Resources for Torture Survivors, Refugees, Detainees, & Asylum-Seekers

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Online Resources for Working with Refugees, Victims of Torture, Detainees, & Asylum-Seekers

Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP

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In helping torture survivors and those who who have been officially detained, seek asylum, or find refuge in new countries, a major problem is quickly locating resources that fit the situation and the individual.

To help in this search, I've gathered over 130 links to resources such as:

Please follow these links to other pages on this web site presenting 4 articles:

1) "The Code Not Taken: The Path From Guild Ethics to Torture and Our Continuing Choices -- Canadian Psychological Association Member of the Year Award Address" published in Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne

2) "Psychological Assessment of Torture Survivors: Essential Steps, Avoidable Errors, and Helpful Resources" published in International Journal of Law & Psychiatry

3) "Are the American Psychological Association’s Detainee Interrogation Policies Ethical and Effective? Key Claims, Documents, and Results" published in Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology.

4) "3 Cognitive Strategies That Deny, Discount, & Dismiss Torture: How Individuals, Groups, Governments, & Cultures Enable Torturers" published by Academic Press


Links to Online Resources for Torture Survivors, Asylum-Seekers, & Refugees:

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