Monday, February 10, 2025

Divisionals in Boise

This weekend the four of us headed to Boise for Simone's divisional!  it was a quick trip!  And this time we stayed in downtown Boise for a change, which was fun!  It's a really cute city.  We ate dinner at The Fork on Friday and that was delicious.

Simone did great.  The qualifier boulders on the first day were very easy.  Which was kinda actually hard because that means if you have one fall, you could be out!  But luckily it wasn't that way.  Four girls flashed all four.  And the next two had one extra attempt.  Simone had one fall and that meant she tied for 5th.   Top thirteen go onto finals, and top 6 for nationals.

In the finals she also placed 5th.  The first three boulders she climbed super well.  The last one she wishes she could have a do over!  It was just her style and she just couldn't zone on that one cause she had too much momentum.  She looked at me when she finished and was so worried, "Did I botch it?"  And thankfully we knew at that point that she was safe!  Ugh the pressure they feel when they have worked all year for this!  Its tough.  She did not want a repeat of last year.

But there is something to be learned from these and that is just focusing on both what you did right, and what you would change if you could do it all over again.  Each new comp is a learning experience!  And it's also meant to be fun.  Celebrate the successes!

Also, she is very happy that President Trump signed the executive order to protect women and girls in sports.  It doesn't apply to climbing because it doesn't involve Title 9 funding.  But hopefully someday soon we will see climbing also offering an open category and limiting the girls category to females and  her teammates will stop getting cheated at these events.

So we will be heading to Oregon in July for nationals.  Yay!  And she's very excited because she flew right from Boise to Anaheim to go to Disneyland with Ava and her family.  Lucky girl!

We drove home and were back in time to watch the Super Bowl with everyone!  Fun weekend.

Sunday, February 02, 2025


I think I did pretty well with staying away from the drama during this election!  I posted one thing on my story though, and that apparently got under some peoples skin.  Sad cause they obviously didn't watch the video I posted because it would have explained well the reason a lot of people, like me, voted for who they did. (Trump).  I would have loved to have a perfect candidate.  But after all the 2020 antics, and then vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, athletic restrictions, and ALL the woke garbage that has been shoved down our throats for the past four years, I needed to vote for a candidate who could win and defeat the woke lunacy, and that was Trump.

I  honestly don't expect people to be that invested and we all have our reasons for voting how we do.  I get that we all have different backgrounds and life experiences that lead us to the decisions we make.

For me, voting for Trump was never my first choice.  He's got some major flaws I'll agree with that.  But I loved the fact that he avoided additional wars in his first term.  I think he is strategic, intimidating, and commands respect from world leaders.  I couldn't say the same for Kamala.  And I would never have even considered voting for someone like her after she basically said she would do all the same things Biden did.    

Anyway, elections are heated and Adria from high school decided to message me, as well as my friend, a whole bunch of angry, accusatory word salad about abortion.  So apparently she's sending crazy DM's to anyone who supported Trump on social media.

Part of the message she copied and pasted to anyone who posted about Trump:

"This doesn't offer safer spaces for woman. Have you ever fostered a child. Have you ever seen what happens to woman who can't get abortions. Do you know the real story. This is our rights. It's sick that you think this gives you more. It takes away. Tell me more about when when you've fostered. When you've supported woman who can't afford children. When you've cared for the homeless who need help. Trump builds hate and you support him. I've never seen so much hate."

It was an interesting interaction.  I was very diplomatic but eventually got sick of the crazy.  She blocked me, and honestly that's fine by me.  If you're that intolerant of 50 percent of the country, I don't really want to be friends.  But it did make me think and I was amused by some of it.  

First of all, she started with a question, "have you ever fostered a child?!"  I'm assuming by the way it was worded that she thought I hadn't.  Surprise! Yes I was a foster parent for a year!  I don't post private things like that on social media, because it involved family.  But what kind of argument is that anyway?  "If you've been a foster parent, you know how much we need abortion!"  Like what?  I was a foster parent, and I'm glad the person we parented for a season was not aborted.  I don't think abortion is preferable to kids being in foster care.  Similarly, the "Have you ever seen what happens to woman who can't get abortions?"  Um they had the baby and gave them up for adoption?  Yes I've seen that play out many times.  And I've seen how grateful and happy it made the adoptive mom and dad.  Baby had a life!  And the mom was able to move on with hers, go to college, later have a family when she was ready.  

Then it was, "Tell me more about when when you've fostered. When you've supported woman who can't afford children."   Again, just because people don't vote how you do, and just because they don't list their good deeds on instagram doesn't mean they don't do them.  What am I supposed to say here?  I'm sorry I should have posted on instagram each time I helped a mom pay her bills.

I think abortion is correctly a state issue.  I don't agree with how everything is right now.  I would like to see more moderate stances in some states, I think this will be worked out in time, and thankfully voters have the final word.  

Even if someone can't afford having a child, there are a lot of options.  

Out of 195 countries in the world, our abortion laws are more liberal than 188 of them.  Other countries limit barbaric procedures because they acknowledge that there is a point in fetal development where a baby has a functioning nervous system, feels pain, and should not be dismembered.  This isn't difficult to understand.

Can we take a holistic approach to reproduction?

  1. I’m a mother.  Protecting my children is my #1 priority.  I want to amplify and normalize mothers placing value on the sacred nature of procreation,  protecting their children, not celebrating the right to kill their offspring. 
  2. I believe that all women should have access to abortion in the cases of rape, incest, life of mother, and in situations where the baby will not live.  According to my friends who have had experiences in these kinds of situations, at least in Utah, this kind of care is given early in the pregnancy, in the hospital, with the patients provider.  I believe this is how it should be. 
  3. “Trust women” sounds nice but does not convince me to support unrestricted abortion.  Women hurt their kids all the time and we legislate against child abuse for a reason.  No baby should be horrifically killed in the third trimester.  46 out of 50 European U.N. member countries restrict abortion on demand after 15 weeks of gestation.  Out of 195 countries in the world, only 8 allow abortion to term: United States, Australia, Canada, China, Guinea-Bissau, Mexico, South Korea, and Vietnam.   This makes us by definition extreme.  
  4. Learning about fertility is empowering and fascinating.  I support teaching more about fertility and how women’s bodies and cycles work beyond the basics.  I like science.  I think we should all learn more about ovulation signs, and fertility. 
  5. There are valid reasons to not have kids and I don’t want people who don’t want kids to have kids.  I’m happy to collectively support their use of the birth control or sterilization. 
  6. At the end of the day, I hope we can amplify and normalize things that strengthen our society and families.  We don’t have to try to normalize everything.  It’s paradoxical to attempt to do so. 
  7. The symbol of feminity should be protecting the weakest, smallest, voiceless children.  
  8. There are many instances where no limits on abortion is actually allowing men to pressure women into unprotected sex, then abortions so they don't have to pay child support.  This is a real problem where women are being coerced into something that they actually would not choose on their own.  And we talk about abortion being so great for women, but I think the men are the ones who think it's great.  The men who want zero responsibility and don't even have the heartache that comes with either decision.  And when they say they "support" abortion rights, they can pretend it's all about supporting women lol.  I feel like women are being pandered to and used.  Real men man up and take responsibility.

For the record, abortion is available up to 13 weeks gestation in all 50 states at home by telehealth and plan C pill.  And also birth control and knowledge about conception is readily available via the internet to anyone who actually cares to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

But the thing that is so interesting are all the talking points.  Like we see headlines all over the news praising France for codifying abortion rights into the constitution.  We don't see any headlines explaining that abortion is limited to 16 weeks in France.   We never see that the US is actually heavily an outlier on abortion already.  So when my daughter comes home and tells me how her friends are all upset about Trump being elected, because he's taking away our reproductive rights, we can have a conversation.  And that conversation starts with taking responsibility, knowledge of how our bodies work and where to get that information, what to do if you ever were assaulted, understanding what the steps would be.  It's not a perfect system.  But I don't think promoting women killing their babies is good for women.  

Anyway, Dear Adria, we have options.  I think it's interesting how people are weeping about their rights being taken.  So you were planning to use abortion in the future?  It seems like preventing pregnancy should be your goal instead and good news, you can still do that successfully in a myriad of ways! 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Last Mission Birthday for Miles

This week Miles turned 20 on his mission!  It's been 495 days since I last hugged him, and I'm really feeling it.

I miss him so much!  I'm so happy he's in Brazil and that he is happy and positive about his mission.  Adjusting to the idea of leaving everything for two years wasn't easy for him at all.  In fact the first week was so tough.  But he pushed through and after that first couple weeks, I haven't heard him sad or complain one bit.  And it would be okay if he did because I think it's normal to have ups and downs.  But I'm glad he's happy.  I'm happy for all the things he's learning that I wouldn't be able to properly teach him as his mom in Utah.  

There is a big shift that happens when kids are able to see the world from the perspective of someone they have come to know and love.  People who they are rooting for and helping to make major life changes.

He's learned about addiction, domestic abuse, illness, poverty, mental health, and loneliness.  It's pretty sad to see that there are people in this world who have not a friend to call when they need help.  I love how he's doing his best to help people in difficult situations to feel the love that the Savior has for them.  He's seeing how important fellowshipping is and how having a supportive ward family can change everything for some.  

I love his big heart and how he has done what he can to serve his companions and new friends on his mission.  Miles loves being a homie and I love seeing all those traits I always loved about him at home shine through as a missionary.  Like how he enjoys having certain foods that he can share with his friends.  One time he made tacos for everyone and I thought that was cute.  Miles is a good time and he thinks of ways to have fun.  P days in Brazil are not like P days in Italy.  But they find fun things to do like BBQs and Catan when they are in the more remote areas.  In the cities there are lots of options.  Really nice malls with fun little curiosities.  Good restaurants, the zoo, bowling, and fishing have been some fun things.  

He had three baptisms this week.  I loved hearing their stories!  Jose, another Jose, and 10 year old Jessica.  

My favorite thing when we FaceTime him is hearing him casually speaking Portuguese in the background.  Usually they are at the mall or walking somewhere while we are talking so we get to see him in his element a little bit.  I also love when he starts talking about church doctrine and I have to laugh because the kid that resisted FHE, and family covid church so much is suddenly teaching me about deep doctrine.  I love the role reversal so much.  And I also have enjoyed the fact that he said "my kids will never have TikTok."  AND that he talked about turning off a kids phone when they were teaching a lesson.  What a miracle.

Anyway, we miss him.  We are proud of him.  I sent him a letter this week and in his birthday letter wrote 20 things I love about Miles for 20 years old.  And I'll just post it here too for the record!

1. Curiosity--I love how you are interested in how things work.  You've been like this since you were a toddler and wanted to know about the snakes in heaven haha
2. Resourcefulness--If you want to do something you will figure out a way
3. Innovation--I like hearing your creative ideas for making missionary work effective and efficient
4. Love learning and is always interested in asking questions and lives for information
5. Your genius is your enthusiasm!  Like Dad, you have that contagious enthusiasm that makes people want to learn about what you are into.
6. Persuasive--This is hard for moms sometimes!  Having a kid as persuasive as you are can be challenging, but channeled into things like missionary work, sales, its such an incredible trait.  Another one that you def got from Dad
7. Beautiful blue eyes!
8. Humor--my favorite trait!  You are so fun to be around and always keep us laughing with your quick wit
9. Loyalty--I like how you are a great friend and brother to those you love and care about.
10.  Kindness--remember when Sister R told me how you stuck up for her daughter or when you comforted your friend recently when his brother died
11.  Good choices--I like that overall you have such a good head on your shoulders and are careful about the word of wisdom, etc
12.   Leadership--You are inspiring and a person who others gravitate towards.
13.  "The ability to repair and improve, not only things but also the lives you touch, will be a theme for your life"  pertinent to your mission!
14.  Creative--I love when you craft!  You've made some really cool things.  Welding, painting, even your ceramics were actually so cool and creative
15.  Resilience--missions are hard!  But you are out there walking miles and miles, facing rejection and disappointment and finding success in spite of all of that!  
16.  Fun!  I watched your graduation stunt video today.  It was so funny.  I love how you are always doing fun things and planning 
17.  Smart--you can breeze through books like no one I've met.  
18.  Handyman--really loved when you helped dad get the faucet installed.  I'm grateful to have someone in the family who understands how to fix things and likes learning these things!  This will serve you well!
19.  Adaptable-- New foods, culture, language, no problem.  You adapt easily.
20. Generosity--I love how thoughtful you've been with your comps and other people on your mission and that you always have a desire to help when you see a need.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Working in a Winter Wonderland

One of my co-workers said, "it feels like we work in a Hallmark movie" and I hate most Hallmark movies but I appreciated the sentiment! 

I got to work on the tree lot a few times this season!  I loved the smell of the pines, how happy everyone was, and that it thankfully wasn't cold!  I really think we needed cute string lights, a photo display area, and some hot cocoa though!  Haha. 

This fills my cup

I love everything the potted desk girls do!

Hot Cocoa Bar

We all love Cocoa Mojo and warm drinks in the winter.  Cocoa Mojo is a little lower glycemic than regular cocoa and has medicinal mushrooms.  We add collagen protein.  So the actual macros are about like a protein drink, but with cleaner ingredients!

Ingredients: Organic Peruvian Cocoa, Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, and a blend of Organic Extracts of: Cordyceps, Coriolus Versicolor (Turkey Tail), Maitake, Agaricus Blazei, Reishi, Shitake

Jared met the owners of Enerhealth at a trade show at least a decade ago.  And since then we have been hooked!  We just get it on Amazon.

I bought these cute mugs from Anthro and the electric tea kettle from Amazon.  I have loved having all my stuff for tea ready to go so easily.  Considering it was an unused space before and a junk drawer, I'm very happy!

Christmas Card looking different this year

So I have a regret.  For years now I've said I wish we took a professional family photo every year.  We mostly have but we missed a few, especially early on.  

This year I figured we couldn't do them cause Miles is in Brazil.  But then I realized that people still do them!  It's okay if everyone can't be in it.  I wish I'd done something with the rest of us.  

We did do a quick iPhone picture for Christmas cards up at Tibble.  Elise said she'd take a quick one of the four of us still at home.  We were planning to meet up at Tibble and then on the way we ran over a sharp rock and blew out a tire.  AND no service in the canyon.  So I hopped out and hoped they were not already there.  Thankfully after just a few seconds I was able to flag them down.  We all piled in their tiny Subaru.  Soleil was very amused to see the clown car!  We took a couple quick pics.  Then headed back home to get the truck and figure out the tire.

Then we realized when we sold our last car we accidentally gave the new owners the snow tires for our current car!  No!  So we didn't have a spare.  But Jared had it towed to the tire place and we just got new ones put on the next day.

We had a separate photo of each of the grown kids that are married and one of Miles on the back. 

Its different and feels a little weird!  But next year we will be altogether again!

And it was a good opportunity to take some new ones of Soleil.  She's much bigger than in April!


 I love all the garlands, trimmings and arrangements for Christmas.  It's been fun to play around with some things.

We are using my grandmas china more and it's been fun to play around with how colors look with the blue plates.  I love the colorful Couleur Nature table linens.  Mixed this with the anthro 12 days of Christmas stuff.  Not sure if it really pulls off the look I was going for but we will keep playing around!

Made some porch pots!  This was fun to forage in my yard a bit!  I wanted the tree top, not just cuttings.  So I bought a porch pot from Costco and used the greens in it to make 3 separate porch pots.  I also used Ilex berry branches and sugar pine cones from work.  And added the birch and red dogwood branches from work and my ornamental kale from the fall pots.  I think it's cute!  We put it together really fast and it's not perfect, but I like it!

I lost my Felco hand pruners for a couple days and had to use some others.  Wow.  Forgot how much better the Felcos are.  

Always have an amaryllis for grandma!  I bought some waxed bulb amaryllis at Costco.  They were cute!  Bloomed early!  Wish I'd bought more.

Next up is an orange garland!  It's such a trend but also super cute.

Christmas Fun

Soleil loves her little table that used to be in Sorens room!

The Live Nativity in Alpine is always so fun and so beautiful!  My kids love animals more than your average kids and so a chance to see a camel up close is exciting.  They loved the sheep, horses, Highland Cow, donkey, chickens, peacocks, kangaroos, etc.  Soleil loved the animals too.  Live music and hot cocoa at the end.  We love this tradition!

Soleil is enjoying the nativity set.  We all are very impressed that she said "Jesus" when she saw the baby in the manger.  She also says "Jesus" when she sees the picture Elise painted in the basement.  We don't know how she learned that the Little people baby in the manger was also Jesus.   He obviously doesn't look like the painting.  

when Elise was on her mission I framed this painting she had copied from a famous one.  She was embarrassed I put it up because it wasn't done yet.  But I think it looks great and it is perfect to me.

And I collected some cute German/scandinavian looking ornaments from work and made the tree with all the kids cute picture ornaments from over the years look cute.  Its small but I love it!


Aquarium Lights

This year the Aquarium did a really cool light display.  My kids all love the Aquarium and we decided to go.  Soleil kept saying "wow" so it was worth it to see her cute reaction.  It includes admission to the aquarium and it was fun to see sharks and the rays, etc.  Penguins were all asleep since it was night.  But that was cute to see as well.  It only took 15 minutes or so to walk through the light display.  We may have spent longer at all the fun things but two of my kids forgot coats (or I forgot to tell them it was partly outside) so we had to hustle a bit.  Still so fun!