Archive for February, 2011

The return of the Gilded Age

Sunday, February 27th, 2011

There have been a couple of important articles discussing the New Plutocracy, first the seminal piece by Chrystia Freeland who describes the rise of a new global elite who have achieved an Anti-Marxian class consciousness and have transcended the nation state, leaving workers increasingly in the dust about the planet, and another by Kevin Drum in Mother Jones about how the current battle in Wisconsin over public employees’ colleective bargaining rights is the Waterloo of class warfare (in which, I am interpreting, Drum is suggesting the workers are playing the part of Napolean’s forces).

I really need to see if I can dragoon the busy (and now possibly mythical) Fubar into helping me restore our posts between ’04 and ’08 – I had been musing along these lines for some time.

Neither article cited outlines any possible solutions to this dilemma, they are both along the lines of “woe is us, with unions in their death throes, there is no significant funding of a liberal agenda on Capitol hill, and any progessive agenda without funding is dead on arrival.”

In the archived posts, I had posited some thoughts.  First, that the future of American labor lies in the sweat shops of Asia.   If American Unions continue in the grand American tradition of navel-gazing, they’ll quickly starve to death and leave a shriveled husk.  Labor needs to take a page from the turbulent years of the end of the 1800s and early 1900s, and start organizing the overseas sweatshops. 

Dangerous?  Hell yes, “Communist” China is every bit as nasty and anti-labor as America during the guilded age, except they are perhaps a bit more prone to just shooting outside agitators.  Necessary?  Of course.  As long as there is a pool of desperate workers willing to take any work at any wage under any conditions, in a   world of ‘free trade,’ then how can American Labor hope to compete?   Kinda reminds me of the mess in Afghanistan – porous border with a nuclear nation we can’t invade that harbors insurgents and has an unlimited, opium-fueled cash source…unwinnable.

But speaking of free trade, that’s the thing we can influence.   While we are helping the sweatshop workers of Asia to unite, why not agitate at home to weaken the various ‘free trade’ treaties here at home?  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to restore the other 1800s bad tradition of industry protectionism, with all that entails.  Rather, I would like to see the ability of a country to restrict and/or tariff goods on the basis of environmental and labor standards.  Sure, it’s easy for Chinese goods created in the midst of massive pools of toxic filth and clouds of noxious air and greenhouse gases to compete against American-made goods – but would they do so well if their price included a carbon tax or a pollutions ‘uplift?’  Ditto goods slapped with a ‘Fair Labor’ tax based on level of compliance with some basic labor standards.   I would imagine that would make U.S. manufacture of many goods quite competitive.

But in the face of Roberts V. Common Sense, which completed the final stages of Corporate takeover of the U.S. Government, how might we get any such laws passed?  By the only tool that remains to us, sadly, the power of the Boycott.  It’s folly to attack the Congressional Whores directly.  It doesn’t matter how many hundreds of thousands of folks show up to big peaceful rallies with their quaint, hand-lettered signs, they will just do what their Corporate bosses tell them – it’s how they will get elected, or failing that, where their next job/paycheck will come from in the revolving door of Plutocracy.

Nope, we need to bring pressure on the global elites themselves, in the only way they care about – their revenues.  Where to start?  How about sending a message to Koch Industries.  As Robert Reich points out, they are doing an exceptional job of trying to divide and conquer the other 99% of us.  About the only power we have right now, as (for a brief remaining period anyway) the world’s richest group of consumers, is the power of our pocketbooks.

In the meantime, we also need to update those old class conflict theories to the 21st Century to get something we can use to raise our own class conciousness and work to raise awareness both here and abroad.

Popular anger in Iraq

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

The street protests have finally spread to Iraq.  Surprising only because it took so long – I would think the Iraqi people are suffering more than anybody in the Arabic world nowadays, along anyway in which you wish to measure quality of life. During the early days of the Shrubya occupation, co-blogger Swopa was fond of discussing the role of Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s role as the behind the scenes ‘power broker,’ who could always pull the card of a popular uprising to stop the worst overreaches of Shrubya’s various Mayberry Machinations.

I had once mused that a real popular uprising could upstage Sistani and really bring about an end to the occupation (a concept that Swopa laughingly disparaged).  Well it seems like Sistani is in fact trying to get in front of the popular uprising train, except that it has already left the station.  Hard to say though if this is in fact the beginning of the end for Maliki, or whether this is just another bloody miserable episode in the string of misery that has become the lot of Iraq since the Repugs decided to trash the place and seize the oil

The (Newsmax) Empire Strikes Back!

Friday, February 25th, 2011

I am on a few reactionary email lists.  Normally I just delete them, but I got this funny one from NewsMax Corp.  If you aren’t familiar with NewsMax, they are the ass-clowns of the reactionary media world, basically doing Glenn Beck in print and online before Glenn Beck figured out the whole crazy/looney conspiracy theory schtick.  Anyway, here is NewsMax’s response to the situation in Wisconsin:

Dear Reader,

Bill O’Reilly was absolutely right last night.

As he said on his Fox News show the other night, the Democrats know that if they lose in Wisconsin and that if Gov. Scott Walker wins, it means that all across the country the public employee unions will finally have to give up their outrageous pay demands, lavish benefits and fat pensions.

And, as Bill O’Reilly said, this will be bad news for the Democratic party which depends on these unions.

Worse, he said, it is bad news for President Obama and his 2012 election plans, because he desperately needs these liberal unions to win re-election.

This is why team Obama continues to throw everything but the kitchen sink at Governor Scott Walker.

This is why the work of the League of American Voters campaign to support Gov. Scott Walker is critical.

Despite raging protests and even threats of violence by union thugs, Governor Scott Walker is standing firm.

But already there are demands by some that he “cave”.

Frankly, according to my sources in Wisconsin, the pressure on Gov. Walker and the legislature is extraordinary.

You have to remember, this is not a local Wisconsin fight. It’s a national one.

That’s why Obama has brought to Wisconsin the full weight of every radical activist group in America.

That’s why the Obama allied unions are pouring millions into TV and radio ads in Wisconsin.

He’s dispatched his allies from the Democrat National Committee, Norman Lear’s leftwing People for the American Way, and even Obama’s own group “Organizing for America.”;

Another Obama crony liberal group, is mobilizing an “emergency call for rallies in every state capital this Saturday… demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.”

Governor Scott Walker needs every single ounce of our support. We can’t leave him alone in the arena to fight. You and the League must join him.

We urgently need help for our radio ad blitz to support Gov. Walker – PLEASE GO HERE NOW

This is why the League of American Voters is urgently launching a national effort to help Gov. Walker and to stop these bloated unions.

The League has prepared a powerful new radio ad to air throughout Wisconsin in support of Gov. Walker.

With your help we plan on exposing the Obama-Labor machine in ads across the nation.

The League of American Voters is at the forefront of the battle in Wisconsin defending Scott Walker.

Dick Morris, the famous Fox News analyst, says “The League is the most effective grassroots organization in America.” Dick credits the League for having stopped Obama’s “public option” healthcare takeover. The public option would have destroyed private health insurance, and we stopped them.

The League also led the fight to force Pres. Obama to renew the Bush tax cuts. Our national TV effort with Sen. Fred Thompson worked. Obama caved.

Now, the League has prepared a powerful new radio ad to air throughout Wisconsin in support of Gov. Walker.

With your help we plan on exposing the Obama-Labor machine in ads across the nation.

Our ad encourages Gov. Walker to stay strong and exposes how public employee unions are gouging the taxpayers.

We urgently need you to help the League in the vital effort to support Gov. Walker and expose the unions – Go Here Now

Help the League to end Big Labor’s ability to hold taxpayers, school students, and emergency services hostage to the lavish demands of public unions.

Governor Walker is under intense pressure. Team Obama wants to break him.

One Congressman who backs Obama even suggested violence is OK: “Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”

This is disgusting and this Congressman ought to be held accountable!

But it underscores the truth, Obama and his public union cronies are desperate.

They’ll do whatever it takes to keep power.

That’s why Obama says “Punish our enemies… Reward our friends”

But together, you and I can help Scott Walker do what’s right for Wisconsin — what’s right for America.

Help the League to support Gov. Scott Walker. Go Here Now

Yours for Freedom,

Bob Adams
Executive Director

P.S. is organizing an “emergency rally” in all fifty states for Saturday. Millions of dollars from far left groups are pouring into Wisconsin. The League of American Voters urgently needs your help. Dick Morris, the famous TV analyst, says “The League is the most effective grassroots organization in America.” We stopped Obama’s “public option”healthcare takeover. We forced Obama to continue the Bush tax cuts. And we can save Gov. Scott Walker. But we need YOUR HELP today. Time is critical. Please DONATE HERE NOW.

What a classic case of projection!  Several times this mentions “union thugs” threatening the Governor’s life!!!  Jeez, I don’t know what Universe these pukes inhabit, but in this Universe, it’s the reactionaries that are doing all the killing and the death threats!  Particularly humorous from a “Bizarro Universe” point of view is their attack on MoveOn:

Another Obama crony liberal group, is mobilizing an “emergency call for rallies in every state capital this Saturday… demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.

You gotta wonder about the other readers of NewsMax who would consider getting the rich and powerful to pay their fair share to be a bad thing!  Are all of their readers rich and powerful?  Or just stupid and crazy?   Having seen the typical ‘Bagger with his/her tricorn hat festooned with tea-bags and badly spelled signage, I’m guessing it’s the latter.

*Update 4:47P* got another reactionary email – Ponce Riebus is getting into the act!  I won’t bore you with another full email, but here is one of the terrible things we Liberals are doing in Wisconsin:

These Union Bosses have sent thousands of out-of-state union jack booted thugs into Wisconsin and Indiana to try and intimidate lawmakers and thwart the will of the people.

Haha here is the translation – a rag-tag band of union activists with little or no money hoping not to get squashed by the Koch brothers in this key state.  Neither Ponce nor NewsMax make any mention of the Koch Brothers and the oodles of cash they are investing in an intense lobbying effort to bust the unions in Wisconsin!  Talk about projection!  The Reactionaries are taking everything that they are doing and projecting it on us to confuse their addled followers.

‘Baggers how their true colors

Friday, February 25th, 2011

One of reactionary Paul Broun’s ‘Bagger fan club asks him about who will shoot President Obama…to laughter and applause.  Move over, Jared Lee Loughner, somebody is bound to take your place as the next Wingnut Assassin.

Tip of the ‘Nose to Film Critic Buddy

There’s nothing like a lunatic to brighten up your day…

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

America's Village Idiot

When are the guys in the white uniforms coming to take Mr. Beck off to his padded cell?

*Update 2/18/11* Beck believes that Muslims are trying to bring about the Anti-Christ.  He’s getting nuttier by the day!

State currency?

Monday, February 14th, 2011

Some pinhead pol in S. Carolina wants to create his own gold-based state currency.  He’s joined by some other Wingnuts in Virginia, Georgia & Utah that not only want to print their own money, but mint it as well. What do these states have in common?  They all take in more money from the Feds then they pay in taxes!  They aren’t going far enough with this currency idea, they should just frickin’ secede if they have a beef with our currency.

Tip of the ‘Nose to Film Critic Buddy

‘Baggers aren’t completely useless

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Well the Tea Baggers aren’t completely useless and their rhetoric not completely empty – and the Dems aren’t completely spineless!  Who knew?  Passive aggressive bi-partisanship has accomplished what Obama and his previously overwhelming control of Congress was unable to do – kill Shrubya’s Spying on America Patriot Act!!

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