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this life for rent
Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?
Created on 2000-05-26 19:35:56 (#3797), last updated 2009-12-22
4,120 comments received, 2,390 comments posted
Plus Account, previously an Early Adopter [Gift]
3,423 Journal Entries, 576 Tags, 21 Memories, 700+ ScrapBook Files, 3 Virtual Gifts, 14 Userpics
Name: | <insert clever nickname here> |
Birthdate: | 07-31 |
Location: | Tallahassee, Florida, United States |
Fun Facts!
1. I have a vagina.
2. I write words and draw things using my left hand.
3. I eat dead plants.
4. I love yarn.
5. I am colourblind.
6. I have a small addiction to comic books.
7. I am married.
About My Blog
My entries are sporadic and superficial. Sometimes I whine. Sometimes I geek out. For whatever reason, people keep coming back for more. Soon I'll start posting my crappy drawings. Fun.
Other Places I am At:
My comic diary -
Twitter -
1. I have a vagina.
2. I write words and draw things using my left hand.
3. I eat dead plants.
4. I love yarn.
5. I am colourblind.
6. I have a small addiction to comic books.
7. I am married.
About My Blog
My entries are sporadic and superficial. Sometimes I whine. Sometimes I geek out. For whatever reason, people keep coming back for more. Soon I'll start posting my crappy drawings. Fun.
Other Places I am At:
My comic diary -
Twitter -
Interests (28):
beat poetry, british comedy, celtic, cherokee, comics/graphic novels, cooking, crocheting, eddie izzard, hot jewish physicists, iceland, knitting, language, manga, mathematics, monty python's flying circus, reading, slytherin, something positive, square root of pi, sweden, tattoos, tom waits, vegetarianism, video games, writing, x-files, yarn, zombies
Friends [View Entries]
absinthetic, aenaria444, aktdeco, aubreymcfate, averagejournal, becoming_s0ul, belismakr, blackhellkat, bluejeanjexy, carrus, cbearfei, celticwarrior82, chamonkee, childofthewired, cindie_loo, comicnrrd, consluts, coronanl, custard_kisses, cydoniagirl, cyphinseth, daemonfan, damanique, dana7880, deguisement, doctorwhoscarf, dsuyentor, eggstorm, electricsoup, elysesewell, empressstacie, erikamoen, erintrerice, eryx_uk, evapor8ed, evileyemonster, fatgirlthin, finkenstein, frankandhilde, fridgedicebunny, fuzzybumblebee, gautelen, geekling, glitchnyc, gloomcookie613, hachihyaku, headinsand, heatherica, heroprotagonist, hippofabulous, homicideisgood, iconseeyou, infernalzebra, introducingyael, jenniebreeden, jinju, katie_can_draw, kiddeternity, kitsune_rei, kiyuchan, knittergoddss, kobold, kore, kt_shy, lemonyloyce, linctus, lucylou, lycanthrophile, manos99, megatexas, myselftheliar, neiloney, nekooflove, nekoonna, no_mix_of_words, plutoniumnyborg, puskunk, quantum_zen, raeljas, rainingkisses, reb_hillel, rejectcarp, s0ulchyld, scottobear, skittlekicker, southernjazzman, stereotypist, strawberrygina, svetlania, talhawkins, tallguywrites, teaspoons, theory_of_chaos, theravensclaw, threepennies, tw_babiez, twinkiechan, twodaypugilist, virtual_rabbi, yaeldavida, yruugrrl, zeedrippyvessel
aenaria444, aktdeco, aubreymcfate, becoming_s0ul, belismakr, blackhellkat, bluejeanjexy, carrus, cbearfei, celticwarrior82, childofthewired, cindie_loo, consluts, coronanl, custard_kisses, cydoniagirl, cyphinseth, daemonfan, damanique, dana7880, deguisement, doctorwhoscarf, dsuyentor, empressstacie, erintrerice, eryx_uk, evapor8ed, evileyemonster, fatgirlthin, frankandhilde, fridgedicebunny, fuzzybumblebee, gautelen, geekling, glitchnyc, gloomcookie613, hachihyaku, headinsand, heatherica, hippofabulous, infernalzebra, introducingyael, jinju, kiddeternity, kitsune_rei, kiyuchan, knittergoddss, kore, lemonyloyce, linctus, lycanthrophile, manos99, megatexas, myselftheliar, neiloney, nekooflove, nekoonna, no_mix_of_words, plutoniumnyborg, puskunk, quantum_zen, raeljas, rainingkisses, reb_hillel, rejectcarp, s0ulchyld, scottobear, skittlekicker, southernjazzman, svetlania, talhawkins, teaspoons, theory_of_chaos, theravensclaw, threepennies, twodaypugilist, virtual_rabbi, yaeldavida, yruugrrl, zeedrippyvessel
Communities [View Entries]
100_mile_diet, _we_are_lost, _weightwatchers, alostcommunity, basterds, battlestar_blog, bentolunch, bsg_refrak, bsgfans, cartooning, craftgrrl, crochetcrochet, cross_stitch, cute_plush, dc_mad_science, dconpirateparty, dcperiodictable, dragon_costumes, dragoncon, dragonconrooms, dramacon, dreamwidth, dropbydragoncon, fandom_knit, flylady, freestuff, galacticawards, geekcrafts, hip_domestics, jm_followers, justlikepeaches, knitting, losticons, lush_swaps, lushcosmetics, metaquotes, nanoljers, nonjudgevegs, ontd_askars, ontd_lost, ontd_lost_reads, ontd_st_ss, ontd_startrek, ontd_trublud, operation_kino, poor_skills, punk_knitters, randompictures, rule63_startrek, sew_hip, shibari_art, stupid_free, svet_news, team_calliope, trueblood_music, trustno1_redux, webcomics, weloveamigurumi, working_at_home, world_cup_2010, wtf_sexism, ww_users, ww_vanity, xfiles
Feeds [View Entries]