Anti-Coulter Documentary in Production, Release to Coincide with Rightwing Gadfly's Next Book!
ALSO: PowerPoint Presentation Exposing Coulter's Religious Hypocrisy, Opportunism, Flip-Flops Released Exclusively to BRAD BLOG!
By Brad Friedman on 10/20/2005, 1:15pm PT  

While the recent nomination of Hariet Miers for the Supreme Court by George W. Bush may have revealed more than a few cracks in the usually lockstepped Conservative Movement in America, Daniel Borchers has been calling out "fake Conservativism" --- as we refer here at The BRAD BLOG to those who use the tenets of the true Conservative Movement merely for cynical, opportunistic political gain --- for years.

Borchers' organization, Citizens for Principled Conservatism (CPC) is currently in-production of a documentary named The Truth About Ann which aims squarely at political and religious hypocrisy of Rightwing commentator and author, Ann Coulter.

As well, Borchers has created and released exclusively to BRAD BLOG, a PowerPoint presentation entitled "The Gospel of Ann".

The presentation, which we've converted into downloadable streaming video, excoriates the controversial Coulter's religious opportunism. It was inspired, according to Borchers, "by Ann Coulter's 'jaw-dropping' expression of faith in God, a faith which otherwise seems so empty in everything Coulter does."

Indeed, Coulter's "faith" may be as empty and phony as her self-proclaimed "conservative" beliefs. The presentation points out the recent TIME Magazine profile of Coulter which implies that she is a member of Redeemer Presbyterian, an evangelical Christian church in New York, and yet the ministry at the church never seems to have heard of her!

The Redeemer church, "whose non-political stance is well-known, disavows all hateful and hostile speech," according to Borchers' presentation, had to "Google" her name to figure out who she was! Apparently Coulter is not a member of that church at all!

The complete "Gospel of Ann" video, along with selected excerpts and screenshots is available at the end of this article.

The Truth About Ann, the documentary DVD currently in-production promises to "expose the extremist nature of Conservatism's preeminent diva and reigning political icon," according to a press release given to The BRAD BLOG by CPC. The film is said to examine "Coulter's worldview, and the extremist polemics used to promote it."

"Ann Coulter is mainstreaming extremism within the Conservative Movement," warns Borchers. "Coulter has hijacked a substantial segment of the Conservative Movement and is re-creating it in her image. Her 'New McCarthyism' is poisoning millions of minds."

The explosive "truth" about Coulter revealed in the documentary, according to the release, is that while she may be a "conservative icon," in actuality she is "not really a conservative!"

The Truth About Ann is currently scheduled for release in June of 2006 to coincide with the release of Coulter's next book.

Borchers is a lifelong conservative, and a Vietnam-era veteran with intelligence analyst experience, according to his bio. In the fall of 2001 he became "disenchanted by the hypocrisy and corruption which invaded the Conservative Movement." That disenchantment led to his founding of CPC after having founded the conservative newsletter Brother Watch back in 1996.

In 2002, while attending a Conservative Political Action Conference, Borchers was stunned when the organizers attempted to confiscate the press kits he was distributing --- with prior permission --- to conference attendees. The materials denounced Coulter's extremism.

His "clarion call for character in the Conservative Movement", as he describes the incident in "The Gospel of Ann", was "inconvenient...because Ann Coulter is their most notorious speaker."

Following the conference, Borchers wrote an essay on Coulter entitled "Columnist does conservatives a disservice." [PDF] It's posted along with others on, a site he created that "promotes the proposition that Conservatism can only endure as a viable and vibrant movement if it maintains a commitment to the core character traits of honor and integrity, honesty and virtue."

He describes the essay as "calling upon conservatives to seek the higher ground and renounce the hypocritical excesses of Conservatism's reigning diva." From the essay:

Coulter's greatest fault, however, is not her provocative policy ideas or discriminatory remarks. Ours is a country of free thought and free speech, and Coulter is entitled to her opinions. Coulter's offense is rather that she portrays herself as a Christian conservative, a representative of the views and principles of the Religious Right, and then uses that adopted identity to spread hate and fear, thus stigmatizing all those who embrace Christian conservatism.

His call seems to have fallen on deaf ears, as he regretfully adds in the presentation: "The conscience of the Conservative Movement still sleeps."

We were contacted by Borchers not long after a recent radio debate we participated in with Coulter (who, for one reason or another, decided to leave half way through the program). He asked if we'd mind being interviewed for his documentary. Always happy to learn that there is yet another intellectually honest conservative left in America --- a vanishing breed, as Borchers is working hard to point out --- we were more than pleased to oblige his request.

In exchange for our interview, completed last weekend, he shared information about the documentary, along with the exclusive look at his PowerPoint presentation with us.

In reviewing the presentation, Borchers wishes he'd gone back still further in exposing Coulter's assertions about Christianity. "From as early as 1998 to the present - that there are no liberal Christians. None. According to Coutler, all Christians - that is to say, all true Christians - are conservatives. I guess exit polls from the last election, showing a fairly even split among Christians, don't count," Borchers wrote to us via Email as we finished the conversion of the presentation to video format.

Indeed, exit polls don't count, as regular BRAD BLOG readers know all too well, at least in America. But we digress...

While Borcher's presentation, which asks "Is Ann Coulter a Heroine or a Heretic?" can be somewhat on the dry side, the hypocrisy of the "polemical rants" of Coulter the "hate monger" are priceless and build as the presentation gets rolling.

By way of example of just one of Coulter's rather Anti-Christian hate mongering, here she is from 1999: "If you don't hate Clinton and the people who labored to keep him in office, you don't love your country."

Or this from 2002: "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals by making them realize that they can be killed too."

Or this loving and very Christian chestnut from an appearance on Fox & Friends in 2004 prior to the election:

HOST: [Bush said to Kerry] "You can run, but you can't hide." That's what he said about Osama bin Laden.

COULTER: I hope the results are similar, since Osama is D-E-A-D dead in Tora Bora since December, 2001"

More than a few classic Coulter "flip-flops" are revealed in the presentation as well. In 2000, for example, Coulter denounced the Christian Right for "fascism", the next year vociferously proclaimed there is no Christian Right in America and then finally announced herself a member of the Christian Right the next.

Or decrying the slaughter of innocent civilians on 9/11, followed shortly thereafter with her defense of the "War on Terror" by declaiming: "We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities: we killed civiliians. That's war. And this is war."

Then there are her "flip-flops" concerning her moral pronouncements about sex and Bill Clinton, versus her very own personal sex life which would seem to betray her denouncement of that of others who don't happen to agree with her political point of view.

But it's her use, or rather misuse, of "faith" for apparent political expediency that seems to get under the skin of Borchers. He appropriately winces at Coulter's statement in January of this year: "Oh, it was so much fun this year, because saying 'Merry Christmas' is like saying 'Fuck you!' I've said it to everyone. You know, cab drivers, passing people on the street, whatever."

"Speaking the truth in love is a Christian imperative," says Borchers, "But both truth and love --- core Christian concepts --- are foreign to Ann Coulter."

The final credit slide in "The Gospel of Ann" says that the work is "dedicated to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and the One who commands that we should be nice to people (as well as loving them as He loves)." And finally, a special thanks "to Ms. Ann Hart Coulter, whose words and conduct have necessitated" it.


Here is the entire "Gospel of Ann" presentation, converted to Windows Media Player Video.

Selected excerpts and screenshots from the presentation follow...


NARRATION: Coulter's tenous grasp of Jesus' gospel of forgiveness and love is exposed by her zealous declarations of hatred.

NARRATION: Is there anyone Ann Coulter does not hate?...In her fervent opposition to partial birth abortion, Coulter erupted with her heartfelt desire to kill her fellow New Yorkers.


NARRATION: 9/11 brought out the worst in Ann Coulter. She proclaimed a crusade against pagans and a jihad against liberals. Coulter advocated slaughtering civilians, ethnic cleansing and identity papers.

NARRATION: Immediately after 9/11, Coulter relished the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians. Smiling became a capital crime...But five months before 9/11, Coulter defended the Mai Lai massacre with earily similar language, saying, "Even on the worst version, I think it's a little scurrilous to sit back and attack him. That's why they say, 'War is hell'".

NARRATION: Whom did Coulter target for death? Not the terrorists, but those who cheered and danced. Yes, inappropriate laughter is now a capital offense.


NARRATION: (After saying that the Religious Right doesn't exist)... Coulter herself acknowledges that she is a member of the Christian Right. She just can't seem to make up her mind.

In her essay defending Rush Limbuagh's alleged illegal drug use, Coulter defended hypocrisy using Jesus Christ as her argument.

All of a sudden, we should ignore the moral and legal indescretions in prominent conservatives, all because Jesus is the only one who is perfect.

Coulter's typical response to conservative hypocrisy is that either everybody does it or that no one is perfect.


NARRATION: Coulter's overzealous defense of The Passion of the Christ was exhibited in two back-to-back essays.


NARRATION: Just when it seemed there was hope for Ann Coulter, Ann Coulter once again opened her mouth ? this time to defame Jesus' birth.


NARRATION: Oddly enough, the ministry at Redeemer had never even heard of Ann Coulter. She is not a member of their church. Moreover, Redeemer, whose non-political stance is well-known, disavows all hateful and hostile speech.

NARRATION: Nevertheless, Time's profile implied that Coulter is a member of that church. Was Coulter trying to clothe herself in the righteousness of a church to which she does not belong?


NARRATION: More importantly ? from a political and cultural standpoint ? is the impact Coulter's hatred has in the public square and within the Conservative Movement. Consider this dialogue on Fox and Friends, in which Coulter desired the death of a political foe.

NARRATION: None of the hosts evinced surprise at Coulter's desire for Kerry's death. Coulter habitually declares death wishes for liberals ? and conservatives only chortle with glee. Execution, assassination, carpet-bombing, friendly fire ? all means to the end of the eradication of liberalism.

{Special thanks to BRAD BLOG'S not-so-secret weapon, David Edwards in converting "The Gospel of Ann" to downloadable video!}

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