"U.S. Postal Service Victimized by GOP Privatization Scheme"
(20 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Davey Crocket
said on 2/8/2013 @ 12:57 pm PT...
Wow, you scooped this story for sure...and got it right. I will go on record here at the Bradblog that ultra right-wing Davey hates the post office. Davey breeds dogs and trains them to chase postmen (oops...postpersons). It took years to develop this breed...I call them postmenaniens. They are small but they sure can bark...and scare the hell out of the postman (dangit...postperson).
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Davey Crocket
said on 2/8/2013 @ 2:38 pm PT...
Brad, I realize you are having a migraine over the us post office thing and I understand that...I really do.
Is that why you are silent about Dorner? This guy is in your own backyard.
I read his manifesto this is quite interesting. He listed a boatload of people he loved and respected--almost all of them left-wing (well, his second favorite president behind Obama is GHW Bush) types.
He also is PRO GUN CONTROL which is right up your alley. He also hates LaPierre which, again, puts him square in the camp of BradBloggians.
I just dont understand it. He is black, loves liberals, hates conservatives, hates Christians, hates the NRA, is PRO GUN CONTROL. THIS IS STORY IS A GODSEND FOR THE BRADBLOG but you are not covering it.
I understand though, I really do. Those damn rethuglicans f^king with the us post office...that is the real story of the day. Yup...sure is.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Diana Dem
said on 2/8/2013 @ 3:09 pm PT...
Randi Rhodes was just talking about this as you posted this on FB.
"Pre-fund 75 years worth of pensions..." We live in two worlds: Too big to jail/fail and set up to fail. The post office is the latter.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 2/8/2013 @ 3:17 pm PT...
Davey Crocket @ 2 said:
I just dont understand it. He is black, loves liberals, hates conservatives, hates Christians, hates the NRA, is PRO GUN CONTROL. THIS IS STORY IS A GODSEND FOR THE BRADBLOG but you are not covering it.
Wow. Seems not only can you not get enough of being wrong, but you feel it necessary to be both wrong and delusional and obnoxious. Well done!
Most remarkable, is that you actually seem to be proud of your wrong and delusional and obnoxious positions. Yup, I guess I'd cower behind a pseudonym in that case too!
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/9/2013 @ 1:34 am PT...
The hijacking of the post office evidences how far the Republicans will go to privatize everything...which is nothing but a way to convert taxpayer monies to corporations. All I can say is thanks for writing the story.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Irwin Mainway
said on 2/9/2013 @ 7:28 am PT...
NO budget was passed at all in Dec. 2010 and on the Federal government is limping along on extensions.
The Postmaster General is claiming the authority to act since Congress has not passed a budget regulating the USPS in years.
What would it be worth to private companies to be able to charge $4 to mail a letter across the country, $1 locally and reset wages to $10- $14/hour max with all seniority gone?
Enough to buy an office building filled with lobbyists.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Irwin Mainway
said on 2/9/2013 @ 7:49 am PT...
More from 'The Shock Doctrine': Privatized WAR for profit in Iraq. Vietnam was war for profit with the carnage of draftees an annoying hindrance.
She didn't go into 'what if's'.
What IF the 4th plane had slammed into the U.S. Capitol at 500 mph on live international television courtesy of CNN and Fox?
Hundreds would have been killed, the building would have been destroyed, the business of the House and Senate and possibly the Supreme Court unfortunately would have to be temporarily suspended.
There is your SHOCK and your Doctrine via the Commander in Chief Dick Cheney.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
David Lasagna
said on 2/9/2013 @ 8:06 am PT...
Davey Crocket(whoever you are),
I don't know that you care in the slightest but just thought I'd let you know that when you write obnoxious, weird, baiting comments like 1 & 2 above, you just come off sounding like an ass.
I realize this is sort of a sport with you, so maybe according to the game your playing you're scoring high, but to those of us not in your little self-indulgent, self-appreciation nest the impression you give is one of foolishness and meanness of spirit. If that's your goal, you're doing great.
But there's very little in there to take seriously.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 2/9/2013 @ 9:28 am PT...
Re Davey Crocket @2:
The topic at hand is privatization. Too bad you had nothing intelligible to add.
FYI: I've drafted an article pertaining to the teachable moment that arises from the response to Chris Dorner's murderous rampage. I doubt that you or any of your NRA friends will be pleased.
Sometimes truth can be a bitch for those who don't want to be confronted by it.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 2/9/2013 @ 10:11 am PT...
Yes, that Orwellian right wing effort to privatize the Post Office. Lead (as a co-sponsor) by those noted Orwellian right wing nuts: Danny Davis (D. IL) and Henry Waxman (D. CA). Passed both the house and senate by a mere voice vote because it was apparently a no-brainer for Orwellian Democrats and Republicans alike. No attempt to filibuster, no extended debate of any type. Put some lipstick on this ridiculous left wing hit piece, there's no "there" there... Have a good day ernie
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Ernest Olsen
said on 2/9/2013 @ 10:30 am PT...
Davy Crocket: Is that your real name or are you just a paid for con troll. Please extract your head from that other orifice and try breathing oxygen instead of methane.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 2/9/2013 @ 1:10 pm PT...
You are quite correct, WingnutSteve. The bill, HR 6407, which was introduced by Thomas Davis, III (R-IL) had two corporate Dem co-sponsors, Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Danny Davis (D-IL) along with a Republican co-sponsor, John McHugh (R-NY). It passed the House on a voice vote, so we really don't know who voted for or against it. We do know that it passed at a time when the GOP held the majority in both Houses and that when the Democrats gained control of both Houses in 2008 they failed to so much as offer to repeal it.
The title of the act is, indeed, Orwellian. And, unlike you, Steve, I'm prepared to make that assessment irrespective of whether it was strictly the product of the GOP or one that was joined by a couple of guys like Davis and Waxman, who affix a "D" at the end of their names.
Unlike those who can never criticize a Republican (e.g., Steve), I've repeatedly criticized Democrats on this site, and elsewhere--witness my recent criticism of Obama on drones, etc.
Truth is indeed a bitch for partisans who find it inconvenient. And the truth is, Steve, that this act is designed to destroy what was a perfectly solvent U.S. Postal Service. That truth cannot be evaded by the fact that you can find a "D" at the ends of the names of two of its co-sponsors.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 2/9/2013 @ 2:44 pm PT...
Irwin, you fucking spammer, go away. That has nothing to do with this thread.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 2/9/2013 @ 4:29 pm PT...
Chris, which one is the pseudonym for Irwin?
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 2/9/2013 @ 5:51 pm PT...
Oh I can be very critical of the GOP Ernie and not for the reasons that a close minded person might think. In fact I disagree with the GOP's stereotypical stance on most social issues. Don't let monikers fool ya.
But, back to your piece here. Your headline screams GOP. The sub-headline (not sure what it's called so I'll call it that) refers to some "right wing plan".
Then, let's look at the truth. It was a bipartisan effort sponsored by two prominent progressives and passed by a voice vote meaning the outcome was never in doubt and was not even close enough for any democrat to ask for a roll call vote. It sailed through the senate in one day even though it could have easily been held up by procedural rules such as the filibuster. It was bipartisan. Your headline and your reference to "a broader right wing plan" is intellectually dishonest.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Michael G.
said on 2/9/2013 @ 7:06 pm PT...
@Ernest A. Canning "That truth cannot be evaded by the fact that you can find a 'D' at the ends of the names of two of its co-sponsors." I have to agree with Wingnut Steve on this one. The title screams a bias that is unnecessary and inaccurate. As a lifelong active Dem myself, I have become quite disgusted at the inaction against the rightwing nuts. Although there is some rare criticism of Dems on certain blogs, it seems to come from trying to balance the aggressive attacks from the wingnut machine but it is still disingenuous. Maybe there's no winning when a progressive base doesn't as militantly- and blindly- march in lockstep to a bunch of think tank/corporate-derived talking points. Doesn't make it right and doesn't make it credible.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Doug Baney
said on 2/9/2013 @ 7:27 pm PT...
Did any one else notice what the Postmaster General actually said that
the Postal Service is unable to make a scheduled $5.6 billion payment to the U.S. Treasury.
One has to ask why if this is to pre-fund their healthcare and retirement costs for the next 75 years, they are giving it to the U.S. Treasury.
But why give it to the U.S. Treasury? If done this way the problem becomes, when the money is actually needed for funding the healthcare and retirement costs, the U.S. Treasury must give the money back to the Postal Service, and last I checked they weren't exactly rolling is cash.
So to pay the money back to the Postal Service taxes will have to be raised or more debt must be issued by the U.S. Treasury.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 2/9/2013 @ 7:47 pm PT...
Michael G @16 wrote:
Although there is some rare criticism of Dems on certain blogs, it seems to come from trying to balance the aggressive attacks from the wingnut machine but it is still disingenuous.
I suspect, Michael, that you are unfamiliar with the body of my work.
Try reading, e.g.:
ObamaCare: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription
Obama's Continuing 'Terror War' Policies, Failure to Deal with Torturers Raise Growing Concerns
Beyond Afghanistan
A Thoughtful Response to Robert Gibbs from the 'Educated Left'...
After doing so, please explain to me and to other readers, which, if any of those blistering critiques of the incumbent Democratic administration amounted to a "disingenuous" effort to "balance the aggressive attacks from the wingnut machine."
Fact is, those critiques have nothing to do with the charade of fair and balanced. They are critiques that emanate from the left, period!
Finally, if you truly believe that the title "screams of bias," I suspect that you are unfamiliar with the core libertarian, right-wing doctrine which calls for privatization and rejects the very concept of res publica.
Privatization is a core element of right wing ideology. The fact that there are corporate Democrats who go along with particular instances in which it is applied does not change that.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Irwin Mainway
said on 2/9/2013 @ 8:01 pm PT...
Irwin, you fucking spammer, go away.
Blow me than.
It is obvious the Capitol was the 4th target with hijackers looking for very large targets with clear flight paths.
FACTS - CNN had a live feed at the Capitol.
Fox routinely used a live shot of the Capitol as their backdrop.
Have fun digesting the meaning of a series of attacks allowed to happen, by either impeachable incompetence or deliberate, that would have ended with the total destruction of the home of the Senate and House as well as colleral damage.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 2/9/2013 @ 8:07 pm PT...
I think Ernie misunderstood Michael G's criticism of the blogosphere as a personal attack... Just my $.02