The last day of the year.....
On this day I take a look back through 2006. This was a joyful but on the other part also difficult year. It started
perfect in January with my first trip outside Europe. DH Robin and I went on a 9 days trip to Orlando, Florida. We had a great time, visited Universal Studio's, Seaworld and Disney where I met one of my big friends, unluckely he wasn't accompagnied by little Piglet..... In March I celebrated my 50th birthday and had a visit from my friend Imi, who brought as a surprise Christa from Denmark and a big bag full of presents from the Sewpals, an Internet quiltgroup I belong to. We spend 2 days together, visiting nice places, quiltshops and had a High Tea. In May I went to Ontario, to a quiltmeeting of the Engelbees, another quiltgroup I belong to. The Canadian members had organised this meeting and I have had the time of my life over there! We visited so many quiltshops, restaurants, the Waterloo Quiltfestival, the Niagara Falls and met quiltfriends from Canada, USA, Norway, Denmark and England. Dear Bonnie, Barbie and Lola, once again thanks for your wonderful organisation and friendship!
In June the bad part of the year started, I got seriously ill but recovered, my DH got operated for the 4th time, a 5th time followed in November and I got pneumonia for the 3th time, also I lost my job, I am now working for a temporary employment agency and searching for a new job.
But let's forget that, a good thing is that I stepped in the world of Crazy Quilting and this brought me a lot of diversion. I joined the CQForNewbies and ChainsofHearts list and did great swaps and got acquainted with a lot of nice people over there...
From this place I wish for everyone that the coming year may be the best ever!