Sunday, September 26, 2010

But wait, there's more

The Astroblast saga is continuing. Coming soon...


Astroblast as been selected to be part of the Original Art show at the Society of Illustrators. It's a very cool honor and I'll get to go to New York for a couple days of fun in October.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Here are a couple of other sample images. These were done as part of the pre-work for this series, part of romancing the idea to Scholastic. Having pictures to go along with a story idea seems to work best for me.

Astroblast Sketches

Here are some examples of sketch and finish. It seems that lately I do most all of my work directly on the computer. I think in shape and color and the computer lets me go there directly. I’ll sketch a lot before I start a book, to find the characters, their shapes and sizes. Once I start a book, though, the computer lets me quickly layout the whole story and see how the action progresses from scene to scene.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here's the Astroblast crew

Radar - the communications officer

Apollo - the scientist

Jet - the geologist

Halley - the explorer

Sputnik - fix-it girl and junk specialist

At first there were a couple of extra crew members, but the power of editing and the confines of and early reader plot line.

Astroblast activity fun

The Astroblast series has extra fun built into the spreads. Things like mazes, find the mistakes and a lot of hidden picture stuff.

Everyone wants a logo

I've done a lot of freebies for friends and church. I really don't mind it when I have the time. Clients are usually very easy to work with when they aren't paying you.

This one got me a couple of free haircuts.