"The point about LINDA is that they forget the Doctor after a while, and make friends. They're genuinely good mates. That's what good fandom does. It's real passion, and connection, and fun. And that's not said often enough." -Russell T Davies
Hello! This is the community for stuff to do with Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures and K-9, but we also chat about other shows the stars are in, other British sci-fi and telefantasy and the sheer fantabulosity that is Eurovision. We're friendly folks, but there are a few rules we'd like you to know about before you start posting here.
Contact seph_hazard and thehornedgod, your friendly neighbourhood mods, at doctorwhomods at googlemail dot com with any problems, queries or comments; don't post them to the community. Thanks! You could also leave one of us a comment on the Page A Mod post. Comments to that post are automatically screened.
You bring us exciting new news? Exciting! Let's just have a glance at the front page and the relevant tag, be it spoilers or casting or whatever, to make sure we haven't heard already. If we haven't, we need to, so post to tell us! If we have, we don't so much need to, and your post might have to be deleted. That would make us very sad. Please don't make us sad.
Put spoilers ('plot elements not revealed early in the narrative') for recent and upcoming episodes behind an lj-cut.
Images or videos wider than 600 pixels also go behind an lj-cut, as does any gratuitously large or colourful text.
You may post icons and fanfic, but please put them behind an lj-cut. The usual brief intro to a fic/teaser icons are of course fine.
Speaking of fic: fanworks are welcome here, but this is a family community, so explicit content is subject to our discretion.
Be kind to our epileptic members: remember to warn them if you post things that flash.
Public discussion of illegal filesharing (posting downloads, requests for them, explaining where to find them) will not be tolerated.
Be patient with new members, don't use derogatory language about other fans, no stirring. Yes, we can tell.
No racism, classism, sexism, ageism, sizeism, disablism (we don't want to hear "spaz" or "retarded", for instance) or any other ism I didn't think of while writing this. Or homophobia. Just don't be thick, and we'll get along gangbusters. On that note: when we discuss sensitive topics such as racism and other isms, don't do any of this, this, this, or this, but this and this may help.
There's an excellent post on common pitfalls in the discussion of queer representation or the lack thereof in Doctor Whohere. Do try not to fall down the pit.
Discussion of subjects likely to be hurtful or upsetting for some readers, like rape and sexual assault, needs to go behind an lj-cut in posts clearly marked as being for that purpose.
Try to remember your opinions aren't facts, and to state them as such. Discuss your preferences in an intelligent manner; wank, bashing, trolling and puerile insults are unwelcome. And that goes for everything: flaming people really isn't cool.
Please don't delete comments, not for any reason. One of the mods may screen comments under certain circumstances, but please, please do not do it yourself. If you get problematic comments, just tell us.
There are a few extra things to remember when episodes are airing.
Before any episode airs, one of the mods (usually seph_hazard, though it could be any of us) will make a 'squee post'. This is where you put your comments, reactions and excited bouncings.
If you would like to link to an off-comm review, please also do it in the comments to this post.
Any short, squee-post-type posts will be deleted. This is to save everyone's flists: make use of the reactions posts, they're fun.
You may of course post longer reviews to the community, but please remember to cut any spoilers.
You may care to bear in mind the wise words of Mark Waid when you post here: 'I generally believe that hate and vitriol should be reserved for people who deliberately try to do you harm, not people who try and sometimes fail to entertain you.'
And remember MST3K: If you're wondering how he eats and breathes And other science facts, Just repeat to yourself 'It's just a show, I should really just relax!'