Yes, crowd sourcing. As my son said, "Crowd sourcing is
sooooo 2013!"
In any case, there have been two suggestions made from family members. Sharon
*, has taken to calling him (yes, he is a Tom, at least until he is old enough to get neutered)
Kitten, and then started using the initials AK, which I then suggested adding -47 to, in homage of Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov's most famous contribution to the world of military arms, so she has taken to calling said cat, "AK-47".
I have two problems with this: First, it does not suit the cat. Cats are less assault rifles than they are stilettos. Second it seems that naming a pet after a weapon has a potential for accidental weapons discharge.
Natalie, on the other hand, has suggested, "Mr. Snugglypuff," because ……… well because she is a 15 year old girl who is a theater geek. (And also, because he looks so cute, but a monster lurks behind the fur, a monster with teeth, and claws, and bent sense of humor.)
I am a firm believer that one does not
name a cat. Instead, one
discovers the name that a cat already had, and I do
not believe that either my daughter nor my wife have captured his name.
So, what do you think that we should call the cat.
*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.
†I had a discussion with a Vietnam vet, Peter Meeledy, about how a dog named "VC" nearly started a firefight among his unit, because, well, when someone shouts "VC" in 1969, you tend to shoot first, and ask questions later.