Anhvinh Doanvo
Anhvinh Doanvo is an MSPPM candidate at Carnegie Mellon University. He has written for numerous publications including The Hill, Georgetown Public Policy Review, and Baltimore Sun. He is one of forty 2016 finalists for the Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship, which funds twenty US citizens' graduate education annually and places them in the American Foreign Service of the Department of State. You can follow him on Twitter at or Facebook at

As elections are delayed, Palestinian leaders suppresses free speech

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Pro-Palestinian activists must stand against all rights violations equally, including by Palestinian leaders.
Syrian Syria

The Russia-US truce in Syria leaves an Islamist mess

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With no official documentation publicly available, the latest Syria cease-fire negotiated by the US and Russia has been criticized as unusually vague, nontransparent, and weak. But ...

The media is grossly inflating ISIS’ reach

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The media is grossly exaggerating when it claims that the Islamic State now operates in “18 countries.”

More conservative Islam-bashing from the Daily Caller

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Conservative media is now lying about a Muslim pool party in France in order to bash Islam.

Jill Stein thinks WiFi is dangerous

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Anyone who thinks Jill Stein is a valid alternative to Hillary or Trump should read about her actual views.
Syrian Syria

More Syrian civilian casualties

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The low estimate says 56 civilians were killed, including 11 children.

After ISIS: Iraq gets ready for a civil war

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With the Islamic State’s loss of 45% of its territory in Iraq over the past two years, we may be approaching the end of the war on ISIS. The conflict’s progression nevertheless ...

Why Hillary Clinton is not Petraeus, Snowden or Manning

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Unlike Clinton; Snowden, Manning & Petraeus had the “intent” to distribute classified info. Hillary did not.

Clarence Thomas’ abortion dissent is right-wing dogma masquerading as law

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Justice Thomas demonstrates an astounding indifference to the realities faced by women.

Gun safety advocates shouldn’t endorse the validity of the “no fly” list

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In the wake of tragedy, too often, all judicious reasoning protecting due process is lost.

Britain First and Orlando: Not every violent act is international terror

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It is dangerous to conflate the actions of “lone wolves pledging to ISIS” with ISIS itself.

Orlando shows that ISIS is today’s Cold War

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It’s time we viewed domestic “terrorism” through the same lens we use on the crimes of other mass murderers.

The Islamic State’s threat is closer to Paris than Syria’s refugees

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When we demonize refugees, the terrorists win.
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