Marco Rubio Doesn't Care About The IRS Scandal

Posted 5/13/13 at 12:47pm by jamie

In my previous post I mentioned how the IRS targeting political groups is an actual scandal and one that needs investigated and addressed. I also mentioned how the last thing we need is to turn something so serious into a run of the mill, beltway witch hunt. Well that's exactly what some of the darlings on the right is planning on doing:

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on Monday called on the IRS commisioner to resign in the wake of the agency's admission that staffers in the Cincinatti branch targeted conservative political groups for extra scrutiny in the run-up to the 2012 elections.

"[I]t is clear the IRS cannot operate with even a shred of the American people’s confidence under the current leadership," Rubio wrote in a letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. "Therefore, I strongly urge that you and President Obama demand the IRS Commissioner’s resignation, effectively immediately. No government agency that has behaved in such a manner can possibly instill any faith and respect from the American public."

But there is a big problem with Rubio's statement here:

Commissioner Douglas H. Shulman, who was appointed by President Bush in 2008 and held by President Obama, left the agency in Nov. 9, 2012. Any pre-election misconduct would have had to occur on his watch. The current acting commissioner is Steven T. Miller -- a permanent replacement has not been nominated.

On That IRS Scandal

Posted 5/13/13 at 11:40am by jamie

With news that the IRS was targeting conservative groups, the right has a true scandal on their hands. The IRS is not to be used as a political tool and this kind of activity should give everyone of us reason to worry, despite our ideological beliefs.

Luckily Congress is going to be holding hearings into this scandal, as they should. But, as with any of these scandals, comes time for political posturing. For example, yesterday George Will actually floated impeachment of President Obama over this. Of course we don't know if anybody in the administration was actually involved and the IRS commissioner at the time of the scandal was actually a Bush appointee.

Now if it does turn out that someone in the Obama administration was directly involved, I would support action against that person. If it turns out that Obama himself was involved, then let's start the impeachment process and I will back it 100%. But what we don't need right now is intellectual midgets, like George Will, out there spreading false blame. We also don't need Congress to distort the investigation into a political witch hunt. After all, we are investigating those political witch hunts and justice is not served by engaging in yet another. Instead we need a truly open investigation that examines all the facts and only the facts.

And something else to remember on this. Republicans had every reason to rid themselves of the Tea Party. After all, the Tea Party has proven to be a much bigger asset to the left than the right. They go out and primary Republicans, who have held onto seats for a long time, and end up winning that primary, only to lose the seat to a Democrat in the fall. The Tea Party is the very reason the GOP is dying today, so motivation for a Republican to go after them is much higher than that of a Democrat.

Wingnut Hypocrisy Of The Week

Posted 5/6/13 at 9:54am by jamie

Yesterday Bill Richardson did a special web interview for This Week. In it he was asked what he thought about Ted Cruz:

ABC News: Do you think he represents most Hispanics with his politics?

RICHARDSON: “No, no. He’s anti-immigration. Almost every Hispanic in the country wants to see immigration reform. No, I don’t think he should be defined as a Hispanic. He’s a politician from Texas. A conservative state. And I respect Texas’ choice. But what I don’t like is… when you try to get things done, it’s okay to be strong and state your views, your ideology. But I’ve seen him demean the office, be rude to other senators, not be part of, I think, the civility that is really needed in Washington.”

Breitbart instantly noticed this and did a post. Soon after all the wingnuts went into outrage mode, including The American Thinker:

And yes, Richardson is Hispanic himself. It doesn't matter. Bigotry is bigotry wherever it rears its head. And in that interview, Richardson took bigotry out of the closet and paraded it in front of anyone watching.

I don't think Richardson should have really said what he did either, but this exposes the blindness to the bigotry that really exists within the GOP today. For example. Here is a clip of Rush Limbaugh in 2011 saying Obama isn't "authentically black":

The Cost Of Propaganda

Posted 4/29/13 at 10:54am by jamie

There is no mistake that the number one listened to talk radio show is Rush Limbaugh. In 2012 he enjoyed reaching 15 million pairs of ears per week. Being such a big name also comes with a big price. In 2006 Limbaugh signed a 10 year contract worth $400 million with Clear Channel. But at what cost to Clear Channel?

Over at DailyKos, ProgLegs notices a little piece of news that was well hidden about Rush's employer:

Buried on the business page of today, so brief you could easily have missed it, was the news that Clear Channel Media Holdings just reported losses for the last quarter of 2012 of $191 million, and $424 million for all of 2012.

Clear Channel has been in trouble for a long time for a variety of reasons, but one factor that contributed to their losses in 2012 was the death spiral of their golden boy radio host Rush Limbaugh.

So the nation's biggest radio giant lost almost half a billion last year. And let's consider what Rush's impact is on this. Remember Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown student Rush went after for speaking out about the need for contraceptives? His little tirade against this woman ended up costing Clear Channel tons of advertisers. It was to the point Rush's show would have dead space during commercial breaks because no one wanted to be associated with him. Despite that, Clear Channel continues to carry such a toxic name.

That means the only motivation for Clear Channel has to be propaganda. If they are willing to take such big losses in order to keep the word of Rush alive, the typical motivation in a capitalistic system of profit is now null and void. This is really troubling considering that Clear Channel's sole existence depends upon the use of our public airwaves.

New Ricin Arrest - A Republican And Suspected Child Molester

Posted 4/27/13 at 1:02pm by jamie

The FBI has made a new arrest in the case of ricin letters sent to a U.S. Senator and the President. The charges come just days after charges against a previous subject, Paul Kevin Curtis, were dropped:

A spokeswoman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed J. Everett Dutschke, the man at the center of the investigation into ricin-tainted letters sent to President Barack Obama and other officials, was arrested at his home in the wee hours of Saturday morning.

"James Everett Dutschke was arrested, without incident, at his residence in Tupelo, MS, at approximately 12:50 a.m. Saturday, April 27, by Special Agents of the FBI," Deborah Madden, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Jackson, Mississippi field office told Talking Points Memo.

When Curtis was arrested the right instantly went into the "OMG he's a Democrat" meme. Looking at the Facebook page of Curtis, it appears this is the case. But as you may recall, some big name rightwing bloggers continued to hound Curtis, even after being released. They even went as far as saying he actually committed the crime, without the man ever being charged.

But who is Dutschke? Well he is a taekwondo instructor, a musician in a blues band and a former Republican candidate for office.

Oh yeah, and the man is also out on charges of child molestation (or convicted if you go by the Jim Hoft standards of journalism).

Did I miss anything?

Wait. It also appears that Dutschke may have set-up Curtis in this case.

Yes, we have a Republican here, who may have sexually assaulted children as well as tried to frame and innocent person, and the wingnuts go silent! I guess this is part of the family values platform.

Wingnut Bloggers Have Already Convicted Paul Kevin Curtis

Posted 4/23/13 at 3:43pm by jamie

Innocent until proven guilty? Apparently that doesn't apply to the maniacs of the right, where they have already convicted Paul Kevin Curtis of sending the ricin laced letters. As I previously reported, the FBI has released Curtis and now the possibility of him being framed has surfaced. There are even reports that a former Mississippi Republican candidate may now be involved.

But that hasn't stopped right wing bloggers from their erroneous headlines. Here's Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit:

And over at the Right Scoop:

While Curtis has been charged, he has not been convicted, as these headlines suggest. I hope that Curis' lawyer, Christi McCoy, notices these headlines and proceeds legally. No one has the right to convict someone without due process.

Ricin Suspect Released. Possible Framed??

Posted 4/23/13 at 2:34pm by jamie

Paul Kevin Curtis, who was arrested last week for sending ricin laced letters to President Obama and Senator Wicker, has been released from custody:

Jeff Woodfin, chief deputy with the U.S. Marshals Service in Oxford, Miss., said suspect Paul Kevin Curtis has been released from custody, though Woodfin said he doesn't know if there were any conditions on the release.

The development comes less than two hours after officials canceled a detention and preliminary hearing without explaining the reason for the change.

His lawyer Christi McCoy, who has been pushing for the charges to be dropped, said in a text message Tuesday that she could only confirm that her client has been released.

And now there is the suggestion that Curtis may have been framed:

McCoy said in court that someone may have framed Curtis, suggesting that a former business associate of Curtis' brother, a man with whom Curtis had an extended exchange of angry emails, may have set him up.

When news broke of Curtis being the suspect, the right quickly jumped on what appeared to be his liberal leanings. But something seemed weird about the entire thing. I couldn't finger it, but the whole story just seemed off. Now it appears my suspicions may have been right.

Why I'm Thankful Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Was Taken Alive

Posted 4/22/13 at 11:41am by jamie

The 19 year old Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was captured alive Friday night. While he had sustained some major injuries, thankfully he is still alive and now answering questions through writing:

The 19-year-old suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, who was seriously wounded and unable to speak, is awake and responding in writing to questions from authorities, according to tweets by ABC and NBC news networks.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is in the intensive care unit of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, is responding sporadically, the ABC news network reported on its Twitter feed.

NBC's Pete Williams is also reporting Tsarnaev is writing answers to questions from law enforcement.

I saw and heard so many people upset that the suspect was still alive, instead wishing that the police would have just killed him. But we live in a world of terrorism, where intelligence is the best key. The best place to gain that intelligence is through captured suspects we can question. It's really hard to question someone once they are dead.

So I am thankful we were able to capture Tsarnaev and not kill him. We may be able to get information from him to prevent the next attack, which could be much larger. We may also find out motive and connections, which can lead to a much larger picture.

Sure we want to see the worst happen to a monster that can so easily kill and injure so many innocent people, but we also want to stop this from happening in the future. Hopefully law enforcement gains lots of valuable information from him. After that, give him a trial and let him face the death penalty, but not until we use him for everything we can.

Arrest! No Arrest! No Story Here, Move Along!

Posted 4/17/13 at 4:25pm by jamie

Today was a real treat in just how screwed up our media is. It all started when CNN reported that they have a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing. That quickly changed to an arrest being made. Soon after Fox and the AP went with the same story. Suddenly, the Boston Police Department and FBI announce that no arrests have been made.

If you like roller coaster rides, then today was a big one! But instead of pulling into the station at the end of the ride, we ended up with some of our biggest names in news with a lot of egg on their face. So how does the media respond to such an utter-failure in journalism? Well, if you are Fox's Megyn Kelly, you go on the defense and try to switch the story back to the actual bombing.

They key part is about half way through, when Kelly went on this little rant:

BREAKING: Arrest Made In Boston Marathon Bombing (UPDATE)

Posted 4/17/13 at 1:55pm by jamie

CNN is reporting that an arrest has been made in the bombing of Monday's Boston Marathon. The suspect was identified via numerous videotapes. No further details are available yet, but a nation is anxiously waiting to see who could cause such a horrible act of carnage and for what reason.

UPDATE (2:40pm edt)

Now they are saying no arrest has been made and Boston Police just sent out this tweet

Sounds like another day of "no one knowing".

Intercepted Letter To President Obama Contains Suspicious Substance

Posted 4/17/13 at 12:05pm by jamie

It's like the early 2000's all over again:

The U.S. Secret Service has intercepted a letter addressed to President Barack Obama that contained a "suspicious substance."

A law enforcement official said the letter is very similar to one recently mailed to Mississippi Republican Sen. Roger Wicker. That letter tested positive Tuesday for poisonous ricin.

The official requested anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation.

There are reports that they have a suspect in the mailings to Sen. Wicker this week. If the two are connected then it appears we don't have some partisan hack engaging in this terrorism, but rather somebody out to just get our elected officials.

The only other thing I can think of is that Wicker was one of the 16 Republicans that voted to end the filibuster on extended background checks last week, so there could be that connection.

Senate Votes To Allow Debate On Expanded Background Checks

Posted 4/11/13 at 12:09pm by jamie

The Senate just voted 68-31 to move forward with debate on expanding background checks, a measure overwhelmingly supported by the public, including 91% of veterans in a new poll.

Of course we still have people out there that think expanded background checks won't help, like John Cornyn:

Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), the second-ranking Senate Republican, called the bill under consideration “a symbolic gesture” and said Congress should focus more on bolstering federal funding for mental-health programs: “We need to make sure that the mentally ill are getting the help they need, not guns.”

I totally agree with what Cornyn is saying here and have been saying mental health needs to be part of the gun violence debate. After all, only a mad person can go in and take so many innocent lives. But this coming from Cornyn is rather curious.

Here's a pop quiz. Which President worked hardest to destroy mental health in this country?

If you said Ronald Reagan, you would be right. During his tenure as President, Reagan cut funding for mental health treatment and research. He decided to move mental health from the public sector to the private sector and with that we started seeing the closure of our nation's mental health facilities.

When you think about gun violence in our nation, especially these mass shootings, and then consider when our mental health services were cut, you start seeing a trend. These big shootings started becoming more epidemic in the 90's and have continued growing since. On top of that, most of the shooters are ones who have grown up under the system that Reagan built. See the trend?

What's In A Name?

Posted 4/8/13 at 4:01pm by jamie

When I talk to a client about what their website should do, the number one point I hit on is recognition. You want people to see your site and know what it is you are trying to sell. A big part of that comes from the name.

So if you look at this site, what do you think?

(click for full version)

You do get that the site is NRCC, but what does that mean? Sure, we follow politics, so we will instantly recognize NRCC as being the acronym for the National Republican Congressional Committee, but fur the majority of people out there, they have no idea. As matter of fact, the site gives a feeling that they are avoiding the word Republican, until you get to the very bottom.

Having worked in the web business for over a decade, I have worked with countless PR professionals. They know what words sell and which ones don't. I'm sure the NRCC put money into research of this, and that is why they decided to hide the work "Republican" so hard on their new site, and that right there should tell us what Republican means in this country today - something not worth selling.

So, could this be the way in which Republicans heal after 2012?

A few weeks ago the GOP released their "autopsy" of the 2012 election. In that report a focus group used phrases such as "Scary", "Out of Touch", and "Stuff old Men" to describe the party. These are not phrases you want to hear when you are trying to win over a new generation of voters.

Is This How The Right Views Freedom And Liberty?

Posted 4/3/13 at 5:15pm by jamie

For all their talk about keeping government out of our lives and pursuing freedom, the Republican Party sure has a funny way of proving it. First up is this story out of Georgia:

The City Council of Nelson has approved an ordinance that requires each head of household to own a gun. The legislation passed unanimously and goes into effect in 10 days. Nelson, population about 1,300, is about 40 miles north of Atlanta.

So the government shouldn't have the right to force citizens to purchase healthcare, but they should be allowed to force citizens to purchase guns? Something seems funny there.

Then we had east to North Carolina, where this is the news of the day:

A bill filed by Republican lawmakers would allow North Carolina to declare an official religion, in violation of the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Bill of Rights, and seeks to nullify any federal ruling against Christian prayer by public bodies statewide.

Republicans. They love the Constitution, until it interferes with their true ideals of tyranny. But this is nothing new. We saw the same thing happen a couple of years ago when plans were out to build a mosque in New York City. Apparently "freedom of religion" should only apply to Christians.

And finally:

Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli has filed a petition with the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond asking the full 15-judge court to reconsider a decision by a three-judge panel last month that overturned the state’s sodomy law.

GOP Chair: People Will Use Gay Marriage To Freeload

Posted 4/1/13 at 11:23am by jamie

While a lot of people in the Republican Party have done a 180 on marriage equality, there is still a huge problem within the party. Take the comments this weekend of the chair of Georgia's Republican Party.

On Saturday the Marietta Daily Journal published a story, where chairwoman Sue Everhart warns that straight people would enter bogus marriages for "the benefits"

Everhart said while she respects all people, if same sex marriage is legalized across the country, there will be fraud.

“You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” Everhart said. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal. I believe a husband and a wife should be a man and a woman, the benefits should be for a man and a woman. There is no way that this is about equality. To me, it’s all about a free ride.”

All those gays and lesbians out there, fighting to enjoy the same rights as a straight couple are just interested in freeloading? I'm sorry, but this is total bullshit. I happen to know plenty of men and women, who are no longer in love and even see other people, yet they stay married just for the benefits. There is all kinds of proof of fraud from straight marriages like this, but none on same-sex marriage.

It's another strawman that the GOP is using to continue their platform of hate and fear. They also know this, which is why the Georgia GOP is refusing to talk about the comments.



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