Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can't wait to grow up

Aubree found my wedding dress in my closet the other day and instantly started begging me to try it on. I tried to explain to her that their was no way it was going to fit but she just wouldn't let up. Finally, I just told her that if she would get all of her chores done, I would let her try it on. I've never seen a three year old get their chores done so quickly. You should have seen her as soon as she put it on. She was ecstatic! The look on her face was like she had died and gone to heaven.

Kamree's new dog

Yes, we had to get a new dog. This is our new dog Cooper that we adopted from the pound. We had to get a new dog because Klade and Kamree had just spent the past two weekends building a dog house and that very morning that the other dog got hit, Klade had just picked up a huge 100 pound bag of dog food. We had too much invested to just go dogless. The kids love this dog. He is a cross between a beagle and a corgie.

random family photo's

It was Sunday afternoon and I had decided it had been a really long time since we had a family picture taken. So, spur of the moment I made everyone get nice clothes on and we used our tripod to take a quick family photo.(the most amazing part was Klade and the kids actually cooperated.) Certainly nothing professional but it was fun just to get everyone in the picture.

Monday, November 3, 2008

a SAD day!

In Memory of Beezer.
We had a very sad thing happen at our house on Saturday. Our cute little dog Beezer ran out into the Highway and got hit by a car. It was a sad sad day. The kids all cried and are constanly thinking about all the fun things they did with Beezer. Good thing he showed up in all of our pictures so we will always remember him.

Cute costumes for cute kids

Kamree the Magical Magician
Kamree finally decided to be a magician just 2 days before Halloween. The day before Halloween I headed to the D.I. to see if I could find a purple tie or something to go with her black cape when I just happened upon this super perfect "Magician Costume" for just $3. Even the D.I. has their Halloween costumes on a 50% off sale the day before Halloween. I am so proud of myself for this great "Find".

Kelton the Skeleton Man

Aubree the Pretty Princess
Just before we headed out to go trick-or-treating. Yes. Real trick or treating. I was so glad to hear that our ward does the real door to door trick or treat. I was getting really bored of the trunk or treat candy fest thing. We had a great time and the kids have already eaten all their candy which is a good thing. (you don't get that much candy trick or treating when the houses aren't that close together out here) The sugar high and candy wrappers all over the house only lasted 2 days. (yeah!)

All that Halloween stuff

Fun Fall Festivities at the Pumpkin Patch in Paul
(betcha can't say that 3 times in a row)

Goldilocks tried out this pumpkin but it was too small.

I think I'll take this one.

Can a cute guy like me just go for a ride in the cute wheelbarrow?

Goldilocks says this one is just right if I can just pick it up.

Bloody Fingers for Halloween Dinner

We decided to paint our pumpkins this year. Kamree did the cool pirate one. Aubree did the pretty pink one in the middle and I did the Spider one. Pretty cool Eh?
Aubree's preschool Halloween party followed by a ladies luncheon of soup and breadsticks with all the moms. Fun Day. The kids ate bloody fingers for lunch this day also.

The Concrete Guys came to pour our sidewalk and steps just 2 days before Halloween. We thought the yellow caution tape made a great addition to the Halloween Decor.
It made it look like a haunted house