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Your Business
and Online Presence

To thank our customers for their support, we created a unique program called Namecheap Deals. All our loyal customers are eligible to get exclusive deals to the most popular online service to help them grow your online business.

Explore Our Namecheap Specials

We carefully select our partners, to make sure that they are the best player in their industry and provide a service that is truly in demand among our customers. To take advantage of the offer, simply login to Namecheap customer account and if you meet the minimum requirements, we can redeem the unique coupon codes for each and every service totally free of charge.


Up to $150 in Ad Credit
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AdRoll is the Internet’s largest retargeting platform. It allows you to personalize ad campaigns based on customers’ visits on your site. By using these tools, you can generate numerous online sales, promote your products, and gain wider recognition for your brand.

Web Design

30% Discount
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Template Monster is one of the biggest arsenals of website templates. Each theme is premium quality and created considering the latest web design trends. Template Monster’s offerings are ready-made solutions for quick, easy, and affordable website creation.


Up to 4 months FREE
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SEOmoz PRO is the web's most popular SEO software, with over 17,000 businesses using the toolset each day. With SEOmoz software, you're equipped with weekly site audits, rank tracking, on-page recommendations, competitive domain analysis, and a community of some of the brightest minds in the search space.

Web Design

Up to 70 FREE Image Credits
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Depositphotos is one of the biggest photo stocks and offers a great collection of premium royalty-free stock photos, illustrations, and vector art. Find millions of high-quality photographs and vector images for all your print advertising and website needs. Images from Depositphotos can help lay the foundation for your websites, advertising, presentations, blogs, direct mail or other needs.

Web Analytics

15% Discount
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SEEvolution provides Real Time Web Analytics, heat maps, and website monitoring services with Google Analytics. Using SEEvolution services and advanced tools, you get the most extensive and significant insight about relevance and details about the usability of your page. Their datahelps improve your website and increase engagement.
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