Friday, October 1, 2010

Does anyone Blog anymore?

I haven't been on here in FOOORRRREEEVVVEERRR!!! I just tried to rearrange everything and was having a complicated time. Post to come later on.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I always look forward to Easter. It's such a fun time of year. I think we did 5 Easter egg hunts and stuffed our faces with candy. Here's a couple of pictures from different events. Also, some of Ashlynn at T-ball.

Easter egg hunt with the White's

At the park doing our annual Easter picnic

Ashlynn and Brinnley (Cam went home to sleep)
in their Easter dresses

Touching homebase

Ashlynn is #6. She has the best coaches ever!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chicken Pox

I really should have been paying attention to my children last night. I was too consumed with a book to really know what was going on. That's why I take 25% of the blame. Ashlynn yelled at me that Brinnley has the Chicken Pox. As I walked into the family room I noticed this little child. Chicken poxed out with green permanent marker. I was at a loss for words. I just had to walk away:) Quickly took these pictures and send them to her dad at work. They all had a good laugh. Gotta love this kid.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cameron's Birthday

I can't believe that my baby is no more my baby. She's a little girl today. Two years ago she came into the world and we love her so much. Here's a few tidbits about my girl.

Cami - her nickname
Allergic to penicillin/amoxicillin (we found out the hard way)

Mommy's girl

Easy baby

Runs everywhere

Opinionated at 2

Naughty, nice, and nutty all rolled into one.(even for a 2 year old)

Happy Birthday Cammi!!! --love you

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Disneyland 2010

So I'm just not going to post Christmas. It was great... kids got what they wanted... it was a busy day and sad that I have to wait 332 more days. New Years was typical. Jason worked and I went to bed :) But I have been anticipating our annual trip to Disneyland. This is my favorite place in the world. We planned it just perfect so that we celebrated Ashlynn's birthday there. She thought it was great and she got all that she wanted (just being there was enough). This year we took advantage of Southwest airfare and flew over there. Kids did really good except Cameron (it was nap time) and my parents met us there to pick us up. Perfect trip!! Enjoy pictures.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

2009 Polar Express

Nothing would be complete if we didn't make our annual trip to the Polar Express. We packed our things and headed to the colder weather in Flagstaff to board our train. The kids had such a good time and this year we got to enjoy it with our cousins. This definitely has become one of our traditions. If you have thought about taking your it!!

There was a ton of snow. So much fun

Friday, December 4, 2009

Family Picture


