Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A LATE Valentines tribute to my family

An afternote: I started this Valentines Day tribute on Feb. 10 and I am finally finishing it on March 8th. ( See how long it takes me to finish something)

Klade and I were having a discussion the other day about Valentines Day. After walking through the rows and rows of stuffed red and white bears and cheap chocolates at Wal-Mart, I came home and told him that I think that Valentines Day has to be the Cheesiest holiday on the planet. I started thinking about this and decided it's not the holiday itself that is so bad, just the commercial and cheesy way most people try to show their loved ones how much they care. I decided that I do want my loved ones to know how much I love them and should express it to them more often. That is why I am doing this tribute to my family. The past few weeks around here have just been kind of a laid back winter with not much excitement going on. However, it has given me plenty of time to just hang out at home and be with my kids which I have enjoyed so much. Here are some thoughts that I have had about my family lately.

Kamree has always been our little adventurer. She has such a great personality! She always has the dare to be different. I cannot believe how much creativity she has. (as you can well see from the pictures) There is never a dull moment in her life. She will make anything into a game and is always seeking for a new adventure.
Kamree loves to be the center of attention and will usually find a way to get the attention that she so loves.
Kamree has an amazing ability to make friends. Everytime I go anywhere with her, she has people popping out of nowhere to say "Hi Kamree" . She genuinely loves people and is good at showing it. She is always wanting to take a plate of cookies to someone or wanting to go do something nice for a neighbor.
Kamree is such an awesome sister and an amazing daughter. I have never seen a kid who loves to come home from school and play with her brother and sister the way Kamree does. I have a hard time getting her to do her chores or homework because she is always being distracted by some game she is playing with Aubree or Kelton. I love the way she brings so much spirit and excitement into our home. She Is the oldest child by almost 5 years and she doesn't always enjoy all the extra responsibilities that come along with it, but she handles it well. I feel so blessed to have such an enthusiastic daughter who is so good at helping me with the kids and keeping the "fun" in our house. I love you so much Kamree. Happy Valentines Day
Love, Mom


The best way to describe Aubree is our little sweetheart. From the minute she was born, she was our little quiet kid. She is so sweet. She just loves to play dress up all day long. She is just as good at playing by herself as she is at playing with friends. She is super easy-going as long as she doesn't get too tired. When she is tired, you better watch out. Lately, we have been playing Cinderella almost everyday. For some reason, I am always the wicked stepmother, and Klade is always Prince Charming. This works well when I am trying to get her to do some work, as long as I can convince her that it is a job that Cinderella would do.
Aubree is such a loving little girl. She loves to give hugs and snuggle by you. She is easily entertained for hours with a box of crayons and a coloring book. She will never let you put her to bed without a book. The girl loves to be read to. She will soon be 4 years old and she is always making us laugh with her cute little things that she says. Aubree loves to shop, go to a friends house, and play with Kelton. Those two get along great. This should last a little longer until Kelton gets old enough to realize he's playing girl games, and then I am pretty sure he won't be such a great playmate.
Aubree can melt almost anyone's heart with her beautiful curly hair and her cute little dimpled smile. Aubree, it is so much fun to have you around as my little helper all day. Thanks for being my little sweetheart. Happy Valentines Day!

Love, mom

Kelton- My cute little Monkey

Kelton started out being my hardest baby but has turned into the cutest and happiest little b0y you have ever seen.
He is definitely a mischevious little thing. He really keeps us on our toes around here.
Oh Yeah! Did I already mention he is very happy?
Most kids will come running to their parents when they get picked up from nursery. Kelton comes bouncing to me. He is like a little Tigger. He bounces and hops everywhere he goes and he always does it with the biggest grin on his face. He is just so loveable. He is finally starting to talk pretty good. I love to hear what new words he comes up with everyday. He started climbing out of his crib for awhile, but he always gets stuck on the way down, so I think he just gave up on and decided it was easier to just stay in there and get his nap over with. (lucky me) Kelton is also my snuggliest kid. He is spoiled. He loves to be held and rocked to sleep at night. He always tells me "rock a bye baby" meaning he wants me to rock him before I lay him down.

He can't wait until spring so he can go outside and play. He loves to be outside! We love you to pieces Kelton.

Where do I start with Klade? What is not to love about a guy with such a great sense of style? ( see 1st pic below) He is the best husband and father ever. He works super hard all day and then comes home each night to a crazy wife and a bunch of rambunctious kids and never complains about it. He loves to spend time with his family. He does not have many hobbies because he feels guilty spending money or time on anything unless his entire family is involved and enjoying it also. Instead of spending money or time on such things as golf, snowmobiling, hunting etc., He spends it all just doing stuff with us. (He says he will do some of these things later in life when his kids are old enough to do it with him) He is the most unselfish guy I know.

He would eat peanut butter sandwiches for lunch everyday if it means more money to spend on me and the kids to do other things. He is always working so hard to make sure the house, yard, cars etc. are in good shape and in running order. He is the best Dad. Always making sure he spends time reading with the kids and there is never a day that he doesn't walk in the door from work and ask "What can I do to help?" (Maybe it's just because he's hungry)

Thanks for everything. Happy Valentines Day!

OH Yeah! Did I mention he can fall asleep anywhere, anytime in a split second?