Wednesday, January 20, 2021

1 Day of Mourning

 Today I mourn. 

Tomorrow I will move forward.

As half of the USA celebrates the win of Joe Biden and the first woman vice president I am sure many would think negatively on my mourning. Why did I love Donald J. Trump and why would I want him to win another 4 years in office?

I was born in Houston, Texas. I was raised there until the age of 13 and then moved to Arizona. We have moved around a lot and even spent some time in Hawaii. This gave me a unique experience to understand the people of this country and even around the world as I lived in Venezuela for over a year and in Puerto Rico for some time.  I have met and formed friendships with people all over the world. People that I would cry with and even call them family. I have seen the effects of other power structures, and cultures. 

Growing up in Texas was a very special thing. I call it a blessing. I knew at the time that I was experiencing something powerful because at each and every experience I felt the spirit and felt a passion and love for God and country growing within me. But I didn't know how unique it was. In the Texas school system which I was blessed to be apart of, it was a regular thing to see men and women in full military uniform. We sang the National Anthem and spoke the Pledge of Allegiance with passion, commitment and sacredness.  We were taught to love our Country. I was taught to love American ingenuity and entrepreneurship. At home I was taught being raised on a farm to respect the land, our animals and one another.  I tended my horses, pigs, chickens, geese etc.  

I'll never forget some of the beautiful moments I experienced. One was being apart of a NASA program in my elementary school. I was in a contest to join the youth NASA program. We met with many astronauts, scientists and others serving in the program. I felt so proud of what Americans had accomplished and was awed by space and Gods creations.  Around the same time of my youth I went to a camp with a church group. One of the nights we retired an American flag. I still remember how I cried and how strong I felt the spirit. These experiences cultivated in me a sure knowledge that God lived and that He truly had blessed our country. 

I have heard the term "American Exceptionalism" thrown around a lot recently. The problem is that it is used in a derogatory way. I can't speak for everyone, only myself. What I can say is that America is a blessed country. Not because we are better than the rest of the world, but because God blessed us as a country to represent the truth that we, as children of Him, are Born free! We are free at birth and should remain free our entire lives unless we give that freedom away because of our own choices.  The blessing God has put on this country is not something to walk around proud about. It's an enormous responsibility and work. It's something that should humble us, and it's a responsibility that requires the blessing and help from God. Without God, we will fail. If our country were to fall we would see a global impact of monstrous size. It is because of this responsibility that every single American no matter young or old should invest their time and efforts into protecting the Constitution and the freedoms our brothers and sisters have fought and died for. 

4 years ago a new breed of President stepped into the white house. He was loud, arrogant, and honest. His name is Donald J. Trump. He made a lot of people angry all across the board. For those that were not prepared for his personality they felt he wasn't the right fit. Over the years the Presidency has turned into a pageant show and the winner is the that looks and sounds the best. If they happen to be someone that makes headlines of a particular minority, it's great news for them! Trump was not that. He was a white, older, successful business man. I don't have the energy right now to list all of the incredible things Trumps administration accomplished. But I will say that it was monumental! They did so much! I don't think any president in our decade has come even close to his success. Most importantly he didn't waste his time on things that furthered his career and filled his pocketbook. He did what he told us he would do. He spoke Gods name and didn't remove it from the conversation nor the holidays. He restored the greatness of America and its people. And while he did this he was attacked from every angle. Why? Because while the forces of God are alive and great on the earth, so are Satan's minions and agenda. And they went to work on Trump more than they have ever worked on a President. Here is the beautiful thing. Good will always outperform the wicked. God will always raise up men and women to do good works. We are never lost as long as we put Him first. 

I pray that I am wrong about this new administration. This illegitimate administration I believe, that was inaugurated today through lies, fraud, and secret combinations.  My anger comes as half of our country was ignored and pushed aside. I hope that all the things we have seen, watched, and heard were "fake" videos. Because if they were true videos proving deceit and treason, I don't know how we recover from this.  I pray that America will stay strong and always have God at the helm. I hope we can recover from whatever happens over the next few years. But I am afraid for the worst. We know that before the coming of Christ our country and its freedoms will hang by a thread. My fear is that we are in that time and that it's happening. I shouldn't use the word fear because I truly have faith in God and know He wins in the end of it all... But it's still a daunting future ahead of us and as I look at the country and know that a chapter just closed, I can't help but mourn what once was.  Apart of me is so grateful to live in this time and era when so much good is coming forth and we are seeing miracles around the world as we prepare to usher in the last days. But another part of me is my old soul, and she longs for days past. So today, I will mourn. I will cry tears as I say goodbye to the good ol' days and age up a little.  By no means am I rolling over and throwing in the towel. Tomorrow will be a day of work. 

Tomorrow I will commit to move forward and not give up. Tomorrow will be a renewal of faith and a dedication to be involved locally. We have to make sure we do our part and not sit back expecting others to do all the work for us and in the way we want them to. Herein lies the problem. Too many people not understanding the importance their contributions make. Not everyone has to immerse themselves in the things of politics. But everyone should do their job in knowing what is happening, demand honesty and transparency and make sure their voices are heard. In days past everyone was involved in one way or another. Politics were spoken about over the dinner table and neighbors argued with neighbors and continued to love one another. Today politics and religion is a taboo topic that nobody wants to talk about. Everyone simple believes whatever it is that they see or hear. The problem with that is that it has become so easy to control the narrative and the stories being shown on your phone and tv. With technology the way it is, it is even simple to fake videos, sound bytes, etc.. because of this it become almost impossible to know what is real! And of course there is no accountability for these people and companies spreading their propagandas and lies. 

So tomorrow I wake up positive. Tomorrow I remember to only put my trust in the arm of God. Only He remains true and honest and all knowing. Only He will not let me down. Tomorrow I continue teaching my kids the power of faith, honesty, and hard work. Tomorrow I show an example to the world of a righteous woman who will not be backed into a corner. 

God bless the world.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Why is Personal Revelation so important?

 If you want to learn how to fish, who do you ask to teach you?

If your car breaks down, who do you ask to fix it?
If you want to learn a new trade, who do you find?
If you see a ghost, who you gonna call?

If we have questions regarding life, the eternities and how to get there.... who are we going to turn to? It's amazing to me how often we seek professionals for the smallest of things and yet we forget to seek God when life is falling apart. Over the last year we have heard numerous messages from prophets and apostles concerning personal revelation and I'm excited to share my experiences and lessons learned. I will be sharing them in many posts over this next year and hope to hear back from you and what you have experienced as well!

Personal Revelation is a remarkable thing. It is a gift that comes to each of us as we seek God and His help and as we live worthy to receive it. Personal Revelation is as it is called, personal. One of the mistakes we can make is forgetting this. Just because you receive an answer doesn't mean that this is the same answer for someone else. Our excitement over feeling confident in what God has given us can turn to pride and even create division among Gods children. In a talk I heard a while go by Dieter Uchtdorf, he spoke about how in every war both sides believe their cause to be just and good. The error lies in trying to force others to live according to answers we received through "Personal" Revelation. I have been asked many times, why do we need a Modern-Day Prophet? This answers that question. Only one man has been given all of the authorities and powers from God to lead His church as a whole. This living prophet receives revelation for the entire world! We have local leaders that can receive revelation for the areas they are responsible for, and then we have parents that receive revelations for their families. It is a beautiful thing.

But Personal Revelation is a gift that gives to us continually and will not let us down. I learned the power of prayer as a very young girl. I grew up in a home with physical and emotional abuse. I'm not diving into that right now. I will simply say that I experienced love and joy as a child, but also tremendous pain and loneliness. I will never forget the young girl kneeling on her bed, with my favorite stuffed animal clutched in my arms and tears streaming down my face as I felt the heart break of betrayal and physical pain. The betrayal because the mom and dad that should have protected me didn't and were even the cause of my pain. In that moment of sadness and loss of innocence I felt the warm and loving arms of the Holy Ghost surround me. I felt the love of God wash over me and fill me to overflow. I will never forget that moment nor deny the truth of Gods existence. I learned from that experience that the Holy Ghost wants to comfort us and desires to give us knowledge. He wants us to receive all that God has for us and will be there when we open our hearts in prayer to seek Him.

Because of social media I have found myself at odds with many people I love and respect. One of the things that has caught me by surprise and has really hurt my heart has been this idea that we must agree or we can't be friends. It has felt like a war and I don't like it. This can be the result of many things and people. I could point fingers but that is not for this post. I do think that some of the biggest culprits have been those that seek to tell everyone else how they should be living their lives. I believe they walk a dangerous line that looks similarly to Satan's plan. He wished to control us all and take away our free agency so that we could not error. He believed he knew better than we did and that we were too weak and dumb to do it on our own. Christ's plan was perfect though scary. He wanted us to have our free agency and wished to put faith in us. He knew we would struggle and error but believed that with His help the majority of us would choose the right. This year I have seen many people that have felt themselves above the rest. They have thought to rule over us and force us to make the right choices because they know more. I don't believe most of them are bad people. In fact I know many of them and love and respect them! The error I believe is in their anger for others not following revelation they received personally. I believe that two people can pray over the same issue and receive different answers, AND I don't believe one of them is wrong. Two answers can both be right. This is where Personal Revelation comes into play.

The trial this year has been that there is so much noise and so many people preaching. Everyone is screaming and everyone swears to be right and true. Everyone has facts and proof. If you are only trusting in the arm of man you will be torn to pieces. If you are trusting in only man, you will believe whatever it is that is right in front of you. Again, this is why Personal Revelation is so important. As I have leaned into God this year I have been able to let go of pride and my own knowledge and I have been open to receive direction. At the same time I haven't felt the need to judge others for their choices because I understand this concept. As a natural born debater I am always up for a good debate and if you don't have the thick skin for it, you shouldn't come at me. But there is one person I will not argue with. God. And there is one living man on the earth that I will follow regardless of my own feelings. Our living Prophet.

Revelation is something that comes by small and simple means. But it can be harder to do than to describe. In my own personal life I have received the most revelation as I have prayed daily and immersed myself in the scriptures. Living in accordance with the commandments of God makes us worthy of the Holy Ghost who will deliver answers to us. When I live in fear and anger and sadness I miss the revelations that I might have received otherwise. I have a goal to seek God more this life and to fill my days with light and truth. The only way I know to do this is to constantly seek His truth. The world confuses me and wastes so much of my precious time. But all things from God fill me with energy and light. They give me the power and excitement for the future I need.

I pray we can all see Personal Revelation and respect others as they do the same. Freedom lies at the heart of this. The freedom to have a personal relationship with God and the freedom to life your life as you are inspired and taught to live.

2021 - Where is my heart?

 I had a friend recently ask me what my goals were this year. She asked me if I had a motto or a word representing the year. I laughed internally at her question because the past me would already have had a training meeting with a dozen or more women and men talking about goals and how to set them. That has been a huge part of my life for a while now and normally my response to someone would be, YES! Of course I do! Here, let me send you my sheet and a picture of my vision board!

And yet here I was. Without a plan, without a goal, and without a vision board for 2021. The truth is that 2020 hit me like a battering ram. Over and over and over again. Thump! Thump! Thump! As an empath I was not only dealing with my own stress and worries for my family, but feeling and soaking in all of the emotions from those around me. Have you ever watched a pole being hammered into the ground? That is how I felt most of the year. Except I was the pole being burrowed deep into the ground.

Before I make you feel all gloomy and sad with the heaviness of my words I have to share something that will feel almost impossible. 2020 was quite possibly one of the most important years of my life! Throughout the year even during the times of anguish, turmoil, pain, and intense anger... I have felt a closeness to the Holy Ghost that I hadn't felt in a while. Not just a touch of comfort or inspiration here and there, but a consistent feel of His love, guidance, and teachings. When I served a mission for my church back in 2001 I learned quickly to love the continual guidance of the Holy Ghost. In fact by the end of my mission I almost took it for granted. Since that time I have cherished the times in my life where inspiration came readily. I recognize that the Holy Ghost has worked most in my life at times when I was actively seeking Him out and worthy of His help. 2020 was a good year for being humbled! It felt like every week was something ominous and even scary. I found myself on my knees more and looking forward to direction and guidance from Jesus Christ by means of the Holy Ghost.

It was also a year of much contention and noise! I don't know if anyone has ever lived in a louder generation. Let me explain. Loudness for me comes in the form of energy. Because of our access to phones, tv, people, watches, radios, ipads, computers and more! We barely have an opportunity for quiet. I have understood more this year what it must have felt like to be the late prophet Joseph Smith Junior who said that he was so confused as to which church was true because there were so many of them and they each pulled him in different directions and professed to be true. It is for this reason that Joseph hiked to a quiet grove of trees and knelt down in prayer to ask God what he should do.

I also have felt somewhat like Nephi must have felt before he wrote one of the most beautiful passages in scripture. He says that he will no longer trust in the arm of man but will only trust in God whom is the rock of his salvation. He must have felt this way after feeling overwhelmed by his responsibilities and the many errors he committed. I know the feeling. I have felt let down so many times this year by those that professed to stand up for me and my rights and liberties. I have felt betrayed by those with power and influence who have promised things and shared things that I believed to be truths. I have seen firsthand lies and deceit and manipulation. I have heard of wars and rumors of wars. I have seen secret combinations leaked out and the guilty exalted and the innocent condemned.

Through all of this I continued to seek the spirit and I continued to ask God for help, truth, and direction. I have humbled myself time and time again and sought truth. I have kept my eyes open and tried to discern between truth and error, wisdom and waste. At times I have even felt as Moroni, standing on top of a mountain looking out at death and destruction. Seeing the evil surrounding him and the wickedness of the people. My heart has broken for those hurting and scared. But my heart has been healed through the atonement of Jesus Christ and I feel His power enter my heart and fill it with courage and strength!

God has blessed me with many tender mercies throughout my life and I will continue sharing them here in my blog. Just this weekend I watched as a young man was baptized and came up out of the water clean through the blood of Jesus Christ and His healing atonement and plan of salvation. I watched as tears filled my eyes as this young man looked at his mother, with her eyes brimming with love for him. It was a reminder of the power we have on this earth. It was a reminder that more good is happening every day than evil. It was another testimony to me that even though things look dark right now, Christ wins in the end! He will be victorious! That leads me into my goal for this year and my word for the year.

Look for Christ and you will find Him.
Look for light and your life will be filled with it.
Look for opportunities and they will be given to you.
Look to build your testimony and to grow in wisdom and it will happen.

I will look and Seek Christ this year more than ever before. I will be a witness that He lives and that we can find healing and strength in Him. I will be a testimony of His love and power. I will look to add more light into my life than darkness and fill mine and others cups to overflow.

Why Share our lives with one another?

 Standing on the thick limb of a tree looking out as the limb twists and turns and narrows smaller and smaller until it stops. The courage it takes to take a step out onto that skinny branch is not a small thing. Anything further than a step can feel impossible! So why do it? Why go out on that skinny branch knowing that there is a good chance of slipping, of the branch breaking, or of becoming paralyzed and unable to return.

For some people there is a giant need. Allowing something to fester inside can be harder than actually sharing! Opening your mouth and sharing your fears, burdens, pains and worries can feel liberating in the moment. Almost as if you have been on a restrictive diet and you finally are eating the thing you have been craving. For some people this high they get from sharing can even become addictive. Because they are still broken they continue to share, hoping to heal their past or to simple get others to love them and sympathize.

For others they are forced to share. They have been put in a position where they don't have any other choice. To not share might mean a loss of something important. They might have held onto this festering pain for years and not they find themselves at a precipice and if they don't work through the pain they will find themselves truly broken.

Then there are those that have found the act of sharing to be an act of consistent growth, and healing. These are they that have healed from their past and recognize the power in authenticity and sharing. These are they that are willing to be vulnerable because they know the results are worth the sacrifice. Because they understand this power they are more than willing to share it knowing that not only are they helping themselves but they are also helping others. Just like flight attendants instruct before every flight. "Place the oxygen mask on yourself first and then help those around you". These individuals have learned the joy of lifting others through their own painful and yet healed past.

There are those of course that choose not to climb out on that skinny branch and be vulnerable. They choose to push their past down deep and ignore it for the time; putting off until tomorrow that which should be done today. I would like to share one thing with them. The world has taught us to look at one another with a filter. We constantly edit every word, picture, and video until the lighting is perfect, background is great, and even the sound is only what you want others to hear. We have judgmental eyes and as we judge ourselves and the world we expect that same judgement from others. We lie to ourselves and say that others won't understand, that they will think less of us, and that we should be more strong, more capable... What I have found after many experiences is this. The further out we get on that skinny branch, the more others start rooting for us. The scarier our predicament looks, the more people gather beneath you ready to catch you if you fall. Your vulnerability is inspiring! We love you for it! Vulnerability is truly a show of strength and is something to be applauded. Those that would judge you are people that need a lot of growth themselves. Either your honesty scares them because it shames them for lacking the same courage, or they become bitter because of it for the same reason. Some people are just not ready for it. We can pray for them but we should not live our lives according to their wishes. I was taught once to "NOT TAKE ADVICE FROM BROKE AND UNHAPPY PEOPLE". This can apply to anything and everything we are going through. My prayer for you and for them is that we can all practice more courage and have more faith in one another. Give each other the benefit of the doubt.

The most beautiful thing I have ever experienced in this life is the relationship between two people. Tears come immediately to my eyes as I witness real love on display. I have seen this and experienced it many times which is why I consider myself a rich woman. I will share at another time examples of this beauty. For now it suffices me to say that vulnerability is a key element in our ability to love ourselves and others in this life. Sharing ones innermost feelings and thoughts is a display of our faith in them and in that God who we belong to.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Yielding to the Enticings of the Holy Spirit

For those that don't know I birthed all three of my boys naturally without the use of any drugs. It was a personal decision that I made with my husband and the Lord. As I went into labor with my first son Hyrum I quickly learned that I was not in control. I had read, and studied, and talked with friends and family it seemed every day for 9 months. I had dreamed of this moment for years and yet when it started I panicked.  It wasn't going like I had planned and all the feelings I was experiencing were new, scary, and VERY overwhelming. Hyrum was an intense and scary 3 and a half hours of labor, Clynn was tiring and emotional, and at times an unbearable 25 hours and Dean was a quick 2 hours that went by in a flash! Though I can remember each moment of every birth and learned such important life lessons through each one, I learned something life changing while laboring with my third little boy Dean Matthew Wilkins. It wasn't necessarily what I did during his labor, it was more what I didn't do.

I didn't get in the way. I relaxed and I trusted in the body the Lord had created for me and the life we had created within me. I was able to let go of my fears, doubts, and pain. I let my body take over and I gave in to the miracle of child birth. It is a lesson that is carrying over to different parts of my life.

Several weeks ago a sister in my ward Breann Brenner gave a beautiful lesson and while she spoke she mentioned the importance of yielding to the Enticings of the Spirit. That has stayed with me and I have pondered it much the last few weeks. I have asked myself what it means to yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. Usually the word yield is used in resisting sin, being wary of danger, etc... But there is a scripture in Mosial that reads "For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

The Holy Ghost is the greatest gift Jesus Christ gave us as he left this world to return to his Father.
I have pondered three of his missions while here with us.

1- He directs and guides us during our earthly journey
2- He encourages us to repent and shows us how
3- He bears testimony of God and His son Jesus Christ and teaches us all truths.

Elder Craig C. Christensen says how the Holy Ghost is more about what you feel than what you hear.  He also stated that the Spirit of God speaking to man has the power to impart truth with greater effect and understanding than the truth can be imparted by personal contact even with heavenly beings!

There are a few scriptures that speak about the Holy Ghost teaching and guiding us. They are:
DC 121:45 - ... that the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.
DC 84: 46-48 - ... The Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into this world, and the Spirit enlighteneth every man that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit. And all that hearkeneth to the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father...
Moroni 7:16 - Spirit of Christ is given to every man to know good from evil.

Elder Kenneth Johnson spoke in Oct. 2002 about the Holy Ghost. He said "Physical barriers and eternal forces may prevent us from pursuing deviant paths, but there is also a feeling within each of us, sometimes described as a still small voice, that when recognized and responded to will keep us from succumbing to temptation. 

I know from experience that we cannot set off on a wrong course without first overruling a warning. I can remember times when I was young and had a bad habit of telling lies. Most of the times they were lies that were insignificant and silly, but at times they were lies to make myself out to be different than I was, or to get out of trouble, chores, and punishments. I always felt a prick as I began to tell a lie. Just like Pinnochio's nose began to grow, my guilt grew quickly making me feel badly.  Luckily I learned by an experience with my brother in law the importance of telling the truth. After lying to him about vacuuming the floors which I hadn't done, he called me out on the lie. I was mortified that he caught me, and so embarrassed because of the silliness of it that I determined then and there to never lie again!

As I have matured and grown in spirit and understanding I have learned that once we are on the track of yielding to the spirit and learning from him, that knowlege and light, and truth begins to flow to us like sticks being pulled out of damn, which slowly begins to trickle water and then quicker and quicker turns into a stream, then a river of truth and joy pouring into us.

I am grateful for the Holy Ghost in helping us to repent of our sins. I know that yielding to him provides us the strength needed to bring true repentance into our lives. Sin can trap us and cut us off from the Spirit and from God if we allow it. I have fallen to it's entrapments and never want to feel that way again. Depressed, alone, sad, and weak. Satan would have us believe his lies that we belong in those traps, that there is no way out and that we don't have the strength to even try or try again. Gratefully we have the Holy Ghost who leads us, guides us, and gives us that strength we so desperately need. But as Ralph Pew says we must allow the Holy Ghost a permanent residency in our hearts rather than a temporary visa. The Holy Ghost can stir our hearts and help us get back on the right track. Kenneth Johnson said in his talk that these stirrings within us originate from a divine source and, when followed, will help to keep us on course, thus protecting us from harmful influences and dangerous detours.

Moroni 8:26 The remission of sins brings about a meekness and a lowliness of heart, and in this contrite condition the visitation of the Holy Ghost follows, bringing a divine presence of hope and a perfect love.
Heleman 3:35 ...The people did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, firmer and firmer in their faith in Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea even to the purifying their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.

Elder Maxwell said that "Repentance takes care of the past, faith the future, and the Holy Ghost helps us with today."

As I was speaking with my Bishop's good wife she told me about a book and some of the things it reads. I can't wait to get it and start reading. It is called "falling to heaven" At first I thought she has said it wrong but then she explained humility, and guilt, and the important roles they play in helping us turn to God, and repenting of our sins and allowing the Holy Ghost to take over.  I love stories of humility as they help me to beware of my own pride. One of my favorite stories is that of the Great walls of Jerusalem. Jerusalem had it's great gates that allowed thousands of travelers to come and go throughout the day. But at night those gates would be closed in order to protect it's citizens and great city from enemies. However for late travelers there was a guarded small gate called the "needles eye" these gates were small and only allowed small animals and men to walk through. At that time though camels were used often and so in order to get the camels through the needles eye they would remove all their packs from the camels back. They would then have the camels get down on their knees and in this manned they would lead the camels through the needles eye. Thus we too must remove our baggage of sin, get on our knees before the Lord and allow the Holy Ghost to guide us through this life so that we may enter into God's presence.

As a mother of 3 boys, wife, daughter, sister, friend, swim coach, respite worker, artist, massage therapist, and the relief society president of my ward life can become very busy, and almost seem impossible at times.  But I am learning something extremely important right now. I am learning to let go. I am learning to get out of the way and let the Spirit lead me. I am learning to wake up each morning and get on my knees and say "Lord, please help me. What would you have me do this day?"  and as women have said before me "behold the handmaiden of the Lord"  "Thy will be done"   I am learning to not plan a hundred things, and just do what is presented before me. I can't believe how happy I am becoming! I can't believe how much joy I find in talking to a sister in my ward, making a new friend, cleaning someone else's house, sitting down and doing a puzzle with my boys, or snuggling with my husband. I don't need riches or fame. I don't care for looking perfect, or sounding perfect, I don't need the newest styles and fashion, and I certainly don't care what the world thinks of me. I am learning to keep my eyes on God, which means yielding to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. Whatever that may mean each day, because it changes every moment.  As I stop turning on the television, and stop playing games on my phone, or trying to lay down to read a new book I find that the Holy Ghost has something more important for me to do.  Every single time we listen to the Holy Spirit and act upon the promptings we receive, it becomes easier the next time to do it.

There is a wonderful story from President Monson about when he went to give a blessing to a sister from his ward in a hospital. When he walked in a woman in another bed near this sister covered her head. He gave the blessing and as he was leaving the spirit told him to stop and visit the woman who had covered her head. He went to her and when she uncovered her head he was shocked to see that it was another sister from his ward! She had prayed that morning that someone from the ward would come see her and was saddened and embarrassed that he had not come to see her. He said to her "it does not matter that I didn't know you were here. It is important, however, that our Heavenly Father knew and that you had prayed silently for a priesthood blessing. It was He who prompted me to intrude on your privacy."

A few weeks ago in ward council we were discussing families we could help for the holidays. We talked about several families and then said a closing prayer. After the prayer a name popped into my head and I asked about her. While we spoke of her I felt the impression that I should call her, which I promptly did. As I explained to her why I was calling she broke down in tears and asked me to come visit. We had a wonderful visit and she is now being taken care of. How grateful I am that the Lord used me. Elder Christensen explains and I echo in my own words that to be led by the spirit, and to do God's will and to see the fruits of his works being done through you is the sweetest of joys.  We can each share in this joy of love and service.

Elder Cook says specifically to parents: "Parents, the days are long past when regualar, active participation in church meetings and programs, though essential, can fulfill your sacred responsibility to teach your children to live moral, righteous lives and walk uprightly before the Lord. With President Monson's announcement (of the missionary ages changing) is it essential that this be faithfully accomplished in homes which are places of refuge, where kindness, forgiveness, truth, and righteousness prevail. Parents must have the courage to filter or monitor Internet access, television, movies, and music. Parents must have the courage to say no, defend truth, and bear powerful testimony. Your children need to know that you have faith in the Savior, love your Heavenly Father, and sustain the leaders of the Church. Spiritual maturity must flourish in our homes. The moral issues of our day Must be addressed within the family.... At baptism we promise to take upon us "the name of Christ, having the determination to serve him to the end. Such a convenant requires courageous effort, commitment, and integrity. It we are to continue to sing the song of redeeming love and stay truly converted.

President Uchtdorf boldly stated that:
"Declaring our testimony of the gospel is good, but being a living example of the restored gospel is better. Wishing to be more faithful to our covenants is good; actually being faithful to sacred covenants—including living a virtuous life, paying our tithes and offerings, keeping the word of wisdom, and serving those in need—is much better. Announcing that we will dedicate more time for family prayer, scripture study, and wholesome family activities is good; but actually doing all these things steadily will bring heavenly blessings to our lives.
Discipleship is the pursuit of holiness and happiness. It is the path to our best and happiest self.
Let us resolve to follow the Savior and work with diligence to become the person we were designed to become. Let us listen to and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit. As we do so, Heavenly Father will reveal to us things we never knew about ourselves. He will illuminate the path ahead and open our eyes to see our unknown and perhaps unimagined talents.
The more we devote ourselves to the pursuit of holiness and happiness, the less likely we will be on a path to regrets. The more we rely on the Savior’s grace, the more we will feel that we are on the track our Father in Heaven has intended for us.

And I close by using his closing remarks at conference Oct. 2012  

The path toward fulfilling our divine destiny as sons and daughters of God is an eternal one. My dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, we must begin to walk that eternal path today; we cannot take for granted one single day. I pray that we will not wait until we are ready to die before we truly learn to live.