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Revisiting ‘Tactical Reality’

For my money, the most edifying email we’ve gotten during the post-Newtown gun debate was the one from TPM Reader SS (’Tactical Reality’) back in mid-December. TPM Reader MJ seems to have had a similar experience …

I was struck by something in ZB’s letter. I grew up in the Appalachian somewhat rural South (western North Carolina) and now live in suburban upstate New York. While I agree that there’s a distinct rural/urban split in attitudes toward guns, it seems to me that there’s been a big change in the rural attitudes over the last 30 years or so. The Bushmaster “man card” ads typify it for me.

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Josh Marshall

The Changing Nature of Gun Advocacy

Myself I’ve moved completely from one side of this discussion to the other in the past 10 years or so. I identified very much with the gun rights side of the argument and looked forward to the day when I could expand my collection of firearms. The sport shooting and home defense questions were strongest to me and I think I may at some point own a shotgun or two for those purposes.

Want to know the primary thing that has driven me away from gun advocacy? Gun advocates.

Here’s the rest of the email from TPM Reader ZB

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Josh Marshall

Jaw Dropping

This is what an assassination looks like.

Only this time the gun – put to the politician’s head at basically point blank range – misfired. And security (and seemingly a lot of adrenaline addled people) had a moment to wrestle him to the ground as the would-be assassin tried to reload or unjam the gun.

You have to see this video.

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Josh Marshall
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Not for Everyone

From TPM Reader LS

I know that you have probably far too many emails about guns and tribes to deal with. However, I feel compelled to provide some additional lines of support for your position:

I am a competent, mentally healthy individual who is very successful in my field. I am also a ditz with respect to anything that requires coordination. I am the kind of person who drives into a drive-in window and has to back-up cause I went too far. Over Christmas, the family was talking to my brother in law –a sheriff in rural Maine, a hunter, an NRA member –about the possibility of limiting guns, and the “defense argument” –that we all need guns to defend ourselves.

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Josh Marshall


From TPM Reader HM

What if I belong to two “tribes”?

Back then I described a city youth with lots of rural experience through a Dad who enjoyed camping and also through the Boy Scouts of America (The Hitler Jugend).

I own (luckily) property and homes on the Upper Delaware River in NYS. I am an avid fly fisherman (as I mentioned) and a deer and bird hunter. I do not own a pistol although I could easily obtain a concealed carry permit (excluding the 5 counties of NYC). They are fun to shoot but I responsibly decline the responsibility.Carrying a loaded weapon is enormously taxing on your powers of self awareness for the safety of those around you. I also have never believed that citizens should be armed in tightly packed urban situations. I possess none in this jurisdiction.

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Josh Marshall

Yep, Big Liars

Last week there was a big commotion about that NRA ad calling the President an ‘elitist hypocrite’ for sending his daughters to a school with armed guards while denying that same armed protection to kids around the country.

Most people focused on how disgusting it was to drag the President’s daughters into a political attack on the president or how the president actually wasn’t opposed to schools having armed guards and a bunch of other stuff. After all, the leadership of the NRA is one of the most rancid players in US politics. But it turns out the critics weren’t aiming high enough with the critiques.

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Josh Marshall
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More on Guns; AA Speaks

In my ‘tribe’ post about guns yesterday I reprinted an email exchange with TPM Reader AA. He’s now responded to the post. So I’m giving him the floor …

I had a reply written up, decided not to send it because it sounded too circular and admittedly didn’t progress the discussion. I do believe our exchange was productive and I value learning other perspectives. I read your Speaking for My Tribe post and thought you did a good job. We are products of our experience and surroundings.

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Josh Marshall

Clown Rampage

In case you missed it, Bill O’Reilly came gunning for us last night, going off on one of our reporters, Benjy Sarlin, for saying O’Reilly said something he said. Video after the jump.

O’Reilly also, bizarrely, accused us of ‘stealing’ the phrase Talking Points Memo from him. To this I would only say O’Reilly should be more careful about lying about us on TV. I’ve explained before where I got the phrase. So Bill, stop pretending you didn’t say things you said and stop lying about us. Otherwise, great work.

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Josh Marshall

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