Dennis Kucinich Carries Hannity's Water On Gun Regulations
I don't know what Dennis Kucinich was thinking when he appeared on Hannity a few nights ago but I do know he delighted Sean Hannity by validating right-wing fears about the over-reaching of the Obama administration and by letting Hannity's anti-Democratic comments beforehand go unchallenged.
Read moreSarah Palin And Fox News Say Buh-Bye
Don't say we didn't warn you. But now it's official: Sarah Palin will no longer be working for Fox News. According to RealClearPolitics, Palin turned down the contract Fox offered her. I'd love to know what kind of offer it was, given that they've not exactly been on the best of terms lately.
Read moreFox News Elevates Rand Paul To National Security Expert
A few days ago, I pointed out how Senator Rand Paul's political theatrics at the Benghazi hearing earlier this week launched him into a top spot on the Hannity show. It appears that Paul's stunt stuck. Last night, he was elevated again; this time On The Record hosted him to opine on the fighter planes the U.S. just sent to Egypt - as part of a 2010 deal, struck while Hosni Mubarek was still president.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Lies About Washington's Inaugural Speech Having "God All Over The Place"
Bill O'Reilly is a product of 1950's authoritarian and patriarchal Catholicism which considered atheists right up there with Communists and "Hollywood Jews" as the ultimate threats to the faith. Perhaps that's why he feels that it is his sacred duty to confront atheists about their godless ways. We see this in his bogus "War on Christmas" which seems to be based on fear and hatred of imaginary atheists who are trying to not just eliminate Christmas - but eliminate Christianity which, for Bill and other revisionist historians, is the core of what we are in America and which, as we know, is not true. We also see this in Bill's frequent interviews with atheists which, in Bill's twisted mind, allow Bill to use his intellectual acumen and moral superiority to vanquish these sinners. Fresh from screaming that atheist David Silverman is a fascist for not wanting religious Christmas displays on public property, O'Reilly, last week, tried to use his superior intellect to lecture another atheist and ended up getting schooled!
Read moreO’Reilly’s Double Standard On Releasing Tapes To The Public: Virginia Vs. Mackris
Bill O’Reilly just can’t let go of a racially-tinged case out of Norfolk, Virginia that nobody involved wants him a part of. Last night, O’Reilly crowed with victory over the release of 911 tapes O’Reilly has apparently spent the last eight months trying to obtain – in the name of the public interest. But we can recall how the public’s right to know never factored (pardon the pun) into a certain set of tapes in which Fox News’ most highly-rated news host was reportedly sexually harassing a producer. You listen to the Virginia 911 tapes and tell me which you think the public would rather hear.
Read moreSean Hannity Uses Pro-Choice Ad To Attack Pres. Obama & Pimp Pro-Life Lies
Fox News is the media mouthpiece for those who not only want to eliminate a woman's right to an abortion, but are also very upset that health care policies now cover contraception, which they equate with abortion, at no cost. The newest "outrage" in the pro-life community is an ad that, without the aid of Fox News, would be just another video among many done by the Center for Reproductive Rights. On Wednesday, "The Five" provided an echo chamber for pro-life indignation. Later in the evening, Sean Hannity used the ad as a means to attack the president about votes he took in the Illinois legislature (big, big, big in pro-life land) and whine about how he's forced to pay for women's birth control. Poor Hannity!
Read moreWaterboard Weasel Sean Hannity Welshes On A Dinner Bet, Too
Guest Austan Goolsbee pretty much demolished Sean Hannity's plans to spend yet another segment obsessing about his high taxes by way of pretending to care about Phil Mickelson. First, Goolsbee swatted away Hannity's claim that Mickelson pays more than 60% by noting that his accountants have said otherwise. Then, Goolsbee smacked down Hannity's contention that he pays 60% by pointing out that Hannity pays 60% “on the millionth dollar, not the first 300, 400,000.” That first $300-400,000 was obviously chump change to to the multimillionaire, self-styled “Great American.” Then Goolsbee brought up the dinner bet.
Read moreAre Fox News’ Outrage Tactics Turning Conservatives Off?
We Newshounds have created countless blog posts about the furious and exaggerated outrage statements made by the folks at Fox News. Take, as just one example of about fifty million, Michelle Malkin going purple over President Obama’s use of children as "human shields" in his gun control press conference. Now at least one conservative columnist is fed up with the vitriol from the right.
Read moreFox News' Newest Bogus War
Now that Christmas is over, the "fair & balanced" Fox News website lede headline (from early this afternoon) says the Democrats have declared a war on guns - not even a Cavuto question mark but a statement of Fox fact. The linked article, however, says "Democrats Introduce Expanded Assault Weapons Ban." But for those who don't read articles, the headline says all ya need to know!
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Poor Little Rich Boys Hannity And Carlson Whine About Their Tax Bills
“Great American” Sean Hannity is just beside himself that a great patriot like he is should be called upon to pay any more in taxes just because he earns more than almost everyone else in the country. But rather than just own up to that inconvenient and less-than-flattering truth, Hannity hosted a debate between Juan Williams and Tucker Carlson about Fox's latest hero, golfer Phil Mickelson, who has threatened “drastic changes” in the face of a higher tax bill. Carlson suggested we should ignore President Obama's mandate to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans for our own good.
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