Monday, January 31, 2011

DECEMBER: Christmas Eve & Sneaky Elves

Yes, we go swimming on Christmas Eve in Arizona.

Stella thinks she's an Olympic diver.

I don't think Tatem's expression changes even when she's under the water.

Blurry, but so worth it.

We had delicious Christmas Eve feast at Uncle David's and Aunt Lora's after the swimming. I didn't swim, it's still freezing out there. It's like 70 degrees! Plus, I got wet enough when I gave Tatem and Stella a bath. Good gracious! Two wild girls in the same tub = near flooding (hence why my hair looks like that).

I didn't have an extra assignment, so I got to participate in the Christmas Eve chimes.

Some people really enjoyed them . . .

. . . others might be a little bored of them. :)

Stella's highlight of the night came when the doorbell rang and there was a gift for her and Tatem that was left at the front door! New Christmas Jammies from Santa's Elves! Stella was thrilled and also confused that they knew she was at Uncle David's! She stood out on the front porch and yelled, "Thank you Santa's Elves and come again next Christmas!"

Tatem couldn't have cared less about her new jammies.

We had to leave before I got to sit and listen to this deliciousness play the piano. I'm sad I missed it. I could listen to him play for hours.

Happy Christmas Eve!

DECEMBER: A McAllister Christmas

(my cousins Scott, Martin, Maeser)

We're lucky enough to have had lots of extended family members move to Arizona over the years. We don't see them as often as we should, but when we do, it's a great time. Christmas is one of those times. We meet at UD & AL's (Uncle David and Aunt Lora) and participate in fun Christmas stuff. This year was very structured.

#1 - Family Home Evening - well done Scott, thanks for keeping it short.

(my cousin Teener and sister Natalie)


#2 - Endure an Anderson/McAllister prayer - Elliot wasn't privy to this information before he decided to marry me. He'll volunteer at every activity just to save time.

(niece Tatem, 2nd cousin Mylee, Stella, 2nd cousins Bailee & Tess . . . Nat took this picture during the prayer)

(my cousin Doug and his awesome wifey Erica)


(my cousin Scott and is amazing wifey Stacy, 2nd cousin Tess, and cousin Maeser)

#3 - Christmas Chimes - always a fun one . . . well, some cousins get pretty serious about it (Maeser & Martin). I wasn't done with my assignment (an activity for the children), so I was on the staircase listening to the chimes. After EVERY song they completed, EVERYONE would bang on their chime a hundred times to celebrate. I couldn't stop laughing.

(my cousin Mart)

(my parents Jeanette & Marc, my daughter Stella, and my lover Elliot)


(Cupid-Tess, Blitzen-Bailee, Dancer-Stella, Santa-Trey, Comet-Tatem, Donner-Lauren, Rudolph-Mylee, Dasher-Chase, Vixon-Corbin, Prancer-Ben . . . thanks everyone for providing the exact amount of children I needed for this activity)

#4 - Silly Activity for the Children - Corbin and Chase were good sports even though they are 16-years-old and I spelled Vixen wrong. That Comet is a wreck.


(Ahh, UD & AL)

#5 - Singing Christmas carols around the piano - a voiceless Aunt Jeanette (my mommy) led us while Aunt Sandra played the piano. We sang through several songs in anticipation of finally being able to eat some dessert before 10:00 p.m., but then we did #6 instead.


#6 - Call Grandmother and Uncle Ron to sing to them. Leave a message. Sing more carols.


#7 - Finally get ahold of Grandmother and Uncle Ron and sing several songs to them and send our love.

#8 - Finally sugar up the children for bedtime by letting them devour 2 oreos, 1 giant chocolate chip cookie, 1/2 a Krispie Kreme donut, a pink frosted brownie, a slice of Maeser's moist (I hate that word, but I had to use it) cake, and too-pretty-to-eat sugar cookies.

#9 - Give Christmas hugs all around and give thanks that we have such a fantastic family!

#10 - Take a plate of each dessert home for later.

DECEMBER: Santa vs. Santa Cow

Stella got to visit with lots of Santa's in 2010. She knows that they aren't really Santa, but Santa helpers dressed up like Santa because he's super busy. That's why they all look different.

She asked them all for the same thing. A baby brother or sister.

Bass Pro Santa's are the best.

Tatem disagrees.

I have other pictures of Tatem hating Santa as well from last year. She's not a fan.

However, she absolutely LOVED the Santa Cow from Chick-fil-A. She followed him around. She's a crazy lady.

DECEMBER: What the Crap is That?

We got a milkshake from McDonalds one night. This is what they handed me.

I'm sorry, I thought I was at McDonalds. What the crap is that stuff on my chocolate milkshake? If I wanted extra crap, I would have gone to Chick-fil-A.

I nearly responded to this like Chris Farley on one of his SNL skits. I'd link it here, but it has more swearing than I remembered. Just know that I was "angry." Look it up if you want (Chris Farley Schillervision Hidden Camera).

DECEMBER: Stella's Jingle Bell Rock Gymnastics

Stella's gymnastics gym had a Jingle Bell Rock performance. Stella is so funny. She really loves gymnastics, but we're still having a hard time (just like with EVERY class she's in) with her paying attention. You can tell in the video that she's forgetting what she's practiced and is just following whatever the girl next to her is doing. Silly girl. She's cute though.

The end is some of the competitive gymnasts as well as the teachers and owner Amanda Borden (who was part of the Magnificent Seven in the 1996 Summer Olympics).

DECEMBER: Stella's School Program

Stella had her "Holiday" program at school back in December. Seriously, I don't even think they can sing about Santa anymore either. It bugs me. Their music teacher made up this really long story about a snow queen (Stella's friend Cili) and made up repetitive poems for each class. Elliot and I went to the morning performance as well as the evening one. Parents don't know that it's not OK to just stand up in the middle of the audience to take pictures during the performance. We have kids there too. Geez.

Stella loves to perform though, so it was cute. She gets a little distracted and likes to wave at us, but she was really proud of herself.

And we promised her a milkshake afterwards. :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

DECEMBER: Dinner Ninja

DECEMBER: Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium

If there was someone less excited to be at the Wildlife Zoo in a torrential downpour, I certainly didn't see them there between my glares.

Everyone else, though, was ever optimistic that the rain would stop (it didn't) and we'd be able to spend the rest of the day enjoying wonderful weather.

Grandpa even made the poor workers that were huddled in a golf cart, get out and do their demonstration with some of the wildlife, including a snake, which I didn't appreciate.

I was, however, fascinated by the the nursing baby mice . . .

. . . as well as the mating turtles.

The saving grace was when Adam nearly peed himself when a zoo worker behind the scenes unexpectedly put her arm in a tank while we were observing from the other side. I laughed for at least 7 minutes.

I didn't stop shivering or get warm for 3 days. Do I sound ungrateful? Well, I was/am. I went home and read an Ensign article about gratitude and tried to change my attitude since I AM GRATEFUL that Stella has a Grandpa that loves his grandkids and wants to spend time with them doing great activities. Unfortunately, he doesn't manage the weather.

DECEMBER: O, Christmas Tree