Saturday, December 29, 2007

Rachel's Birthday Party

My good friend Rebecca and her family came into the valley for Christmas with her family this year. They moved to Oklahoma this year so Spencer could go to law school. Stella's long-distance BFF Rachel happened to be having a birthday during the holiday season, so we went to her birthday party at the park! Thanks for inviting us!

Yard Work and a Tuckered Cowgirl

We did a little harvesting of our fruit trees! We got tons of lemons and tangelos!

I also finally took a look at my garden which I've been completely ignoring for the last several months and we got these beautiful peppers!

She's so cute.

Watching Hannah

We got to have Hannah all to ourselves for a day (a couple weeks ago) and we had such a great time! She is such a great baby and Stella has NEVER gone to bed so well (she had to be quiet with Hannah in her room). Hannah and I were playing the "Ooo" game all day. She didn't quite do it in the video, but it's her new favorite game. We love Hannah!

Guess who wants a baby?

Or guess who wants to be a baby? Stella had me swaddle her up like baby Macy. She loves her!

South Mountain Hike and Other Exercise

We went on a hike a while ago in preparation for the Youth Trek we're going on in March. We took 2 of our Young Men (Mario and Jeremiah). Our guide who is retired, totally kicked our trash! Um, I know I'm out of shape, but I have been exercising for the last several years. Made no difference. Poor Elliot had to carry Stella the whole time on his back.

She's such a copy-catter!

Cole William Rodriguez

My high school BFF Amy and her husband Ramir had their little baby boy on December 17, 2007! They named him Cole William Rodriguez! He weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 19 inches long. Congratulations Amy and Ramir!

Out with the Old, In with the New

So who does laundry on Christmas? ME. I was doing a load while everyone was here having breakfast and we heard this loud BOOM while Elliot was cooking outside. I was busy with other things, so I made sure that there was no fire and went about my business.

I called the repair man to come the next day and, long story short, it just made sense to buy a new washing machine. So after a lame 3 years, we got rid of our old washer and replaced it with the newer model.

Speaking of really old. Our TV has served us well for the past 8 years. Of course, we've spoken of getting rid of our television all together so we won't watch as much TV (torture for a mother and babysitter in my opinion). Get rid of the TV . . . or get a brand new one . . . hum, total opposites. The new TV won.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Bethany!

Happy #23 Birthday to my sister-in-law Bethany! I love you!

We went to Red Robin for her birthday dinner and had a great time! Thanks!

I think I've won Claire over . . . she likes me.:)

Final Adoption

I got to witness a beautiful event today! Hannah Julieann Bangart is officially my niece! Well, she already was from the second I heard about her, but it's all legal now! I kind of wish that they could have, in the same breath that they declared Lindsay and Keith her parents, declared me officially her favorite aunt. I want my name on some sort of paperwork. Could you take care of that Spencer?

What I loved about this whole experience is that Lindsay and Keith had to swear under oath that they loved this little girl and would take care of her. If I could avoid being held in contempt, I wanted to stand and swear that I KNOW THEY LOVE HER and I love her too! I think everyone should have the chance to swear in front of a judge that they will love and care for their children! Thank you Lindsay and Keith for letting me be a witness to one of the happiest days I've ever had!

I love Hannah!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Our morning started in our 3rd annual tradition of having some people over from the ward for breakfast. I did take pictures, but they are ALL blurry . . . thankfully I got a NEW CAMERA for Christmas! Hooray!

It was a great morning with friends, and then we tried to hurry and get ready for the day so we could open our own presents. Stella has done so well for the last few weeks and hasn't even opened any gifts, but the temptation was just too much this morning and she started opening them before we were ready. Poor thing. She had a great time ripping into them and is such a great gift receiver!

Elliot got a harmonica so he can take it on the Youth Trek we're going on in March. He doesn't know how to play it yet, but he's learning very fast and is VERY excited about it!

We headed to Elliot's parents house for the rest of the day and got to spend some time with Adam and Xan and their family for a while.










Monday, December 24, 2007

German Ornaments and Decorating Tree

We got these ornaments for a wedding present. They make us laugh.

Stella was so happy to put the star on the tree.

Stella has been watching The Wizard of Oz lately. The video is her little dramatization of the demise of the Wicked Witch of the West.