Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The COVID Chronicles

UGH... I had a good run, but COVID finally got me. I'm lucky, I suppose, to have gone this long without getting it. My husband literally tested positive the night I had my knee surgery. No matter how lousy he felt, he had to take care of everyone and basically carry me through the house while I was completely immobile. I didn't get it then. My little guy had COVID right before the holidays. Poor guy was burning up with a fever and curled up with me as he felt miserable for the better part of the week. I managed to escape then too. I'm achy. I've never felt such bone crushing exhaustion. And my throat is on fire. I've been hiding up in my room since yesterday afternoon and trying to stay away from the family. I miss everyone, even my son whose attitude has been on steroids lately. The timing is shit... tomorrow is my son's last hockey game of his freshman year. we're supposed to take the little guy to a campout at the Camden Aquarium Saturday. And, of course, Super Bowl is Sunday. Don't mind my whining... I'll stop feeling bad for myself soon. I know it could be way worse.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

happy holidays

To whoever may still be out there following this page that has been laying quiet for far too long... ...wishing you a very Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas or whatever else you may be celebrating today.

Thursday, September 3, 2020


2020 has to be the weirdest year ever... When we all drank champaigne to ring in the new year, who could have imagined this. I mean seriously, the most imaginative fantasy author could never have dreamed up the shit show this year has been. Somehow, we managed to survive March through June of virtual 6th grade. I'm not sure how we survived with any semblance of sanity intact. I have my first grey hairs (well, the first few I haven't managed to yank out anyway) and named them after my oldest. We started school again yesterday in our weird blend of virtual and in person learning. There are kinks to work though, of course... His first period teacher didn't realize she needed to post a link so the kids at home could join the class and every session started late because (gasp!) one minute isn't enough time for the kids in school to change classrooms. My little one has kindergarten orientation on Tuesday, which is terrifying. I mean it - virtual kindergarten scares the hell out of me. We're all trying to roll with the punches, but all this bobbing and weaving is exhausting. Good luck to everyone going back to school. I hope your alcohol reserves are plentiful....

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

one week down...

So I literally did nothing of consequence last week... I didn't wage any brilliant legal battles. There were no compelling briefs that I authored. I didn't settle any cases, large or small, or help creatively solve legal problems. I got back on my yoga mat. I cooked, made lunches for my kids. I got my son to practice on time. Got chided by a kid on a power trip for letting my youngest play on the playground at the older one's school. I started writing again, even if it was a few simple blog posts. Made pretzels for hours with the kids, while narrowly averting them killing each other for not wanting to share. I looked forward to 4:30 every day so I could pick the kiddos up and see them again. I read. Smiled. Laughed. And this morning as I was idly searching online, I may have found a job that actually interests me. But I'm not going to share any details about that yet... I need to see if anything materializes.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


2 weeks ago, an email changed my life... I made a mistake - but it's one that led me to quit my job. And for the first time in my life, I find myself without a job. I don't have to wake up in the morning, rush through getting the kids to school, run to court, slog through motions and write briefs in response. It's still a little weird. Especially since it's the first time in six years that I'm not working with my family. But weird as it is, I'm happy. Happier than I've been in a long time. I can wake up in the morning and NOT need to rush through getting the kids to school. When my oldest crawls into bed with me, wanting to cuddle and watch tv for a few minutes, I don't have to shoo him back to his room to get ready for the day. When my little guy comes running into the room, wanting to curl up in my lap for huggies, I can hold him until HE wants to go running off to play. I can do what I want with my day, whether it's writing or reading or just being a lump. I'm sure this will start driving me crazy by next week...doing nothing isn't something I can do well. But it also gives me time to figure out what I want my next step to be. The truth is, I have no idea right now what I want that to be. And for right now, that's okay...

Monday, March 20, 2017

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since I've been on here. Lots of stuff has changed. New kid (he's 2 now). My oldest is the starting goalie of his travel hockey team. His rec team just won the championship game in a tournament. New job... I continue to struggle with trying to find some semblance of balance between work and being mom and having any time left over for myself. And, yeah, my writing mojo continues to be absent. Maybe one day it'll return. Hopefully I'll have something worthwhile to say soon and people still around to hear it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blog isn't blacked out yet...

It's been almost a year since I last wrote. It's been a crazy time. Some good, some bad. I had a baby in March. He's an amazing little guy. I came back from maternity leave to my office closing. Within a week, I had a new job lined up. Was going to be a partner in a new firm, helping to open a new office. And that's been an experience and a half... Right now all my boys are sick. I'm struggling to stay awake waiting for the stupid peapod truck to show up over 30 minutes late. Maybe I shouldn't be so lazy and order groceries. It sounded like a good idea at the time. I don't have time for it, but I miss writing. Hopefully I'll find some time for it soon.