Friday, January 17, 2014

Weekend Rebel Science Excursion - 27

Editor at MyMachine Dot Org
The subtitle of today's post could be "The Abiology Rebellion."

That is because, in today's post, I am going to talk about Abiology, a subject that is not yet in some of our parent's dictionaries.

Abiology is an area of science that is like Rodney "I don't get no respect" Dangerfield when it comes to the entirety of evolution.

Regular readers know that in various and sundry posts on the Dredd Blog System we have bemoaned the dearth of research within evolutionary circles concerning the subject of abiotic evolution or Abiology.

I have even done so to the point that I now encourage more scientific textbooks with the title "Abiology 101" in addition to and in contrast with "Biology 101" (see e.g. Did Abiotic Intelligence Precede Biotic Intelligence?, Putting A Face On Machine Mutation - 3).

A fair definition of Biology is:
... the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior.
(Dictionary, emphasis added). A fair definition of Abiology, then, ought to be:
... the science of non-life or non-living matter in all its forms and
phenomena, especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior.
(see e.g. abiological). One problem or question that biologists struggle with is the art of defining life (Erwin Schrodinger, PDF), but, to be sure that arises most often inside the twilight-zone between the abiotic and the biotic realms.

That is a twilight zone of overlap where Biology and Abiology would both be useful, in the sense that we can't yet draw a jurisdictional map with a fine line separating the two, at least like we can with cities, counties, states, and nations.

That reality is exacerbated by the understanding that we now have developed.

Which is that cells are like cyborgs, in that they are composed of both molecular machines and carbon based life stuff (The New Paradigm: The Physical Universe Is Mostly Machine).

If you are not convinced yet, remember that even DNA is a molecular machine, i.e., it is not alive (The Uncertain Gene - 8).

Yet genes are studied in Biology classes as if DNA was bio rather that abio, but not yet studied in Abiology class because we don't have any Abiology 101 classes do we?

The formula to the right has to do with quantum proton tunneling, which is a quantum
physics concept.

However, since genetic mutation, during DNA replication, can be caused by this phenomenon it is in that twilight zone.

So genes are to be studied by both Biology and Abiology (see Quantum Tunneling and Quantum Tunneling in DNA) even though genes and DNA are not alive.

But, since they are tightly coupled with cell reproduction and just about everything else a cell does, both disciplines are potentially impacted by the phenomenon.

However, one place where Biology is not involved in evolution at all is in the dynamics of abiotic evolution of the sort that took place for ~10.21 billions of years prior to carbon based life forms evolving.

That is, prior to there being any "bio" or "ology" to blend together into the study of life, a.k.a. Biology (see the "Did Abiotic Intelligence Precede Biotic Intelligence?", and "Putting A Face On Machine Mutation - 3" links above).

Separating the two (bio, abio) might solve some of the problems mentioned in If Cosmology Is "Off," How Can Biology Be "On?" (and similar posts mentioned above).

Not doing so is like "observing adolescents to understand early childhood" (Alex Filippenko).

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Follow The Immunity - 3

That germ is back!
The issue of the various types of governmental immunity, commonly called sovereign immunity, is an old and persistent subject which we have been reviewing in this series.

The subject has some overlap with The Government of the Government as well as When Accountability Is A Plague, however, there have been notable failures that we need to be aware of.

That is what we are trying to do in this series.

We have noticed, in this series, that some nations are immune from being held accountable by other nations which they have wronged, for some strange reason, even though some of those harmed nations have implemented a governmental structure whereby the government is supposed to govern the government through the rule of law rather than through the rule of men (The Constitution Is Quite A Medicine).

The way that the founders structured the U.S. government, using the Constitution, evinces a belief or knowledge, probably based on their personal experiences in Europe during feudal times (American Feudalism), of the reality of civic dangers that lurk inside of power.

They had lived and observed that government did not have a sufficient immune system to "germs" associated with power (About Toxins of Power, The Germ Theory - of Government).

Scientists who study physical, microbial "germs" know that most of them are good, but the ones that are bad are "bad to the bone" (Some of My Best Friends Are Germs).

One of the "germs" our founders struggled against was "the king can do no wrong" meme, expressed by one of the kings who was known to our founders:
To whom are sovereigns accountable? In 1609 King James I offered Parliament his answer. Starting from the premise that the “[e]state of the monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth,” he equated kings to gods, because “they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power upon earth.” Kings have absolute power and authority, “and yet accountable to none but God only.”
(EJIL). That germ activated antibodies within the people, and the antidote that began to form was "the government of the people, by the people, and for the people", which is at odds with the type of thinking that the king had expressed.

Continuing with that story flow, let's notice one reaction to the thinking of King James I, which came about a year after his pronouncement:
A year later, Sir Edward Coke, then the Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, handed down two judgments that contested King James’s vision. In Coke’s view, “the King cannot change any part of the common law … without Parliament” (Case of Proclamations), and even Parliament is not supreme but “controlled” by the common law (Dr. Bonham’s Case). This debate about the internal accountability of governments has drawn the attention of political philosophers and marked the evolution of domestic constitutional and administrative law ever since.
(ibid, EJIL). Germs can go dormant, i.e. hide out, and return at a later time as that germ eventually did.

It was later rehashed and expressed in more recent times by President Nixon as "When the President does it, that means it is not illegal."

The "king can do no wrong" species of social germs has existed for a long time, and this particular form is beginning to morph or mutate to become part of a new type of epidemic in our international midst:
In Jones v. United Kingdom, a chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held that the United Kingdom did not violate Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees a right of access to court, by dismissing civil suits alleging torture on grounds of immunity. Jones and others sued the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and some of its officials in UK courts alleging torture in violation of international law. In 2006, the House of Lords held that both Saudi Arabia and its officials were immune from suit under the UK’s State Immunity Act.

The ECtHR’s decision with respect to Saudi Arabia is not remarkable. In Al-Adsani v. United Kingdom, the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR held by a closely divided vote that international law did not recognize an exception to state immunity from claims of torture.
(Opinio Juris). This modern form of "the king can do no wrong" bug is more robust than its ancient counterpart, because it is now becoming associated with "epigovernment" (Epigovernment: The New Model, MOMCOM: The Private Parts).

That is, it has jumped into the international arena to begin to run free without an antidote in terms of international law, leaving only the antidote of the government of the government within individual nations.

The king who can do no wrong will have to govern himself it would seem.

Not a good sign.

The previous post in this series is here.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Uncertain Gene - 8

DNA is not alive or biotic
In this series we have been looking at surprising ways that genetic mutation takes place (The Uncertain Gene).

But before we move on into today's post, let's remember that reporting on scientific dynamics does not require that the reporter or blogger be a microbiologist, a genetic specialist, or a quantum physicist.

Citizen journalists who are bloggers have the same "freedom of the press" and "freedom of speech" that newspaper and other reporters have.

I mean that in the sense that we can report on various subjects without having a Phd. in that particular subject or field.

Just as main stream media reporters are allowed to report about nuclear power plants and other technical subjects, even though they are not nuclear or other types of physicists or scientists.

In that context, the exercise concerning what Dredd Blog reports is to make sure that the foundational materials come from competent sources that allow us to honestly and accurately communicate the dynamics that we are reporting on to other laypersons like ourselves.

This series, from the first post, has emphasized that we are talking about abiotic evolution and abiotic mutation, not biological evolution and biological mutation.

It is important to realize that scientists are calling aspects of this subject matter a new paradigm:
A new paradigm exists for understanding how cells function. Scientists are recognizing that the cell is a highly integrated biological factory with a modular architecture. Each modular
Ribosome: a molecular machine
unit acts as a molecular machine
... Molecular machines also function as mechano-chemical energy transducers, converting chemical free energy into mechanical energy for cellular processes. They operate cyclically, and can reset themselves.

With the genetic information gained from the U.S. Human Genome Project and DOE's Microbial Genome Program, scientists now have the raw information with which to observe, manipulate, characterize and, ultimately, replicate these large protein assemblies. Using conventional and newly developed microscopy techniques, PBD researchers, through an initiative called Microscopies of Molecular Machines (M3), are creating a toolkit for probing the inner workings of these molecular machines.
(The New Paradigm: The Physical Universe Is Mostly Machine). That Dredd Blog post quotes from a U.S. Department of Energy entity, which is the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory.

The first fundamental thing to understand about this current series is that what we are discussing is not commonly understood.

That is, it is not commonly known, even to university level students, that DNA & genes happen to be molecular machines, i.e. that they are abiotic entities in the sense that DNA is not alive, rather, it is an abiotic molecule:
We are involved in a project to incorporate innovative assessments within a reform-based large-lecture biochemistry course for nonmajors. We not only assessed misconceptions but purposefully changed instruction throughout the semester to confront student ideas. Our research questions targeted student conceptions of
Prokaryotic Translation
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) along with understanding in what ways classroom discussions/activities influence student conceptions. Data sources included pre-/post-assessments, semi-structured interviews, and student work on exams/assessments. We found that students held misconceptions about the chemical nature of DNA, with 63 % of students claiming that DNA is alive prior to instruction. The chemical nature of DNA is an important fundamental concept in science fields. We confronted this misconception throughout the semester collecting data from several instructional interventions. Case studies of individual students revealed how various instructional strategies/assessments allowed students to construct and demonstrate the scientifically accepted understanding of the chemical nature of DNA. However, the post-assessment exposed that 40 % of students still held misconceptions about DNA, indicating the persistent nature of this misconception. Implications for teaching and learning are discussed.
(Putting A Face On Machine Mutation - 4). This new paradigm of scientists uses "molecular machine" nomenclature.

Perhaps, later on this ongoing discussion will also use the concept of molecular machine intelligence, a.k.a. artificial intelligence (Did Abiotic Intelligence Precede Biotic Intelligence?).

That has to be the case when considering the long, long past of machine evolution and mutation which took place prior to the existence of any carbon based organic life forms or any biological intelligence.

Anything else ignores the enormity of time before biological evolution "recently" emerged out of previous molecular machine evolution:
The Earth is said to have formed "around 4.54 billion ... years ago" (History of Earth).

Therefore The Big Bang happened about 9.21 billion years before the Earth formed (13.75 - 4.54 = 9.21).

Biological organisms formed on the Earth about a billion years later, which would be ~10.21 billion years after The Big Bang.

Humans, homo sapiens,  are said to have evolved about 200,000 years ago, which would be ~13.7498 billion years after The Big Bang (13.7498 + 00.0002 = 13.75 billion years). Homo sapien evolution is a very tiny 0.0002 billion years of the 13.75 billion year story.

The abiotic epoch which preceded the biotic epoch involved a vast amount of "time" as we know it ...
(Putting A Face On Machine Mutation - 3). By effectively ignoring the majors while hiding in the minors, we have let some of our science decay.

Take for example the need to adjust quantum mechanics and cosmology and then move them into the flow of time involved in molecular machine evolution and mutation:
Quantum mechanics is an incredible theory that explains all sorts of things that couldn’t be explained before, starting with the stability of atoms. But when you accept the weirdness of quantum mechanics [in the macro world], you have to give up the idea of space-time as we know it from Einstein. The greatest weirdness here is that it [quantum mechanics] doesn’t make sense. If you follow the rules, you come up with something that just isn’t right. [Penrose]
This is said to be the golden age of cosmology and it is from an observational point of view, but from a theoretical point of view it's almost a disaster. It's crazy the kind of ideas that we find ourselves thinking about.
And the metaphor here—which comes from atomism that comes from Democritus [c. 460 – c. 370 BC] and Lucretius [c.99—c.55 BC] —is that physics is nothing but atoms moving in a void and the atoms never change. The atoms have properties like mass and charge that never change in time. The void—which is
Eukaryotic Translation
space in the old days never changed in time
—was fixed and they moved according to laws ...

Why are we confident of that? We're confident of that because we have a kind of metaphysical belief that there are laws of nature that are outside time and those laws of nature are causing the outcome of the experiment to be what it is. And laws of nature don't change in time. They're outside of time. They act on the system now, they acted on the system in the same way in the past, they will act the same way in a year or a million or a billion years, and so they'll give the same outcome. So nature will repeat itself and experiments will be repeatable because there are timeless laws of nature.

But that's a really weird idea [for scientists] if you think about it because it involves the kind of mystical and metaphysical notion of something that is not physical, something that is not part of the state of the world, something that is not changeable, acting from outside the system to cause things to happen. And, when I think about it, that is kind of a remnant of religion. It is a remnant of the idea that God is outside the system acting on it.[Smolin]
(If Cosmology Is "Off," How Can Biology Be "On?"). These are great scientific problems that will therefore need great scientific solutions.

That is because of, among other things, the complexity of the molecular machines that make up everything genetic, such as the prokarotic translation which molecular machines perform within prokarotic cells (see graphic above).

Same with the eukarotic translation that molecular machines perform within eukarotic cells (see graphic above).

The work of molecular machines which fabricate genes, as well as fabricating other molecular machines, must have had an enormous part to play in billions of years of evolution leading up to genetic machines (The Tiniest Scientists Are Very Old).

Remember also that this vast amount of evolution and mutation had to have taken place billions of years prior to the advent of biological organisms, which only came on the scene relatively recently.

Failure to concentrate on that vast span of time of molecular machine evolution, which eventually relegated them to mysterious "junk DNA", when they are anything but junk, is junk science:
Here is what "junk DNA" or "dark matter" really is:
"We took this approach because so many RNAs are rapidly destroyed soon after they are made, and this makes them hard to detect," Pugh said. "So rather than look for the RNA product of transcription we looked for the 'initiation machine' that makes the RNA. This machine assembles RNA polymerase, which goes on to make RNA, which goes on to make a protein." Pugh added that he and Venters were stunned to find 160,000 of these "initiation machines," because humans only have about 30,000 genes. "This finding is even more remarkable, given that fewer than 10,000 of these machines actually were found right at the site of genes. Since most genes are turned off in cells, it is understandable why they are typically devoid of the initiation machinery."

The remaining 150,000 initiation machines -- those Pugh and Venters did not find right at genes -- remained somewhat mysterious. "These initiation machines that were not associated with genes were clearly active since they were making RNA and aligned with fragments of RNA discovered by other scientists," Pugh said. "In the early days, these fragments of RNA were generally dismissed as irrelevant ["junk"] since they did not code for proteins." Pugh added that it was easy to dismiss these fragments because they lacked a feature called polyadenylation -- a long string of genetic material, adenosine bases -- that protect the RNA from being destroyed. Pugh and Venters further validated their surprising findings by determining that these non-coding initiation machines recognized the same DNA sequences as the ones at coding genes, indicating that they have a specific origin and that their production is regulated, just like it is at coding genes.
(Scientists Discover the Origins, emphasis added). One wonders why this was not contemplated prior to going off into junk science, especially since molecular machines are found elsewhere in cells.
(The Uncertain Gene - 3). A recent post on an excellent microbiology blog has indicated the degree of sophistication of some of these molecular machines (by calling one of them a "Molecular Turbine").

Anyway, in the next post we will take a look at how all of this impacts upon our understanding of the nature of viruses.

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Government of the Government - 4

Poppy said we gotta spy on youse to save youse
These guys are said to inhabit the greatest debating body in government anywhere on Earth (Inside The World's Greatest Deliberative Body).

The Earth, upon which they are said to be doing the best deliberating of all, is not only in danger of being destroyed in many ways (The Most Dangerous Moment in Recorded History, On The Memorial Daze - 2), the parent Sun governed by the Cosmos itself is also scheduled to destroy the Earth (The Life and Death of Bright Things).

Currently it appears that the Sun will come in second, and the Great Debate will be won by these Luddites, pictured in today's photo, because these guys have the balls of an Elephant combined together with the intellect of a Jackass.

I mean, their great deliberations forged the great clean water and great clean air acts (emphasis on acts) that has led us to:
(NaturalNews) The Pacific Ocean appears to be dying, according to a new study recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Scientists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in California recently discovered that the number of dead sea creatures blanketing the floor of the Pacific is higher than it has ever been in the 24 years that monitoring has taken place ...
(Ocean Die Off In California Waters). Why? ... because their "great deliberative" legislative efforts are acts performed to the scripts written by Oil-Qaeda.

One of their "great deliberative accomplishments" is that there are five giant garbage gyres in the world's oceans (New Continent Found - Garbage Gyre II - 5) which have developed as they deliberate very deliberately.

So let's not thank Deliberative Daryl and his other brother Deliberative Daryl, pictured above, for their mass-murdering incompetence (MOMCOM's Mass Suicide & Murder Pact).

Let's consider this instead.

The previous post in this series is here.