- What's in a name?
A name is the unique part of language that is attached to you by your parents. With the study of the Kabalarian Philosophy, you will be able to reduce any name to a mathematical formula based upon the letters in the name. This formula is the means through which qualities of intelligence are brought into form through the individual mind.
Once you understand this formula, you understand the person’s overall pattern of thinking, including mental strengths and weaknesses. Because thinking greatly influences experiences, the formula of a name represents the mental direction, and therefore the overall destiny.
The ramifications of the names we use affect every aspect of our lives: how happy we are, whom we attract as associates, whether we can create lasting success, and whether we add to life in a constructive way.
Why does name create mind? The simple answer is that it just does. You could ask why does gravity exist? It is a law of life that relates causative forces mathematically.
To build a theoretical understanding to this relationship takes study. To initiate this process, consider an individual’s personality as the composite of numerous qualities of intelligence. These qualities express through our aptitudes, our interests, our behavior, and our approach to life. Some people are naturally detailed; others are disorganized. Some are promoters; others are teachers. Some are people-oriented; others are loners. Some are technical; others are inspirational. Some are happy and optimistic; others are satirically contemptuous of others. Some are reliable; others are indifferent. Some are intellectual; others live in their feelings. These thinking patterns are measurable, once you have the mathematical key.
Thinking operates using language as its medium, and the intelligence to language is the sequential consistency of the alphabet. A is always in the first position, B is in the second position, C is in the third position and so forth. The language we attach to our own identity is our name, which can be reduced to a mathematical formula using the Mathematical Principle taught in the Life Analysis Training course. The key to translating this formula is the understanding of the relationship of mathematics to the qualities of intelligence.
Although it takes study to understand the theoretical basis of the link between name and mind, it is an easy relationship to prove. Name Reports are offered to allow you to test the principle with your own names. This twenty to thirty page report on the influence of your name on your life allows you to test this principle on yourself.
- What is mind?
Mind is the entity formed from the evolving mental activity of a person and can be thought of as the accumulated thinking of one's life to date. All mental activity takes place using the symbols of language. Even mental images are interpreted and understood only through language, so at a fundamental level, mind and language are intertwined to the point of being inseparable.
Helen Keller, who became blind and deaf as an infant, wrote in her autobiography that before her teacher broke through her mental darkness by communicating language through the sense of touch, she could feel objects and react to experiences but not understand them. When she was in the warm sunshine, she would feel the warmth, but had no words to describe or understand it. After the sense of touch was used to link language with her experiences, she began to develop her awareness of life. She went on to become an articulate writer, and even a public speaker.
Individual mind revolves around the nucleus of name. Every person alive has a name. Your thoughts and experiences are linked to your pattern of thinking, which is linked directly to your name. Once you study this principle, you will come to realize that when a name is changed, the thinking changes, and therefore the pattern of experiences changes. The name is the formula of mental energies that you translate to create your life.
Mind expresses as qualities of intelligence that can be either constructive or destructive. These qualities of intelligence are related directly to the mathematical formula of the name. The 1 quality, when found in the name, can express constructively as individuality and independence or destructively as dominance and self-centredness. The 2 quality expresses constructively as diplomacy and understanding, or destructively as lacking in confidence and procrastination. The 3 quality expresses constructively as enthusiasm and self-expression, or destructively as intolerance and argumentativeness. Each number, from 1 to 9, encompasses a complete sphere of related mental qualities. These qualities express constructively if combined in a balanced manner in the name. If the name is unbalanced, these qualities can express destructively as discordant thinking patterns.
Once you realize that your thinking is measurable through this unique application of mathematics, and that these qualities of mental expression are linked to the mental laws relative to name, inner potential, and cycles, you will have a new avenue to understand the mechanics of mind.
Think of individual mind as a receiving instrument - not unlike a radio - that receives and translates universal impulses of reason. The mathematical balance of the name translates this reason into either a balanced or a discordant expression depending on how the forces of intelligence are combined. Some radios pick up static, or two broadcasts on the same radio frequency. An unbalanced name causes the mind to receive conflicting impulses that result in confusion and discord, thereby expressing destructive qualities of mind rather than constructive ones; anger rather than happiness, irritation rather than patience, criticism rather than understanding, narrow-mindedness rather than vision. What happens when the keys of a piano are struck randomly without using the principle of musical harmony? When parents choose a name without an understanding of the principle of language as the vehicle for consciousness, they may unwittingly affect the child’s future adversely. The child will reflect the lack of harmony in the name in his or her life and suffer accordingly.
Life, through the principle of duality, is both physical and mental. Both aspects of life operate under mathematical laws. By understanding these laws, we can predict the behavior governed by these laws. When a chemist combines one element with another, he can predict the resultant chemical reaction. The chemist built his confidence in the theories of chemical interaction by testing and proving them in the laboratory.
By studying Kabalarian Philosophy, you can predict the behavior and expression of mind by analyzing the influence of the names used. As you gain experience testing and proving this theory of mind in your everyday life you will know why Peter expresses independence and originality, why Ruby is expressive, why Julian is detailed and thorough, why Terry is driven by challenge but prone to tension and temper,and why Diana procrastinates and relies on other people’s opinions. Even though every individual is unique, the name one uses operates within a range of mental expression. There are other laws to consider fully to appreciate mind, but the name operates as a basic principle for all people.
Everything in your life is linked to your thinking pattern. Discover the principle of balancing thinking to become master of your destiny.
- What is the relationship of mind, language, and potential?
All life represents the abstract power of reason involving into finite expression and evolving through the law of growth. Inasmuch as language and mind are inseparable, the power of language through mind represents the greatest potential power in the universe. Language is the only means in life through which life becomes conscious of itself. Being the basis for the creation and operation of mind, language represents the abstract power of reason expressing on the mental plane above the instinctive emotional plane which controls all animate life below the human species.
Mind, if balanced through name and concept, lifts us above the dictates of instinct and feeling. Humanity has the potential to be governed by logic and reason through the development of more universal and harmonious thinking. To fulfil this potential, mind must understand the laws of being, and apply them.
The Kabalarian Philosophy teaches the duality of life comprising an abstract origin or cause and the finite expression of this cause. This abstract cause, the reason or plan of life, comes into finite expression through the natural and mental laws, and motivates all living forms. In humanity, this abstract reason expresses through the symbology of language to be the intelligent force behind mental expression. With education, refinement, discipline, and growth, mental expression becomes wisdom, the highest manifestation of the power of language in life. This is why we hold language sacred. It is the vehicle for consciousness.
- Why are language and mind linked to mathematics?
Everything in life is measurable, whether we measure it or not, and accordingly has a connection with mathematics. The scientist seeks an understanding of the physical laws through mathematics. The student of the Kabalarian Philosophy seeks an understanding of the mental laws through mathematics, as well. The two different aspects of mathematics involved are distinguished as quantity and quality: the quantity aspect of mathematics measures the physical; the quality aspect of mathematics measures the mental. By using qualitative mathematics, the mental qualities of the person are revealed.
Although this principle is quite simple to use, it is profound in its ramifications. You are working with a new understanding of mind, and it will open up new vistas as you study this principle. It requires only an open inquiring mind to test and prove it.
- Does this principle work in all languages?
Yes, this Mathematical Principle of name is universal; it works in all languages. How could it not, being the principle through which all minds have their being? If you are born in a country where English is the official language, you must use the English alphabet for the mathematical formula of your name. Because other alphabets may have more or fewer letters, a name can have a completely different effect in a different language.
In Chinese, the basis of the written language is a system of non-alphabetical characters. The mathematical value is based upon the number of strokes to write the character. China has had name analysis for centuries. It was Confucius who said that if he were made emperor, he would change the names of all the cities. Even cities are influenced by their names.
- What happens if I change my name?
Changing your name will change your thinking pattern. Young children change more quickly, whereas an older person may wait several months to recognize the changes. If the new name is in great contrast to the previous one, you will recognize the changes sooner. It is like grafting a new branch onto a tree. The old roots are still there, but the new growth will express relative to the new graft.
When a woman marries and takes on her husband’s name, often she will experience changes in her health, thinking, and destiny. When the couple says "for better or worse" in their marriage vows, they do not realize how the wife’s name change will affect her life.
By changing your name, you are consciously invoking a mental law. This is a fundamental step to creating the health, mental harmony, and peace of mind possible through mental balance.
- Which has more influence, my legal name or a nickname?
Both will have an influence, but the original name is the underlying blueprint. Sometimes, one name is used at home, and the other at work. In these cases, the person will behave and think differently in each environment according to the names used.
Nicknames create a confusion of mind and are discouraged. The only exception is where the original name is discordant and cannot be changed for some legal reason. In this case, a balanced nickname or alias is better than using the discordant legal name. Speak to a qualified Kabalarian consultant to insure you are making the proper change, as it profoundly affects the rest of your life.
- Why does the name affect all aspects of my life?
The name represents the mental pattern which stimulates specific qualities of intelligence, which can be constructive or destructive. Destructive mental weaknesses have an impact on our lives, limiting our full potential. Some of us express the destructive qualities of being stubborn, self-centred, blunt, egotistical, or domineering. Others are limited by the destructive characteristics of indifference, passivity, or negativity. Qualities such as being argumentative, intolerant, and scattering have never created understanding or happiness. Being discontent, small-minded, chaotic, and moody all diminish our success and overall health. Whatever the negative qualities we express, we are undermining the harmony and balance of which we are capable.
These mental weaknesses are linked directly to the unbalanced name. By changing to a balanced name, a name harmonized to your inner potential, you can build greater positivity into your thinking and happiness into your life.
A balanced name is the starting point in the process of developing mental freedom. As you become mentally free of destructive patterns of thought and habits, you will fulfil the greatest potential of mind: to express wisdom and harmony in your words, deeds, and thoughts and bring your ideals into reality.
- What if I move to another country and I use another language?
The influence of the original name influence will always be the foundation of your mind, even after you have moved to another country and have lived under another language. As you live and think in a new language, your name may have a new influence if there are more or fewer letters in the new alphabet. If you become bilingual, and think in the new language, the influence of the language is that much stronger.
- How is health related to my name?
Health is a reflection of the degree of harmony in the name and mind. If the mind expresses emotional discord, some form of sickness usually results sooner or later. The body is a reflection of the mental influences acting upon it.
Many recognize that diet influences overall health. If you eat in an unbalanced fashion, is it not the desires of the mind that motivate the eating habits and create the sickness which ensues? Intense destructive emotion adversely affect the physical health as well.
Each mathematical quality is related to a specific physical system in the body. Therefore, those who study Kabalarian Philosophy can predict health weaknesses based upon the imbalance in the name. For instance, some names create potential weaknesses in the extremities and the sensory organs in the head. Other names may develop sicknesses relative to the the fluid and lymphatic systems. Others can suffer problems linked to the digestive tract, whereas others are more prone to nervous or mental disorders. Every name can be related to potential health weaknesses because of the relativity between mind and health.
The greater the discord in the name, the greater the potential for a health challenge. Although unknown to medical science, the name is an important factor in health, as it creates both the potential weaknesses in the physical body and the unbalanced desires that lead to habits and indulgences which aggravate the weakness. These habits lead to a breakdown in the physical systems affected.
- How is my success in life related to my name?
Life is the expression of mind. You live within your thoughts, just as a goldfish lives within the water of its bowl. You cannot escape your thinking pattern, as it is who you are.
Your first name and surname combined attract specific overall conditions in your life, such as disappointments in people, or losses. You may find circumstances force you to start over in pioneering conditions no matter how much effort you put forth. You may find your efforts benefit others, but not yourself. You may find that your success comes only after intense effort over long periods of time. You may find that even if you create a degree of success, an elusive aspect of your ideals remains unfulfilled. You may find that what you really cherish repeatedly goes out of your life. You may find that your life has no stability, with constant ups and downs and no accumulation. Each of these conditions is a life pattern or destiny created by the combined names used.
Have you ever wondered why some people attract success? It is linked directly to the mathematical value of their names. Some people gravitate to leadership positions or positions of responsibility because of strong name combinations. Their thinking created by their names attracts these successful conditions.
They say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks; but you can change your thinking pattern for the better by using the Mathematical Principle governing thinking. Change your name and you change your life.
This does not mean life will automatically improve beyond measure, as nothing comes without effort. But the balanced name will atttract better conditions to the degree you incorporate the balance into your daily life.
A balanced name will help develop the resolve to make the changes necessary to free yourself of the destructive habits that hold you back. Life is really very short. Establishing mental balance is required to express your highest potential.
The founder of the Kabalarian Philosophy, Alfred J. Parker, re-discovered this knowledge which has been known in many cultures and ages past. The Kabalarian Philosophy has applied this understanding for over seventy years to help people create greater harmony through a balanced name.
- How is my destiny related to my name?
Destiny is often seen as either a fixed sequence of events that is inevitable and unchangeable, or that individuals choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their life. The Kabalarian Philosophy reveals that names given at birth create an energy field of intelligence from which individuals draw and around which their lives revolve.
Your names, when reduced to a mathematical formula, actually reveal the sum total of your life-your personality, your likes and dislikes, your ideals, and even the conditions and experiences you will attract in life. What is your fate? Will you be happy and healthy, will you be rich, will you attract good opportunities and harmonious relationships, and will you meet your ideals?
An understanding of the influences governing your life is revealed through a Name Report. Many people have fine names but despite their best efforts they seldom seem to get ahead while others attract the best so easily. There is a reason for everything that happens in our lives.
With over eighty years of experience, the Kabalarian Philosophy has proved that a change of name will change the conditions in a person's life and will allow the expression of one's true purpose measured from the date of birth.
The Life Analysis Training program will give you insights into name and destiny and you can prove for yourself the value and truth of this knowledge. By studying the Mathematical Principle, you will better understand others, and work with others in greater harmony. You will be able to understand yourself and your true destiny and create the conditions that will lead to your success and fulfilment.
Everything in life has a cause. By learning the cause of mind, you will be taking important steps in becoming master of your destiny. Do not let this opportunity pass you by!
- What is the Kabalarian Philosophy?
The Kabalarian Philosophy was founded by Alfred J. Parker in 1930. He was a universal yet practical philosopher always seeking the reason or principle behind the experiences of life. After he discovered key basic laws of mind, he lectured, wrote, and taught these principles in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Presently the Kabalarian Philosophy is studied in centres in Western Canada, in California, in the Netherlands, and by correspondence students around the world.
The philosophy is non-denominational; it is open to all people seeking a logical understanding of life. The philosophy teaches the following principles: how mind is created and balanced; how the balance of mind influences health; how cycles govern the cyclic unfolding of mind through time; and how mental development towards a more universal perspective can be achieved through applying these principles in your life.
In established centres, there are ongoing classes in all aspects of the Kabalarian Philosophy. Weekend workshops are offered to correspondence students to gain this understanding in a more concentrated study format.
- Why should I study the Kabalarian Philosophy?
The study of the Kabalarian Philosophy allows you to take greater control over your life through an understanding of the principles that affect thinking. As you apply these principles, you create greater harmony in your thinking, and greater vitality in your health. You are encouraged to apply the mental standards outlined in the Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking , written by Alfred J Parker, the founder of the Kabalarian Philosophy. These ethics are included in the FAQs on the Kabalarian web site.
You are encouraged to study the Kabalarian Philosophy at your own pace. You are given an understanding of the principles of life. Your personal progress is based upon your application to these principles. You are responsible for your state of mind. Nothing comes without effort. The fruition of applying these principles is the attainment of happiness and harmony, which is your birthright.
Everything in life is linked to mind. By understanding mind, you open the door to the greater accomplishment and attainment. Study the Kabalarian Philosophy. It will give you a new insight into how to create greater harmony in your life. It will give you a new perspective on how to achieve your unique potential through applying the principles of mental balance.
- Why should I change my name to a balanced name?
Balancing your name is a fundamental step in balancing the forces of intelligence that your mind draws upon. Will power is not enough. You can change your thinking only so far with the force of will. To eliminate the tensions of the unbalanced name, a change is required, to align your mental characteristics and attributes with your true inner nature and potential. Thus you will be working with the law of balance, rather than against it.
By balancing your name, you can create greater confidence leading to more accomplishment, greater harmony leading to better relationships, greater relaxation leading to freedom from tension (which is the root of all sickness), and greater peace of mind leading to mental freedom.
If you were only to balance your name, conditions in your life would gradually improve, but to achieve the maximum benefits in the shortest time, apply this principle every day to understand your family, friends, and associates more completely. Understanding, tolerance, and patience create harmonious and lasting relationships.
Study the positive and negative qualities of mind so you may break the destructive habits which create tension and ill health. This philosophy can give you the understanding, the perspective, and the techniques for creating peace of mind. Certainly there are those who will object to your changing your name. It is only natural that those who care about you, friends and family, will question your actions. If they cared about you and understood this principle, they would urge you to proceed. Invariably, most families will accept the new balanced name.
You must choose between your present state of mind and the potential for so much more. After you have the confidence that this principle works, just do it! The Kabalarian Philosophy offers a Balanced Name Recommendation service where experts in name work with you to choose a balanced name suited to your unique potential.
- Why should I study the Life Analysis Training course?
The Life Analysis Training course is the foundation of the teachings of the Kabalarian Philosophy. All further studies build upon the principles introduced in this course.
Life Analysis Training gives you the mathematical tools to understand the inner potential of everyone you meet and the basic mechanics of mind. You will not find this information anywhere else. With seventy years of experience, the Kabalarian Philosophy offers proven principles for the measuring and balancing of mind through mathematics.
Life Analysis Training is not difficult to study. Do not anticipate a rigorous course requiring expert knowledge of mathematics. This is a course about human nature and its relationship to mathematics and the qualities of intelligence. What is more entertaining than the foibles of human nature? What is more beneficial than the elimination of human discord at its source?
Life Analysis Training is the open door to a new understanding of mind. If this principle were more widely known and applied, greater harmony could be established individually and collectively. Why don’t you start this journey of discovery? What could be more important than the basic principle that creates your thinking and therefore shapes your destiny?
- Why should I study the Cyclic Law in the Cycle Management Training course?
Life Analysis Training deals with the mechanics of mind. Cycle Management Training deals with the mathematical measurement of time and growth. Mind is not static, as it is part of an ever-changing cyclic pattern of growth. What would it be worth to you to understand the quality of time and the proper sequence of effort required to bring your goals and ambitions to fruition? This is the very knowledge contained in this course.
The Cyclic Law is an important tool in planning your career whether you are starting out or are making changes. An invaluable guide, it gives you an edge in your work, as you will know the quality to be expressed each day, month, and year. Knowledge of the cycles helps in planning for major purchases and investments. Most importantly, it gives you a vital tool to measure mind as it goes through the nine successive stages of a cycle.
Your efforts should follow the cyclic potential of time. There are times when your progress is gained by initiating action or starting something new. There are times to work with diplomacy and self-expression, just as there are times to continue what you have started through system and order with particular attention to the details. There are times to branch out, after which there are times to stabilize, and to make important decisions. There are times to withdraw from active effort and think about the broader issues, and there are times to bring your efforts to full fruition. Finally, there are times for planning and visualizing, and giving back to others from the fruition received.
Knowing how to measure these phases of effort and coordinating your efforts with the cyclic law can give you greater success without the tensions that so often accompany success. You can avert business failures caused by starting or expanding at the wrong cyclic time. These failures are inevitable even when adequate ability and effort are expended, because the seeding was during the wrong quality of time. What success would a farmer have by planting his crop in frozen soil?
By studying the Cyclic Law, you are learning another mental law, which can lead to greater control over your destiny and greater harmony in your thinking. The Kabalarian Philosophy teaches you, through this course, the underlying principle or key governing the cyclic law so that you may definitely discern the workings of the cycle, in complete continuity.
- What other courses are available?
Healthy Living teaches the relationship of mathematics, mind, and health. It gives the practical steps to reverse aspects of ill-health that baffle those without an understanding of the cause of mental tension. It also teaches steps to vitalize the body and mind through a practical application of the physical and mental laws.
There are other courses, such as How to Be Mentally Free which covers the principles of mental growth. As the philosophy is a study of life in its entirety, it is an ongoing study for the seeking mind.
- Is the Kabalarian Philosophy compatible with my religion?
If you are seeking a greater understanding of mind, Kabalarian Philosophy is compatible with any religion. The Kabalarian Philosophy teaches universal tolerance to all people no matter what race, religion, or belief.
Progress in science occurs as scientists propose new theories to explain new or existing information at hand. Through ongoing testing, they determine whether the theory fits the facts consistently. Scientists apply mathematics, logic, and reason to create this greater understanding. Traditionally, science has studied the physical laws. Where science ends, philosophy begins.
What does your religion teach of the understanding of mind? How is mind created and balanced? What does your religion teach of mental development? How do you measure your inner potential? What does your religion teach of the maintenance of optimum health? What does your religion teach of the quality of time and how to be the most effective person possible?
If these topics are of interest to you, test the Kabalarian principles before accepting them as valuable insights that will help you no matter what your religious background.
- How does Kabalarian Philosophy relate to atheism?
An atheist can be defined as an opponent to religious beliefs, or as one who fundamentally questions the existence of God as the creative power of the universe. Does this mean an atheist does not need to understand mind, optimum health, and the development of his or her potential?
If one recognizes that physical life unfolds through natural laws, such as gravity, which are consistent and universally applicable, than one can consider the possibility that mental life follows definite laws as well. The Kabalarian Philosophy contains this unique knowledge of the mental laws.
Life can be understood as reason expressing through the various mathematical laws, and expressing an evolving pattern of intelligence into the various strata of life. Mind, potentially the highest expression of this intelligence, can create balance and harmony and reflect this equilibrium into life as a broad universal understanding, or wisdom. On the other end of the spectrum of mental expression, mind is a reflection of discordant thinking and emotions. Lacking the initiative to live above self-interests, mind creates confusion and chaos through lack of principle.
- What are the differences between the Kabalarian Philosophy and religions?
Fundamentally, all religions have three objectives: to teach a theory of life to explain the various facets of life, to provide a code of conduct, and to unite the efforts of their adherents to fulfil their interpretation of the plan of life.
Towards the first of these three objectives, the Kabalarian Philosophy adds significantly to the understanding of mind. While all constructive codes of conduct are beneficial to the degree they are applied consistently, fulfilling the plan of life is incomplete without recognizing the role of mind.
You must use the creative power of mind to establish balance and harmony. Once you can measure the qualities of mind, the responsibility is yours to discipline and refine your thinking to be a constructive channel of mind. The Kabalarian Philosophy provides the tools for mental growth - the principles to work with in a practical way to enhance your life dramatically.
The Mathematical Principle, as taught by Kabalarian Philosophy, has been known in many cultures and ages past. This principle is the means by which mind is created and balanced. What more important truth in seeking to understand the plan of life is there than striving to become a complete reflection of the universal potential of mind?
- What is the Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking?
The Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking, written by Afred J. Parker, is as follows:
Appreciate and respect the Power of the Word (speech); never misuse this power by swearing, vulgarity, lying and deceit, falsifying another’s statement, or destroying the reputation of others.
Strive to govern moods and habits so as to create peace and happiness with others through happy, constructive thoughts, through little acts of generosity and service, and through seeing good and God in others. Acts of giving never go unrewarded.
Always endeavour to develop an open mind, giving credit to others for mental effort even though they may not as yet have discovered the true light of wisdom.
Stand in awe at the threshold of wisdom in humbleness and in deep respect. Remember that wisdom expressed through you is not of your creation but always was. Your endeavour to fit and balance your mind to your higher consciousness of wisdom is your sacred duty and not optional.
Only through constant striving to eliminate bad or negative thoughts and habits can your mind feel justly proud to be a sacred part of Divine Consciousness. A mistake sometimes occurs – it is not evil – it may occur through wrong evaluation or comparison, or through undue optimism. A first mistake may be classified as an error in judgment if a lesson is learned from the experience; if not, then it is a conscious mistake upon a negative plane of mind, and serious and punishable through the law of reaction and your conscious realization that you deliberately created your own test and must now find a solution.
Kill out ego and false pride. Never take the know-it-all attitude, for to do so is to kill out natural incentive and progress.
Remember that your mind is the greatest instrument in the universe. As you think, so are you, because the nature of your thoughts indicates the plane of mind to which you are tuned; thus, your thinking and you are one. If you did realize the power of your own mind for good or destructiveness, you would check every thought and utterance. Do not say wrong or hurtful things for fun or to build up your own importance. Remember false pride comes before a fall. Never negate your thoughts and ideas; never say "can’t" or depreciate your ability to equal or better the performances of others. What others have done, you can do, and do better, but do not say so; prove it in greater application than others, for only by effort and application shall your works be known. Never say idle and boastful statements; say only that which is logical and truthful. Learn to know when to speak, and always express your thoughts in a refined and dignified way so as to leave the best impression.
Be systematic; proceed step by step, and learn to finish the things you start. Never make a promise that you cannot, or do not, intend to carry out; thus will you always speak truth. Align yourself always upon the side of justice, truth, and honesty. Do not meet others upon the plane of anger, wrongdoing, or thoughtlessness. Always use the power of analysis, particularly when in doubt. Never attempt to alibi that which you know is wrong. Keep your mind always upon a constructive plane of thinking. Remember your sins will always find you out.
Always seek for an ideal, an objective, and the proper method of application. Create a refined and individual personality, a happy and generous one. Develop clean and tidy habits, body cleanliness, and a clean mind. Be conservative, yet creative, in your dress. Avoid showiness in dress and loudness in speech. Make others want to pattern themselves after you: that is a well-deserved compliment, and indicates adherence to Kabalarian ethics of right thinking.
Alfred J. Parker, Founder
Kabalarian Philosophy
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