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  1. The House passed the Gabriella Miller Research Act in a 295-103 vote:

  2. Instead of spending money on political conventions, shouldn't we have as our priority medical research for kids?

  3. Today we honor all those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor and the bravery of those called to serve in the days & years that followed

  4. RT : We pay tribute today to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice at .

  5. The students deserve all the credit. Very proud MT : Thank you for your personal support of the tonight!

  6. Will the President's Obamacare PR blitz address Americans losing coverage/doctors & premium spikes?:

  7. I'll be on at 10:30AM with . The & Dems PR blitz on Obamacare won't reduce costs or let us keep our doctors.

  8. Congrats to on their successful launch today. Commercial space continues to push the boundaries of innovation and exploration.

  9. I'm grateful to the men and women in uniform bravely serving and protecting our country. Thank you! God bless you and your families!

  10. This is the 3rd delay of key Obamacare provisions by the White House since Thurs. Time to admit this law is a failure.

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