Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Happy 4th, Katelyn!

Kate is FOUR!

Kate's birthday started with strawberry rolls (like cinnamon rolls but with pink frosting) for breakfast.

After the brothers were off to school, we headed to Build-a-Bear. More than anything for her birthday this year, Kate wanted to get her dolly's leg fixed. She got her last year for her birthday, and she's been well-loved in the mean time. 

I also couldn't resist getting her this year's pay-your-age birthday bear. While the saleslady did the stitching, we wandered around shopping for clothes. She picked out a new outfit for Dolly, an Anna (from Frozen) dress outfit. We also got the new birthday bear a birthday t-shirt and tutu.

After lots of pictures, we headed next door to Claire's, where I got her a little unicorn lip gloss.

Next up was lunch at Chick-fil-a. She had nuggets and fruit and played on the play place.

Then we headed to HEB to pickup her unicorn cake and some pink ice cream before heading home for a nap.

For dinner, she picked spaghetti, meatballs & salad (Ranch, croutons, carrots, cucumbers). Then she opened her presents - a new backpack for school, a pink ballerina bear, sparkly play dough, and two Pinkalicious books.

After presents, we did the unicorn cake and ice cream.

And there was even some time to play with the new play dough before bed.  It was a great day!

My baby is four...

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

First Day of School

Van Raub Elementary
Boerne, TX

First day at the new school!

Collin - 5th grade, Stewart & Carroll

 Brennan - 3rd grade, Hall & Shipman

Ethan - Kindergarten, Lisle

Everyone was excited and ready to go bright and early. Prayers for a great year!