So.... Last night Kamree was giving our family home evening lesson. We were having a lesson on the true meaning of Christmas. The conversation went something like this....
Kamree: Does anyone know why we celebrate Christmas?
Kelton: so we can have snow...
Me: (trying to prompt him to the appropriate answer) Kelton, do you know why we put up the tree and lights?
Kelton: Because they are nice decoratings.
Me: let's try this again. Do you know who was born that we celebrate his birthday?
Kelton: I know. Kelton's birthday. (he was right. His b-day IS in December)
Kamree: Pointing to the baby Jesus. Kelton, do you know who this is and why we celebrate his birth?
Kelton: Baby Joseph Smith. (So. he was close again. At least his birthday is also in December)
Me: Kelton, do you know why we give each other presents and have a big party for Christmas?
Kelton: So we don't run out of toys.
There you have it. The real reason we have Christmas according to my 3 year old son is so we don't run out of toys. It looks like I have a ways to go with this kid. We will be having more discussions on the true meaning of Christmas soon.
Just a sidenote: Aubree's answers were of course something like this: Because that is when the baby Jesus was born in swaddling clothes in a manger in Bethlehem because there was no room in the inn when Joseph and Mary rode the donkey to pay their taxes etc. etc. etc. ( no details left out.)
We can always hope that someday her knowledge will be transferred to her younger brothers.