Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Vanished Friends

Hi everybody and a Happy New Year to all!
This shows the progression of a page I
did for The Virtual Paintout for January 2015 where
 the theme for the entire month is Philadelphia.
We can upload up to 3 on the site each month
and this month I may only do one as I have
some other exciting classes to  attend.
Below is the initial pencil sketch done from a
Google Street view I found...that I liked
so many of the details and the two boys
on the steps....I darken the work to
upload so you can see it much better...but it
was quite light.
the next photo show the inking done and that is
also darkened...and not as easy to see as the
scan is. I included the pen which I like
for some work but it turned out it was too thin
for this one and I went over the lines in the end with my
favorite Uniball Vision waterproof fine pen.,,,it
gave me the punch I wanted.  Also I took
this whole work very slowly and you see some of the
notes I made of observations I wanted to
keep in mind. I don't usually do this and thought
 it helped me a lot. 

Here is the final work done in tube watercolors
using waterbrushes for most of it..This street
was tree lined and some people had plants
under the windows etc.  This place
 may have seeds started in the little
 plot by the steps.  The reflections were from
similar houses across the street and trees.
Since this is a small work, about
8 by 5 inches, I left out the coffee cup and
can of soda between the boys...
As I worked on this the song
The Streets of Philadelphia played
over and over in my head and other
thoughts combined to make this a statement
for me on the ones we knew and lost through
the years to the streets or elsewhere---each with
poignant memories and the hope that
all was as it had to be....

Monday, November 24, 2014

Texture Time

Below see watercolor painting spread of
textures I usually do with acrylics..
I could only do them as I wanted, if
I matte sprayed between layers of
applied texture...
Another texture work I love---a photo of
an old beaten boat in a boat school yard in
Eastport Maine....I am shooting upwards..
let me know if you look at
 this upload to Winnas World as I don't
think anyone looks at it
 and have been wicked lax in posting.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lobster Cove Headlight

This is in the north western part of New Foundland where it is very rocky and the coastline much indented...from a CC photo by Lukester 878.....I wanted to try some sort of study with pastel
pencils I hardly ever touch as I am pretty clueless about them and pastel dust bothers me. One thing leads to another and the lighthouse  beckoned to be my subject to fool around with them.  I played way too much I think, as I felt freshness starting to escape...so that meant stop and here it is
done on toned paper....it was a learning time ....and that's always a good thing...I'd love to hear from you in the comments, if you've the time....the size of the image is 4" by 5"....

Friday, November 15, 2013

Quentin of Roseville

being a member of Julia Kay Portrait group I do
 a portrait every once in a while
and like to try different tools .....this is
using metallic gold and white pencils...
on black paper
Since it has a mysterious feel
 I liked it...although
it may not be the greatest likeness..
it is .......my "take"
If you're a first time visitor to this site
please enjoy looking around and leave a
comment ....

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Color Play Page

all work on the right side of this
 blog are paintings I have done
Please notice to the right of this post is a place to click
to take you to my flickr site....
this spread does not scan nor photo good...
if I get the scene side right then the color
tests are too dark....if I get
 the color tests right the scene page is too light....
But...here it is and you get the idea...
you see colors used in the Australia house etc but then
I added and added and then inked the shapes etc.
Kept me busy for awhile...
here is the Australian street view
not looking washed out
a shot of some of the many flags that whip around 
when you go to the Big E when it's darn cold. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Backdoor Shadowplay

Don't forget to left click to see much larger
first there was pencil
then there was ink
then watercolors
This open door with shadows cast from an overhead
awning caught my eye at the old Mordasky
Homestead...the family I married into
eons ago....this back porch always had so many
plants to care for each day and no awning
back then...
Doors are a photo category I
will add to until my cold still
fingers can no longer
click the camera..
 if you scroll way down you see the words "older posts"
and that will take you back for a long ways etc.

to comment just click where it says "no comments"
then type your comment...
sign it and then click 'anonymous'
for the easiest way
(make sure you sign it or I'll never know
who it is from)