- Please be patient, as the administrator of this site is still learning how to work all the wonderful features of this SoapBlox blog! All kinks will get worked out slowly, but surely!
After a rather lengthy absence, RICE is back with an important announcement about a march today!
Friday, August 29 is the THIRD Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
and here in Providence, we're getting a preview of the same
that were the root of the unnatural disaster called Katrina!
It was an inspiration to attend the rally on May Day protesting the governor's executive order on illegal immigration. The amount of time that goes into preparing and carrying out such rallies is daunting. It was good to see what I would have estimated as four to five hundred people gathered on the Statehouse lawn, though I must say I was surprised there were not more there.
It was even more of an inspiration when, during a speech in which the speaker told of his conviction that this executive order was an act against all the Hispanic community in Rhode Island, someone called out "against all immigrants!" and another followed "against all of us!"
The progression of speaking on behalf of the wronged to generalizing the issue to how it affects all of us is the sort of realization that comes with community, with gathering together and discussing the issues of the day.
This blog, dear reader, is here for you to be a part of a community that wants to discuss issues of justice, of human rights and of the environment where we lead our lives together in this tiny corner of the earth.
I encourage you to join the community by signing in and making comments on a diary. Once you begin to enter a conversation here with others, you may find you wish to write a more extended piece - a "diary" - that documents your thoughts and experiences for others to comment.
The hope on community blogs such as this one is to have diverse people from across the state coming to one place to discuss matters that are important to them. You might even want to sign up to state your disagreement with something you have read - that's encouraged (as long as it's civil, of course). We learn by sharing, and reading and writing.
Don't worry that what you have to say isn't important... do you live in or care about Rhode Island? Then you have something to say and you belong here!
So, sign in and start talking! We want to hear from you, so we can feel the unity of a big community in our little state.
Yes, it is a bit confusing because there is another march tomorrow for labor, but given recent events and the mounting evidence of serious discrimination in our state, this announcement takes precedence today. For tomorrow, May 2, please see the preceding diary (I told you it was a bit confusing!).
Please note that we'll be gathering at the State House (Mall Side) from 4pm-6pm. We will be joining to EXHORT the legislature to overturn the Executive Order and to STOP the anti-immigrant legislation.
Help Spread the Word!!
This Friday, May 2nd at 3:30, Rhode Island Jobs With Justice is sponsoring a March for Unity for the Rhode Island Community. The March will begin at the Westin Hotel (if you are not sure how to get there, click here. This march is actually part of the National Conference of Jobs With Justice, which will be held here in Providence from May 2 - 4 at the Biltmore.
According to a recent AFL/CIO e-mail, the march is designed to highlight four goals for our state:
* Restoring the state's ability to collect revenue from the wealthiest Rhode Islanders.
* Fully funding education and programs that keep Rhode Islanders working, living and staying well.
* Protecting the workers who keep Rhode Island running.
* Promoting a real job-creation platform by investing in Green Jobs for Rhode Island.
A larger coalition of labor organizations will gather at 5 p.m. on the 2nd for a rally at the State House.
For a little more information, click on "there's more" directly below this sentence...
Yesterday I was at the Statehouse for some lobbying business and was pleasantly surprised to see a group from Pax Christi Rhode Island (a Catholic organization, and an organization to which I do not belong) holding banners in the Capitol rotunda and handing out fliers to passers-by.
Though their fliers may have more religious content than some readers may feel comfortable with personally, the words speak real truth about the recurrent situation of the powerful blaming the powerless for real problems.
Sometimes this strategy results in groups of powerless people blaming one another for societal ills, ignoring the larger source of these problems.
To read their wonderful statement, click on "There's more" directly beneath these words.