Wednesday, September 15, 2010

what a guy

Who knew that this rugged looking pipe moving redneck would......

someday become my super good looking distinguished looking husband.

Honey, all I can say is that it's a good thing you filled out a bit before I met you...

Happy Birthday Baby!!!

Just wanted to tell you a bit about a wonderful guy I know....

He is such a hardworker.

He never does anthing halfway. If Klade built it, you can bet it will be strong.

He is such a good leader. I am constantly hearing comments like "oh. Your Klade's Wife" He is such a great guy.

He loves his kids and it shows.

He is always thinking of ways to do things better

He is always thinking of new ways to spend quality time with his family and have so many fun times together.

He is always putting others before himself.

He sacrifices so much to make sure that his wife and kids have the things they enjoy.

He is just an overall super great guy and we love him soooo much.

I just thought I would tell you a story about my great intentions....

You see Klade is super hard to buy gifts for. I can NEVER think of anything to get him for his birthday. He never spends money on himself or would he want us to spend money on him. (my mom gave him a gift card last year to Cal-Ranch and after hanging on to it for about 6 months, he finally used it one day to buy dog food. Seriously. true story.)

Anyway.... since he's so hard to buy for I decided that this year I would have a nice dinner waiting for him at home and a clean house.

Well Tuesdays are kinda busy around here. Kindergarten carpool, dance class, pto meeting, soccer practice, etc. put a little wrinkle in my plans.

He came home to a roast beef that was a little tough because it didn't have enough time to cook, the gravy never actually got made, a birthday cake that was a little burnt around the edges, the house was a mess, the kids were loud, and it was pretty much just like every other night around here. pretty much Chaos!

Of course, no complaints from my guy. He just takes it all in stride and loves us anyway.

Here's to a birthday wish a day late!!!(You should know how I work by now)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oh What do you do in the summertime?

I used to think the last couple weeks of August were all about winding down, getting things done, and getting ready for school. Not this year. I decided we were going to try and fit in as many fun things as we can before school starts. We had one last boat ride, one last lemonade stand, playing in the sprinklers, popsicles, and of course the county fair.

I don't have any pictures of the county fair, but I just have to tell you the story about Kamree winning the $10 at the rodeo. Every year the rodeo is the highlight of the fair. Probably because it is exactly the same rodeo that I grew up watching from the time I can remember. same clown. Same announcer. ( They aren't kidding when they joke around with each other about how old they are.) Anyway, at the Cassia county fair, they do a thing where they let all the kids in the arena (all 400+) . Then they let out 10 cows with a washer tied to their tales. The kids are supposed to try to get the washer off the cows tail and give it to the clown who then gives them money. Well, of all the 400 kids this year, our dear Kamree got one of the ten washers. That's how she won $10. It was so fun to see the proud look on her face. It's a good thing she won because the kids are supposed to be 10 and under and next year she will be too old.

Kamree and all her neighborhood friends had been wanting to do a lemonade stand all summer. We finally got it done on the last Friday before school started (the official last day of summer) even though the highs were only in the 60's that day, they managed to pull off a profit. (even if their main customers were their younger siblings). I had to take them to the stake center because our neighborhood doesn't exactly work for lemonade stands.
You can't have summer without running through the sprinklers

Playing in the pool,
Eating popsicles and blowing bubbles.

playing catch up

It seems like July was sooo busy. I think I will be forever trying to play catch up on my blog. Below are some pictures of a couple of fun Mills Family reunions. My brothers (who have recently all moved away) were all in town this weekend so we had a quick little reunion and day of fun. We spent half the day boating and the other half picnicing and playing on the waterslides at Steadmans. It was such a fun day. It will probably be awhile before we get everyone together again.

All the cousins (& Grandma) cruisin on the tubes.

I just love this kids enthusiasm. His excitement just boils over.

The weekend previous, we were at Green Canyon (1/2 way between Rexburg and Driggs) at an aunts, uncles, and cousins reunion. Kamree spent most of the time in this fun creek catching fish and building dams.

They also took a couple of fun 4-wheeler rides.
What a beautiful view from the top of the mountain.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Vacation to the Beach - Idaho Syle

It may not be Caribbean blue or white sands, but the kids love the beaches at the American Falls Reservoir. They would rather play on the beach than go in the boat.

Blue water as far as the eye can see (If there were palm trees it would look like a Royal Caribbean commercial).

Mom is always nervous on the tube, so Kelton and Aubree keep her from falling off.

Kamree picked up on wakeboarding in 3 tries. Now she wants to snowboard come winter

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yes. I know. It has been a very long time since I have updated my blog. We have had computer and internet problems all summer. I have gotten so far behind that I don't know where to start. Below are a few things we have been doing the past month in no particular order. Hopefully more will follow soon.

Good old fashioned fun

The highlight of our summer was welcoming "Grandma and Grandpa Williams" home from their mission. We celebrated by going to the cabin. They did some fun "Old Nauvoo" games with us each evening to share with us a little from their mission. They did a wonderful job and we are so glad to have them home.

Learning how to braid.
learning how to walk on stilts. Kamree got really good at this. She got so good she could go all the way around the cabin and up and down the stairs.

Kelton showing off his "Diamond Ring". He looks pretty serious about it.

Fun little songs and dances.

What an awesome grandma

our sweet little boy is 1

Our sweet little Kolby had his birthday last week. I can't believe how fast that year went by. I know this sounds crazy but he also started walking right on his first birthday. It was like he just knew that was what a one year old is supposed to do. It is so fun to watch him. We had a fun little evening with just our family eating cake and opening presents. He is such a fun little boy. He brings so much joy to our home. The kids adore him so much they practically smother him.
Happy Birthday Kolby!