Account means User’s account containing Authentication Details and other information provided by User while using the Service.
Authentication Details means unique means of User identification (username and password) used for Authorisation.
Blog means a third-level domain of the Website which is transferred by the Administration to User under the terms and conditions hereof to post his/her Content (keep a Blog).
Community Owner means User who created a Blog in the form of Community.
Content means User`s information within the Service, including any information published during the process of Registration, in Blogs and Communities as a note or comment as well as sent by User in private messages using the Service.
Community Moderator means User to whom the Community Owner provided access to the functionality necessary to moderate the Community’s Content.
Profile means a publicly available page automatically created within the Service during the Registration, which contains all the information filled out by User during the Registration as well as during any further modifications or amendments of his/her Account, except for password and email address specified for registration.
Paid Services means any one time and continuing additional services provided to User by the Administration on a monetary base.
Registration means User’s actions performed in order to create an Account pursuant to the procedure established by the Administration. User shall give his/her Authentication Details during the Registration process and may also give any other non-obligatory information which he/she deems fit.
Website means a website in the information and telecommunications network Internet identified by its domain name
Service means the LiveJournal Service which allows User to keep Blogs, post notes, comments and use any other functions offered by the Administration.
Community Supervisor means User to whom the Community Owner gave access to special Community management functions.
Community means a Blog devoted to a topic specified by the Community Owner, which Content’s scope may be created by a Community of Users in accordance with the rules defined by the Community Owner.
Google Maps means features and content of the «Google Maps» and «Google Earth» services, which may be utilized within the Service.