Pretty sure this list says more about Elise than it does about me. She has a knack for thinking everything is funny. It really is the greatest skill.
Here are some of my favorite times with you:
- when you rolled down the sand dunes on your face
- when you did a backhandspring while you were pregnant.
- car talks
- when you come sit on my bed even if it's the middle of the night and ask how my day was
- looking at house designs and interior design stuff
- going to the gym with you even if you would wake me up way too early sometimes
- when you would wake me up early so we could go sledding
- when you fight people when we are shopping because theres no seats in the dressing rooms (Disclaimer, I was pregnant, lightheaded, and when I moved a chair five feet into a completely empty dressing room was told it was a fire hazard. Um no.)
- how much you love doritos
- how you know more about everyone in my grade than I do because you get all the details from their moms or you stalk them on Instagram
- how nobody can keep up with you because you walk too fast
- when you hid dads "mountain dude" shirt
- how all my friends tell you everything about their lives because you're the cool mom and you know who everyone is.
- when you told Monet you would ground her if she didn't tell you who she kissed
- when you and dad played just dance
- when you spontaneously sing and dance in the kitchen
- karaoke with your sisters, 9 to 5
- getting mad at dad for saying someone throws "like a girl"
- the fact that you go rockclimbing with us
- when Miles threw up your smoothie back into his cup
- when you killed Miles's fish and then acted surprised when he told you when we were in the car on the way back from the mall
- our whole family running to get coffee ice cream at midnight in Hawaii
- when you went off that rope swing in lake Powell.
- when we got stranded at Jeremy's trading post on the way to our lacrosse tournament.
- getting frozen lemonade from Chick fil a
- going to pick out flowers and you know what every single one is called
- going sledding
- hiking in Provo canyon and ending up 10 miles away from our car and dad had to come pick us up.
- snorkeling with whales and eating fruit on that little boat
- playing extreme hide and go seek
- going to Tsunami
- waverunners in Tahiti!
- talking after dates in the middle of the night
- Christmas traditions!
- prom dress shopping
- watching movies on Sunday
- sitting on the tub every Sunday while you do your makeup after dad already left us
- when you try to make sure our conversations stay normal at dinner or in the car but it never worked because Miles
- paddleboarding in Bora Bora!!
- when we went to Universal Studios and you wanted me to stay longer with you because you love amusement parks so much.
- when Miles called us in the car after he had split a tennis pole and couldn't walk
- when we were in the car another time and someone called you to tell you to look at Miles's Instagram and he had just eaten 3 ghost peppers.
- getting our nails done and getting Aubergine
- when you drive to St George in like 2 hours.