Monday, November 24, 2008


Ryan and I have been emailing back and forth all day.

* * *

To My Engineer -
I just "built" a box to ship Kim's buckeyes to her. There was a piece of cardboard lying on the floor in the basement from the water softener, and I cut it and molded it and taped and taped and taped. I am so proud of myself.

Love - Your Not-so-Little Engineer-in-Training

PS: Who needs to buy a box at the post office in a car anyway!? Maybe I can learn to do more things around here, and we could just have one car... Or maybe not.

* * *

Hey Babe!

Sounds like I'm rubbin' off on you after all. Pretty soon you'll be out in the garage fixing the car yourself... Or maybe not (tee hee).

Love Ya!

-Proud Husband of my Not-as-big-as-she-thinks Engineer-in-training


We have an annual tradition in our home of spending the Friday night before the big Ohio State - Michigan rivalry football game making tasty peanut butter and chocolate buckeye sweets. We have converted many friends into Buckeye fans over the years, and this year was no exception.
In fact, we were lucky enough to spend the evening with good friends visiting from Madison.
What a wonderful weekend! Go Buckeyes!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

35 weeks down... 35 days to go.

What a neat coincidence - the double 35, that is.

I went to the doc again today. They estimate his weight at about 6 pounds 4 ounces, which is crazy to me, since many babies are born at that weight. Oddly, his femur length is now lagging behind his other body measurements, but the tech says it is common for certain things to grow quickly and then lag while other parts catch up.

He is still averaging right at about 35 weeks, whereas my belly is now measuring at 33 weeks. I figure that's close enough! I am now into weekly doctor's appointments (ugh!), but at least I know that means he'll be here sooner. My last ultrasound is scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving, and then... the waiting game.

Yesterday I asked the doc how early they would allow for an elective induction. As of now, the necessity for an induction based on a medical need is not likely (which I am grateful for), but I didn't know my docs' policy for electing to be induced. I know some offices have a mandatory 41-week rule.

Now you ask, why would she WANT to be induced? (No, I am really not all that uncomfortable... yet.) To be honest, it all centers around convenience. My due date is exactly one week before Christmas. Our anniversary is two days after Christmas. Bottom line: We are VERY interested in having this little guy out and home before these two "holidays."

So, I asked the doc the question. The answer? Apparently, there is a correlation between emergency c-sections and inductions of women with first babies, so my doctor's office strives to avoid inducing for non-medical reasons as much as possible. Oh no!

And now I put the questions to you: What are your thoughts on induction, specifically first baby induction? Am I being selfish to try to "schedule" his birthday around Christmas and our anniversary? Does anyone have experience with pitocin-contractions vs. natural-contractions? If you were induced for non-medical reasons, how long after your due date did they make you wait/did you choose to wait?

Yes, I am full of questions... and hopefully, you will be full of comments! Bring 'em on.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Peoria Baby Shower

Last weekend my new friends here in Peoria threw me a Baby Shower. It was perfect: one simple game, great new friends, delicious breakfast casseroles, good conversation, and wonderful gifts.

Unfortunately, I handed my new camera to a friend unaware that Ryan had been messing with the settings the night before, and this is how all my photos turned out:
It is a cool setting (you can pick whatever color you want for it to grab), but it is kinda strange for people shots.

Thankfully, one of the hosts was also taking pictures, and she saved the day and gave me all her photos.
Anyone know of someone more excited about diapers!?
This gift was probably the hit of the party. It is a growth chart to hang on the wall, and she even matched the colors to Baby’s room. I love it!

Thanks everyone for coming! We had a great time.