Today I mourn.
Tomorrow I will move forward.
As half of the USA celebrates the win of Joe Biden and the first woman vice president I am sure many would think negatively on my mourning. Why did I love Donald J. Trump and why would I want him to win another 4 years in office?
I was born in Houston, Texas. I was raised there until the age of 13 and then moved to Arizona. We have moved around a lot and even spent some time in Hawaii. This gave me a unique experience to understand the people of this country and even around the world as I lived in Venezuela for over a year and in Puerto Rico for some time. I have met and formed friendships with people all over the world. People that I would cry with and even call them family. I have seen the effects of other power structures, and cultures.
Growing up in Texas was a very special thing. I call it a blessing. I knew at the time that I was experiencing something powerful because at each and every experience I felt the spirit and felt a passion and love for God and country growing within me. But I didn't know how unique it was. In the Texas school system which I was blessed to be apart of, it was a regular thing to see men and women in full military uniform. We sang the National Anthem and spoke the Pledge of Allegiance with passion, commitment and sacredness. We were taught to love our Country. I was taught to love American ingenuity and entrepreneurship. At home I was taught being raised on a farm to respect the land, our animals and one another. I tended my horses, pigs, chickens, geese etc.
I'll never forget some of the beautiful moments I experienced. One was being apart of a NASA program in my elementary school. I was in a contest to join the youth NASA program. We met with many astronauts, scientists and others serving in the program. I felt so proud of what Americans had accomplished and was awed by space and Gods creations. Around the same time of my youth I went to a camp with a church group. One of the nights we retired an American flag. I still remember how I cried and how strong I felt the spirit. These experiences cultivated in me a sure knowledge that God lived and that He truly had blessed our country.
I have heard the term "American Exceptionalism" thrown around a lot recently. The problem is that it is used in a derogatory way. I can't speak for everyone, only myself. What I can say is that America is a blessed country. Not because we are better than the rest of the world, but because God blessed us as a country to represent the truth that we, as children of Him, are Born free! We are free at birth and should remain free our entire lives unless we give that freedom away because of our own choices. The blessing God has put on this country is not something to walk around proud about. It's an enormous responsibility and work. It's something that should humble us, and it's a responsibility that requires the blessing and help from God. Without God, we will fail. If our country were to fall we would see a global impact of monstrous size. It is because of this responsibility that every single American no matter young or old should invest their time and efforts into protecting the Constitution and the freedoms our brothers and sisters have fought and died for.
4 years ago a new breed of President stepped into the white house. He was loud, arrogant, and honest. His name is Donald J. Trump. He made a lot of people angry all across the board. For those that were not prepared for his personality they felt he wasn't the right fit. Over the years the Presidency has turned into a pageant show and the winner is the that looks and sounds the best. If they happen to be someone that makes headlines of a particular minority, it's great news for them! Trump was not that. He was a white, older, successful business man. I don't have the energy right now to list all of the incredible things Trumps administration accomplished. But I will say that it was monumental! They did so much! I don't think any president in our decade has come even close to his success. Most importantly he didn't waste his time on things that furthered his career and filled his pocketbook. He did what he told us he would do. He spoke Gods name and didn't remove it from the conversation nor the holidays. He restored the greatness of America and its people. And while he did this he was attacked from every angle. Why? Because while the forces of God are alive and great on the earth, so are Satan's minions and agenda. And they went to work on Trump more than they have ever worked on a President. Here is the beautiful thing. Good will always outperform the wicked. God will always raise up men and women to do good works. We are never lost as long as we put Him first.
I pray that I am wrong about this new administration. This illegitimate administration I believe, that was inaugurated today through lies, fraud, and secret combinations. My anger comes as half of our country was ignored and pushed aside. I hope that all the things we have seen, watched, and heard were "fake" videos. Because if they were true videos proving deceit and treason, I don't know how we recover from this. I pray that America will stay strong and always have God at the helm. I hope we can recover from whatever happens over the next few years. But I am afraid for the worst. We know that before the coming of Christ our country and its freedoms will hang by a thread. My fear is that we are in that time and that it's happening. I shouldn't use the word fear because I truly have faith in God and know He wins in the end of it all... But it's still a daunting future ahead of us and as I look at the country and know that a chapter just closed, I can't help but mourn what once was. Apart of me is so grateful to live in this time and era when so much good is coming forth and we are seeing miracles around the world as we prepare to usher in the last days. But another part of me is my old soul, and she longs for days past. So today, I will mourn. I will cry tears as I say goodbye to the good ol' days and age up a little. By no means am I rolling over and throwing in the towel. Tomorrow will be a day of work.
Tomorrow I will commit to move forward and not give up. Tomorrow will be a renewal of faith and a dedication to be involved locally. We have to make sure we do our part and not sit back expecting others to do all the work for us and in the way we want them to. Herein lies the problem. Too many people not understanding the importance their contributions make. Not everyone has to immerse themselves in the things of politics. But everyone should do their job in knowing what is happening, demand honesty and transparency and make sure their voices are heard. In days past everyone was involved in one way or another. Politics were spoken about over the dinner table and neighbors argued with neighbors and continued to love one another. Today politics and religion is a taboo topic that nobody wants to talk about. Everyone simple believes whatever it is that they see or hear. The problem with that is that it has become so easy to control the narrative and the stories being shown on your phone and tv. With technology the way it is, it is even simple to fake videos, sound bytes, etc.. because of this it become almost impossible to know what is real! And of course there is no accountability for these people and companies spreading their propagandas and lies.
So tomorrow I wake up positive. Tomorrow I remember to only put my trust in the arm of God. Only He remains true and honest and all knowing. Only He will not let me down. Tomorrow I continue teaching my kids the power of faith, honesty, and hard work. Tomorrow I show an example to the world of a righteous woman who will not be backed into a corner.
God bless the world.