Happy Halloween! Six more years of Obama's policies in D.C. sounds terrifying. Let's make sure we elect @DanSullivan2014! #AKSen
Congratulations to my son, a Blackhawk Helicopter Crew Chief in Afghanistan on his promotion to Sergeant today. pic.twitter.com/TdlQoqsFaz
#akgov @walkerforakgov misled ppl about IOUs on Sempra Azul (GAZ 2005) and he's not telling the whole truth now. pic.twitter.com/Gzr7TpQ5g5
#KaciHickox african roommate tested positive for ebola. Claim shes not at risk from this encounter"@littlebytesnews: http://ht.ly/DDPAU
FOX CABLE NEWS #1 on FB for 29 months.http://tinyurl.com/keb7yzj CNN is #16, MSNBC was not even the top 100
8件のリツイート 2件のお気に入りBarracuda Brigade | No Joke: Chicago Erects Monument At Spot Where Barack And Michelle Had Their First Kiss http://buff.ly/1zS1Lnl
2件のリツイート 2件のお気に入りWAKEUP AMERICA:PERKS OF BEING ILLEGAL! Feds pay for guitar lessons, petting zoo trips for illegal immigrant children http://fw.to/2Rzwt7c
12件のリツイート 3件のお気に入りDemocrat Sen. Mary Landrieu: Obama and I are Crashing Because the South is Racist and Sexist (Video) http://bit.ly/1toXQZf
17件のリツイート 6件のお気に入りNotice how as the number of reports go up of illegals voting the polls get tighter & tighter.
4件のリツイートI'll take Sean as #Akgov over a Walker any day #Akelect #Vote Parnell! “@vonnahusby: @Parnell4Gov great governor with a real vision”
@akgovernor Mallott says pro or anti abortion is not what is going to move our State ahead!...(unless you're a survivor, as am I). #akgov
And I 4 One Agree w/Her!!“@Nat_Herz: Op-ed in today's ADN: "My dad is the best choice for governor." #AKgov #AKelect pic.twitter.com/ptBL35xBRs”
HELLO??? BILL WALKER WANTS A STATE INCOME TAX & NO ONE CARES?!?? #AKgov #AKelect http://www.atr.org/alaska-governor-candidate-bill-walker-backed-creating-state-income-tax …
The only person @MarkBegich has represented in Senate is Obama. Learn about his record: http://gph.to/10bhWLP #aksen #alaska #anchorage