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We know you are sick of this stalker box. We get it. But we have no choice but to bug you. If we don’t reach our modest fund drive goal the CounterPunch site itself will have to be scaled back dramatically. Why? Because it costs a lot of money to keep it running. We have 2 million readers a month and that eats up bandwidth, which isn’t cheap. There is good news, however: We are getting VERY close to the finish line. If you can chip in, we’ll likely reach our goal soon. When we do, this note will come down. If you’ve donated, we thank you, if you haven’t, please consider dropping us a few bucks. And if you can give $100 or more a generous CounterPuncher will match your donation. What are you waiting for?

Panic on K Street: The Fall of Paul Manafort

Americans love nothing more than a tantalizing fall-from-grace story. Yet, they seem curiously unmoved by the unfolding tragedy of Paul Manafort. Perhaps because he, like so many of the other young Republican zealots trained in the House of Reagan, was from the beginning a man unadorned by any detectable sheen of grace.

Manafort is what might rather antiseptically be called “a fixer.” Someone you call when you’re in political trouble. Someone who’ll only answer the phone if you’re in deep trouble and you’ve got deep pockets. As far as anyone can tell, this career as an influence peddler was what Manafort intended for himself when he set off for Georgetown University in 1967. When other students were mobilizing against the war, Manafort was already plotting ways to capitalize on global slaughter. Any war, anywhere. More

Presidentially Obsessed:  Trump on the Brain

I’m almost tempted to feel sorry for the campus-town Democrats I know, some of whom still have Obama bumper stickers on the back of their Volvo and Priuses.  Every day brings a new horrible outrage from the noxious orange-tinted beast who drags his knuckles though the White House, sending liberals into new fits of rage and despair.  They live on the fumes of hope that their great bete noir, Donald Trump, will be removed from office prior to the next election. More

Don Draper Rules: Russian Ads and American Madness

So we’ve finally seen some of the social media ads which we are told skewed the entire election in 2016 and constituted a key part of the internet assault on America launched by Vladimir Putin’s “troll army.” Scary stuff blazoned across front pages and screen scrolls everywhere. But before going on, perhaps we should find out what makes a social media account part of Putin’s invasion force?

Well, according to Twitter, it is ANY account created in Russia. Or any account where the user has a Russian email address. Or if their name contains Cyrillic characters. Or if they ever tweet in Russian.  Or if they have ever logged in from any Russian IP address — even a single time. Twitter says: “We considered an account to be Russian-linked if it had even one of the relevant criteria.” More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Hidden War

In this Issue:The Hidden War: Edward Hunt on the moral outrages in Yemen; Department of Injustice: Stanley Cohen on Racism as Policy under Jeff Sessions; Cold War Illusions: Patrick Lawrence on the mentality that will not die; Killing Grizzlies in Yellowstone by Louisa Willcox and David Mattson; The Real Heroes of Mexico City by Laura Carlsen; Barcelona is Not Afraid by Julie Wark and Daniel Raventos; PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on climate change and forest fires; Mike Whitney on Syria; Chris Floyd and Lee Ballinger on Bob Dylan; Yvette Carnell on why liberals ruin everything. And much more.

CounterPunch Matching Grant

If you are able to donate $100 or more for our Annual Fund Drive, your donation will be matched by another generous CounterPuncher! These are tough times. Regardless of the political rhetoric bantered about the airwaves, the recession hasn’t ended for most of us. We know that money is tight for many of you. But we also know that tens of thousands of daily readers of CounterPunch depend on us to slice through the smokescreen and tell it like is.

There’s no safety net for us. Every dollar you can manage is crucial to our survival. So, please, help as much as you can. All contributions are tax-deductible.
If you appreciate CounterPunch and haven’t yet made a tax deductible donation this fund drive, please consider doing so. No amount is too small, every dollar counts (PayPal accepted).
Donate Today!

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Abby Martin
  • TOPICS: The situation in Venezuela
