The New Penknife Press
Well, at least a new site and more new material, but we are still Penknife Press.
Heretofore, those works have been given short shrift. Here, may they shrive.Our goal is to publish works that the mainstream publishing industry won’t publish because the works are not intended for the mass market. There are many fine works that are directed towards specific and narrow markets.
Are You An Author?
If you are an author and are interested in publishing your work, we can help. Penknife Press can assist you by providing you with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), a print-on-demand production method and a distribution channel, all paid for by Penknife Press.
Here at Penknife Press we feature works by upcoming authors. Works that may be a bit off the beaten path. But rest assured that they will all engage your attention, tweak your imagination, raise your awareness or tickle your fancy.
Take a look around, read some of the free excerpts and hopefully you will find something that you want to take home forever.
"Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword." - Edward Bulwer-Lytton