Thursday, January 24, 2013

TAG Group Retreat

Good grief. . . it's been 2 1/2 months since I last posted.  I'm not even going to try to catch up.  Just jumping in with what's going on these days.
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I'm a part of a TAG group at our church.  TAG stands for Touching Another Generation, based on the Titus 2 mandate for women to teach and encourage other women. Our group has ten members and two mentors.  We've been together for a year now, and we've grown in beautiful, amazing ways as a group.
This past weekend, our group went on a little retreat to Hilton Head.  It was so much fun!  Sadly we were missing a few, but we were still able to enjoy being together, encouraging one another and laughing A WHOLE LOT!
Since some arrived Thursday, when the last of us arrived Friday afternoon we walked to the beach to see the sunset. 
I look at these women, and I see strength, beauty, perseverance, diligence, wisdom and love.  Oh the love! 
We walked a little way with our new friend who took our picture - she was also from Macon!  Crazy! We ended up at this cool boardwalk type place. 
The weekend was filled with good food, shopping, games, prayer, more food, good talks, more food, and rest
NOTE: If you ever find yourself on my team in a game of Balderdash, don't get me to hum a tune. Just don't.  I can't do it without laughing.  Speaking of laughing, we laughed we cried!   
Some had to come home Saturday night for church commitments, and the rest of us stayed and went to church Sunday there on the island.  After worship, a brief shopping trip in an old church, and more eating, we loaded up and headed home, too.
Full.  My heart is full.  This group was an answer to prayer for me.  A request I brought before God for over a year.  I cherish our group and our relationship!  Looking forward to another year together.  The best is surely yet to come!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Savannah Rock n Roll 2012

Last weekend was the Savannah Rock n Roll half marathon.  We had a blast!

As with a race this big, there were lots of people we knew running.  I ran into these sweet girls the night before the race and was so happy to see them!  Thanks to facebook, we were all able to keep up with each other's training along the way.  It was great to see them and be able to wish them luck on their first half!

 Thankfully it was not as cold as it was last year, and the sun was rising as the race started!  I think something like 17,000 people ran this race; it's crazy big!

Tim and I ran with our friend Brian. Tim and Brian ran all their long runs together, and it was Brian's first half marathon.  You would not have ever known it, though, because he rocked those 13.1 miles!  I think there were a few times Brian was pulling Tim and me along!

The city of Savannah showed up again this year, and there were just about always people standing along the course cheering every runner on.  That helps so very much! 

Early on, I was feeling awesome!  Adrenaline was running, spirits were high, and we were bookin' it (for me, anyway)!

We were making great time, completing a 10K in 1:04.  I was so pumped as that was the fastest I'd ever run 6.2 miles.  But, by mile 8 my mind got the best of me.  If I could turn off my mind while I run, I'd probably be a much better runner.  My mind had been saying, "you can't keep going at this pace.  You've never run this fast for this long.  You're going to crash." . . . and before I knew it?  I believed those thoughts. 

And I was ill as a hornet.  The picture above pretty much sums up what happens when I get mad while running.  Tim and Brian were a little ahead, Tim's turning around encouraging me, and I'm just mad. 

Bless that man for marrying me.  Bless him.

Anyway, I told Tim and Brian to go ahead; I needed to walk for a minute.  I think Tim could tell by the look in my eye how frustrated I was, and he obliged.  I walked for a few minutes, taking off my pull over and rearranging my bib. 

I walked just a little bit before another gatorade station, which I really needed.  Once I got there, I wished like heck I'd pushed through.  I started running again and powered through.

Yep, this picture is pretty accurate.  I laughed when I saw it and told Tim I knew exactly what I was doing.  Concentrating on breathing.  One foot in front of the other and knowing the faster I went, the quicker I was done.  Look how mad I look compared to that earlier picture where I'm still grinning ear to ear.  Ha!!
I knew I probably wasn't going to make my goal time of 2:15, but I also knew if I kept at it, I had a good shot at beating my time last year.  So, I ran. . .  and ran.  I remember various people cheering us on, each encouragement was just what I needed.  One older lady said, "lookin' good!" as I ran by.  I laughed and said, "I don't feel so good!"  She immediately responded, "You're looking a lot better than me, honey!"  :)
The last mile wasn't so bad as I knew I was so close to being done.  I crossed the finish line at 2:20:30, just under two minutes faster than last year and a PR for me.
DONE!  I've yet to cross the finish line of a half marathon without tears in my eyes.  I am not a natural runner, and it thrills me to no end that I can do this.  I may not be fast, but it's such a challenge, such a rush, and something I immediately want to do again and be better than before.  That's the amazing thing with running.  It hurts, it's agonizing at times.  Muscles and tendons ache. Breathing can get out of wack and lungs hurt.  But the high of running through all of that is like nothing I can ever put into words. 
 Running often presents some precious time for me and the Good Lord.  During the last part of this race, I did some serious praying about some things heavy on my heart.  He heard my cries, I know.  And He pulled me through this race.  All for Him.  I have to tell y'all I've found this page on Facebook that has been such an inspiration to me.  It's called Running4Him.  She is such an incredible runner, a strong Christian and everything she does is completely for His glory.  It's beautiful.  She is also super fast!  There were many times along my race I thought of her and how she'd power through.  Yet again, that's one of the great things about running:  the community.  We are all competitive to a degree, but we're also in it together, cheering each other on.
And here we are, four days after the race, planning for another! 


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween '12

Well. . .  almost three months has passed since my last post. 

Pitiful.  I outta be ashamed. 

Life just sometimes gets away from me, and then when I think, "Oh, I should blog about that!" I don't know how to pick back up when so much time has passed.

So, let's just act like it's not been three months and jump right in, m'kay?

Halloween 2012 was a total blast!  Best one ever if you ask me.  Molly was a pink poodle, and she was sure 'nuff proud of it.  Except she wouldn't wear her ears.  Or her puffy paws.  But she was a poodle still and was pretty cute!

We went to eat with friends and trick or treat in their neighborhood.  The eatin' was good, the fellowship was better!  And the kids were precious!
After feasting on BBQ, slaw, dessert and cider, we all loaded up and headed out to trick or treat!
Molly had no idea what was in store, and at the first house, when the lady went to put candy in Molly's pumpkin, Molly snatched her pumpking away and looked at that lady like she was crazy!  I quickly explained to Molly what was happening, the lady quickly realized this was Molly's first experience and was so nice!  Once the candy was in Molly's bucket, Molly looked into her bucket, looked up at me and said, "dis candy for me?"  When I told her it was, she said, "we go to another house now?"  :-) 
Sorry for the blurry picutre, but this was Molly checking out her treats!  :)
Molly quickly got the hang of "trick or treat" and "thank you" to everyone.  She had a ball and loved being with her friends. Surprisingly, it took a few houses before Molly asked for some of her candy.  She was quite the serious poodle about enjoying her treats!  No way in the world was she taking her eyes off those smarties to smile at her Daddy!
We left before Molly got too terribly tired and cranky.  She probably asked me "where my punkin" about 12 times in the 5 minutes it took us to get home.  I assured her her "punkin" was safe, candy was safe and all was well!
It was the most perfect Halloween!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Faithfully Parenting: Growing Up and Soaking It In

Today's Faithfully Parenting Friday features a beautiful post by Michy.  It brought tears to my eyes as she beautifully puts into words what my heart seems to feel every single minute of the day.  Her little boy turns two on Sunday, and she readily admits to having what she calls Peter Pan Syndrome.  Yes, she and I are kindred spirits.  We don't want our babies to grow up!

My heart leaps with joy as Molly sings "Be strong, don't be afraid. God is with you always" in the car.  We hear her singing her ABCs or her favorite, "Itsy Bitsy", and we smile.  But I still feel that twinge of sadness that she's growing up.

Tim and I both beam with pride as Molly prays her own prayers.  Last night, as we were thanking God for our church and her new MMO teachers, Mrs Candace and Mrs Nikki, Molly chimed in with, "thank you for Meh Benda, Meh Minny, Meh Connie."  (That's Mrs. Brenda, Mrs. Middy and Mrs Connie, other MMO teachers!).  We put Molly to bed and walked out of her room. As Tim shut the door, I felt myself wishing time would stand still.

Molly and Ellie spend their days playing so well together (for the most part), but as I hear the occasional "her not sheering" from Molly, as quickly as I want to get frustrated that I'm refereeing yet again, I also thank God I'm able to be home with them to teach them to share and play well together.

As Mother's Morning Out kicks off next week, I'm so thankful our church offers such an incredible, loving, God centered program where Molly can go to learn, make friends, and grow.  I'm thankful for those few hours each week I'll have to catch up on house chores, work out with no time restraints (my therapy! Ha!), and have a few coffee dates with friends.  But I also feel a bit of sadness as I realize in just a few short years, we will be sending Molly off to kindergarten.  For the entire day.  Oh, that makes my heart ache! 

My constant prayer is that my heart will always be full of thankfulness.  He's blessed us beyond measure, and these days are truly fleeting.  Oh that we soak it all in as we watch our babies grow so quickly!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Faithfully Parenting Friday: In His Time

I'm doing something I've not done in a long time here. . .  I'm linking up with Michy at Loving our Journey today.  I really wasn't intending to link up, but when I read her post, I just had to.  I love her post. 

Today Michy is asking what is our prayer, our saying of calmness as we journey through life.  Mine is Ecclesiastes 3:11: 

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

             In His Time.

              He makes all things beautiful in His time.

When I cannot see the beauty in heartache and pain, I remind myself of this.

When things are going quite like I'd like, when answers aren't coming as quickly as I hoped, I remind myself of this promise.  I've seen it before and I will see it again. 

I sing this song over and over as well.  What a beautiful song!

And that, His promise, is what I cling to.

What promise of God's do you repeat to yourself in times of struggle and uncertainty? 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Build a Bear . . . or a Dog!

A couple of Molly's friends gave her gift cards to go to Build a Bear.  We decided to take her on her actual birthday to celebrate.

When we arrived, the ladies told us how it all words (we'd never been before) and gave Molly a birthday girl sticker.

Molly picked out a puppy dog, and we decided a barking sound had to be added. Molly loved all the buttons at the sound station!

Molly was not a big fan of stuffing the bear (she's scared of noises like that machine), but she did pick out a heart for her new puppy. 

Her puppy was soon strolling around the store as we picked out clothes and accessories.

Somebody had a ball!

Tim (aka Super Dad) helped put a bow on Molly's new puppy while Molly directed him on where it was to go.

We soon got Molly's puppy a dress and Molly named her Ruff Ruff!  She is so proud of Ruff Ruff, despite the fact that Ruff Ruff looks like she's hanging on by a thread in this picture. 

It was a great way to celebrate Molly turning 2!

HaPpY hApPy BiRtHdAy, MoLlY!!!

Molly Miller is TWO!  I just can't believe it!  She talks up a storm, has an indepence streak that rivals any one I've ever seen, and she laughs a whole bunch. She recognizes a number of letters, counts often (sometimes as high as 14), but is not quite "getting" colors right now (everything is blue). A super picky eater, she loves sweets like her momma (and daddy for that matter) but is super stingy with giving kisses to anyone. 

We celebrated Molly's birthday with an Ice Cream Parlor party with some of Molly's friends!  It was so much fun, and Molly had an absolute blast!

Molly loved being with all her friends as they enjoyed bubbles, ice cream sundaes, cupcakes and fun!

Thankfully, Molly loved everyone singing Happy Birthday to her.  Last year, she had a major meltdown while we sang, so we were so thankful she loved it this year!

It was a perfect ice cream parlor party for a precious little girl!