Hello all and happy Wednesday to you all. It's been a very busy week here while I've been here....we had a night over in Blackpool on Saturday to watch Lexi dancing at the Tower Ballroom. Lots of very proud moments and I will share a few pics on Friday if you'd like to see.
On my desk this week has been a lot of bear making.
I managed to cut out the 12 bears I had to make before going away so Monday morning saw my desk looking like this....the 9 at the back are already sewn and the 3 on my ironing board are cut out and pinned together ready.
They all needed backing with iron on interfacing to stabilise them so that meant cutting out 48 panels to make the 12 bears!!
I had the help of my bear stuffer...he's a gem. We make a great team.
I managed to make these 9 on Monday. They are made in memory of a much loved Grandad and the two on the front with purple on also had panels added to remember a daughter/mum.
I made these three yesterday in memory of a 14 year old young man who died on his quad bike....so sad.
I get to share so many sad stories but I know just how much these bears will help his family.
That's all from me for this week. I hope you're all keeping well and happy. I hope to pop to see what you're busy with when I can find a minute between my sewing jobs.
Annie x