be brought under the Medicaid umbrella, saving states money. People would be healthier and more financially secure.
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon intends to include the Medicaid expansion in his budget but will face opposition from the legislature. In Kansas, neither Brownback nor legislative leaders have said how they intend to proceed.
Hospitals, citizens and states’ economies will suffer if leaders allow an antipathy toward all things “Obamacare” to deny the benefits of health security.
Schaaf Advises Lazy Infants, Toddlers and Pregnant Women to Get Second and Third Jobs
Submitted by .Sean on December 30, 2012 - 8:34amRob Schaaf is an awesome person: "Sen. Rob Schaaf, a St. Joseph Republican, wants to roll back Medicaid eligibility standards for pregnant women and young children...'The people who are working, they can help themselves. They can work harder. They can supplement their income in various ways.'"
The real question before legislators in the General Assembly is if they have the courage to stand up to maniacs like Schaaf and expand Medicaid -- the right thing to do and the smart thing to do.
Medicaid saves lives and improves lives for our family members and neighbors, which is why Missourians overwhelming support Medicaid and favor expansion. Investing in Medicaid will also mean billions in new economic activity for the state, save taxpayers money in the long run, and create tens of thousands of high-quality jobs.