This week Miles turned 20 on his mission! It's been 495 days since I last hugged him, and I'm really feeling it.I miss him so much! I'm so happy he's in Brazil and that he is happy and positive about his mission. Adjusting to the idea of leaving everything for two years wasn't easy for him at all. In fact the first week was so tough. But he pushed through and after that first couple weeks, I haven't heard him sad or complain one bit. And it would be okay if he did because I think it's normal to have ups and downs. But I'm glad he's happy. I'm happy for all the things he's learning that I wouldn't be able to properly teach him as his mom in Utah.
There is a big shift that happens when kids are able to see the world from the perspective of someone they have come to know and love. People who they are rooting for and helping to make major life changes.
He's learned about addiction, domestic abuse, illness, poverty, mental health, and loneliness. It's pretty sad to see that there are people in this world who have not a friend to call when they need help. I love how he's doing his best to help people in difficult situations to feel the love that the Savior has for them. He's seeing how important fellowshipping is and how having a supportive ward family can change everything for some.
I love his big heart and how he has done what he can to serve his companions and new friends on his mission. Miles loves being a homie and I love seeing all those traits I always loved about him at home shine through as a missionary. Like how he enjoys having certain foods that he can share with his friends. One time he made tacos for everyone and I thought that was cute. Miles is a good time and he thinks of ways to have fun. P days in Brazil are not like P days in Italy. But they find fun things to do like BBQs and Catan when they are in the more remote areas. In the cities there are lots of options. Really nice malls with fun little curiosities. Good restaurants, the zoo, bowling, and fishing have been some fun things.
He had three baptisms this week. I loved hearing their stories! Jose, another Jose, and 10 year old Jessica.
My favorite thing when we FaceTime him is hearing him casually speaking Portuguese in the background. Usually they are at the mall or walking somewhere while we are talking so we get to see him in his element a little bit. I also love when he starts talking about church doctrine and I have to laugh because the kid that resisted FHE, and family covid church so much is suddenly teaching me about deep doctrine. I love the role reversal so much. And I also have enjoyed the fact that he said "my kids will never have TikTok." AND that he talked about turning off a kids phone when they were teaching a lesson. What a miracle.
Anyway, we miss him. We are proud of him. I sent him a letter this week and in his birthday letter wrote 20 things I love about Miles for 20 years old. And I'll just post it here too for the record!
1. Curiosity--I love how you are interested in how things work. You've been like this since you were a toddler and wanted to know about the snakes in heaven haha
2. Resourcefulness--If you want to do something you will figure out a way
3. Innovation--I like hearing your creative ideas for making missionary work effective and efficient
4. Love learning and is always interested in asking questions and lives for information
5. Your genius is your enthusiasm! Like Dad, you have that contagious enthusiasm that makes people want to learn about what you are into.
6. Persuasive--This is hard for moms sometimes! Having a kid as persuasive as you are can be challenging, but channeled into things like missionary work, sales, its such an incredible trait. Another one that you def got from Dad
7. Beautiful blue eyes!
8. Humor--my favorite trait! You are so fun to be around and always keep us laughing with your quick wit
9. Loyalty--I like how you are a great friend and brother to those you love and care about.
10. Kindness--remember when Sister R told me how you stuck up for her daughter or when you comforted your friend recently when his brother died
11. Good choices--I like that overall you have such a good head on your shoulders and are careful about the word of wisdom, etc
12. Leadership--You are inspiring and a person who others gravitate towards.
13. "The ability to repair and improve, not only things but also the lives you touch, will be a theme for your life" pertinent to your mission!
14. Creative--I love when you craft! You've made some really cool things. Welding, painting, even your ceramics were actually so cool and creative
15. Resilience--missions are hard! But you are out there walking miles and miles, facing rejection and disappointment and finding success in spite of all of that!
16. Fun! I watched your graduation stunt video today. It was so funny. I love how you are always doing fun things and planning
17. Smart--you can breeze through books like no one I've met.
18. Handyman--really loved when you helped dad get the faucet installed. I'm grateful to have someone in the family who understands how to fix things and likes learning these things! This will serve you well!
19. Adaptable-- New foods, culture, language, no problem. You adapt easily.
20. Generosity--I love how thoughtful you've been with your comps and other people on your mission and that you always have a desire to help when you see a need.