[09 Jun 2003|12:17am] |
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i'm so annoyed right now-i'm sooo tired of seeing genital herpes commercials. i mean come on...it just paints a picture in your mind of these people in the commercial having it. they're like white-water rafting and having an outbreak-eeee! i think people can ask their doctor about medication, it doesn't need to be commercialized and in your face...
[27 May 2003|12:14pm] |
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too funny! next story on inside edition: "MOM'S ON METH!" hey wait! sounds kinda like my mom! lol!
[15 May 2003|10:20pm] |
mmmmmmmmm it feels good to be vulgar!!!
and i feel that i may become the bearer of bad news....
[13 May 2003|01:04am] |
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i wish people weren't so goddamn superficial. where all they think about is how they look or how someone thinks how they look. i mean, here i am in this nice little state of superficiality and the hospitality of alabama. where everyone is all "hey YALL how YALL doin" twang twang. ugh. and then their little baptist christian selves go turn around and talk about you. or look at you cuz you don't go to church like the majority of the population. i just wish everyone would just be themselves. of course i'm not always, i can't be that hypocritical. but i certainly never, ever judge others for what they believe in or what they do. i think people here are too worried about their after life in heaven and forget that they're actually living here on earth right now. i think that's what really counts...
Crack Babies |
[03 May 2003|02:34am] |
I thought this was funny! sick, but funny...
[02 May 2003|02:26am] |
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i hate trying to look at porn. i don't a lot and when i do i get all kinds of fucking pop-ups! hmm, lets see i'm closing a window i wanna get out, fuck, another pop-up! ugh! it's just annoying!!!
the best line ever |
[01 May 2003|02:30pm] |
"when you get called a cunt by a 400lb woman who is raping you, you wont like it much either."
thats gotta be the hugest pile ive heard.... how could a 400lb woman fuck a 9 year olds pewwweeeeeeee?
im sure its possible but is it plausible?
[27 Apr 2003|12:37am] |
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ok did anyone hear about the 2 gay men in texas who got arrested on sodomy charges? it makes me soooo mad! how can anyone get arrested for who they're having sex with?!! i mean, men and women do the same thing but do they get arrested? NO!! ugh, it's just more bullshit that comes from our hypocritical government. we say that we are the land of the free blah blah blah but how can we be free if they are arresting people for their sexual preference? i don't know, pretty fucked up to me....
fuggin hilarious! |
[19 Apr 2003|12:06am] |
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i found another pic of happy bunny i have to go out and get...
[17 Apr 2003|04:08pm] |
i posted this a while back in my lj, its funny as all fucking hell and totally ripping on nonuglies and those who decide to be a part of it....
i chose not to have problems with thecuties even though they have some of the same mods, but thecuties are a lot less harsh and a little less judgemental, and the majority of them have better personalities than nonuglies....
OMFG THEY EVEN HAVE A NONUGLY TYPE THING FOR HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am sooooooo gonna jump on this wagon and make one for like assholes or something.... we will tell you if your asshole is tight enough... if not you wont be in the top 2% of people with tight assholes...
thebitingfaery sorry girl you got porn ass or something your so denied
chemwhore if i had an asshole like that id shave my head and learn to walk backwards
please remember dont take this seriously
[17 Apr 2003|11:03am] |
i woke up morning and turned the tv on to price is right ( i usually watch it every morning). and you know what pisses me off? when someone bids only one dollar more than another! i don't know why, but it really bothers me...maybe cuz i've got some courtesy or something. couldn't they bid like $5 or $10 more just to give em a friggin chance? i chouldn't care so much except it does...makes me see something about society or something...it's a dog eat dog world...i don't know, i give to much thought to this minute little point...
you smell like butt! |
[17 Apr 2003|01:50am] |
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i had to put this somewhere...one of my best friends gave me this sticker and i lost it when i move! sassy!!! so i just love this and i can't wait till i find it again cuz then i'll put it on my car...
[17 Apr 2003|01:00am] |
ok is it just me or are the preparation h pads commercials yuck? i mean yeah it's fine to have an inflamed or itchy asshole but i don't think i wanna see a commercial of a woman ootching and skootching on a chair because she has an itchy or inflamed asshole. it's worse than tampons...maybe not...i don't think people wanna see that either...but the way i see it, people will know where to go and what to find if they have this problem, i don't a commercial advertising "use our asshole itch pad instead of theirs!" whateva...
[17 Apr 2003|12:21am] |
nonuglygays is a fun place to be if youre gay of course, tho if youre a lesbian go to nonuglylesbians :-P
i wish i wasnt rejected from the gay one then i could comment :-P, but i will just have to some how take "hot" pictures not ones that are just "cute" as i got accepted to thecuties :-P
ok me done ranting about dumb shit :-P
night night.
[16 Apr 2003|04:27pm] |
i'm gonna try this pic one more time...sorry i can be lame at times and right now i totally am...lack of sleep...
[16 Apr 2003|02:12pm] |
forgot the pic...silly me...