Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Credit To Her Uniform

Thanks for your service, Sgt. Amanda Pinson.

Via Dean Esmay.

Total Solar Ecilpses Aren't Rare

On average there's one every 18 months, according to, but they are only visible on a very small portion of the earth's surface each time.

The News Is Like A Snickers Bar

There's some nutrition, but it's really mind candy.

Via Dean Esmay.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

This Is Why I Don't Buy The Paper, Anymore...

They don't print the stories of heroes, like this one.

Be a Pirate!

Even as a kid I never wanted to be a pirate. With me it was always a knight, or an inventor. But with this fleet, and these rules, I'm thinking of hoisting the Jolly Roger.